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 Feb 2017 dSteine
Cait Harbs
It is not in being heard,
but in having spoken,
in hearing your admissions -
the haunting silence broken.
 Feb 2017 dSteine
Scarlet Rose
I keep trying to fill the void
With other people's voices.

It feels so quiet
Without you here.
 Feb 2017 dSteine
Mr. Bukowski,
Well, does that house next door still,
make you sad?
With the two kids and all, in bed by 9
And the absent mom and dad
I need to know
And Mr. Bukowski,
How fair the ice cream people?
Do they vote still,
For a cruel man?
You didn't vote,
Nor do most of we
The insane
Do you carry a vote now?
I need to know
And Mr. Bukowski,
How the hell is Cass?
She's kept me awake
Many nights,
Is she still beautiful?
I bet so
And Mr. Bukowski,
What of the girlfriends,
You didn't wish to see?
Do you see them?
I need to know
And Mr. Bukowski,
I miss you.
Mr. Charles Bukowski is one of my all time favourite writers. He makes me laugh, wail right out loud like a child and grin. Sometimes all at once. And I miss his works.

— The End —