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 Sep 2013 cursed
izzat haziq
she call me last night
she said she miss me
wanted to see me for the last time
i asked her
"are you leaving me"
she was silent

that night we talked for hours
we lost track of time
school was hell as usual for her
she'd never been a popular girl
an introvert who preferred to date books rather than to date guys
i was her only exception
  she said her brother had always been a nuisance
she loved him nevertheless though
her mom brought her a new dress
and her dad was planning to buy her a car
it was a pretty banal conversation
one that i could never in my wildest dream thought it was our last one
i was staring at her face
through the dark dimmed display
i can see her eyes
flickering brilliantly
she was happy
but i couldn't  decipher what
Was the cause of her sudden

"i'm gonna leave you soon"
"are you breaking up with me"
"then why"

she backed off from the screen
and came back with a gun
1 2 3 she pulled the trigger
it went straight to her head
i could see blood
creating an abstract visual
on her white-washed wall
she slumped in front of her computer
the skype session ended

 Sep 2013 cursed
Am I not Heard?
Wherever I see are fools.
Converse Everyday like toyed tools.
Am I not Heard?
Seeing these artificial priests.
Question is,do they practice what they preach?

I have a voice.
I want to break the stereotype wall.
Breaking the division and stand so tall.
I have a voice.
I will put the world in order.
Correct the mistakes of our past father.
I have a voice.
Whatever I say is genuine.
I promise that I will change this world from within.

I am the future,
The epitome of change,
Every syllable I say is the truth,
that, I must say.

You can laugh at this poem,
At the ideas and the words,
Call me an idealist or a fool,
but contemplate at it first,
When our voices combine, we can amplify.
Change this world with our voice, no one shall defy.
This is our future, our generation.
We are the progress.
Stand back you elders,
Let us handle the rest.
The poem is about a child who wishes to change this world with his voice. The child was sick and tired of this so called 'world' that the older generation created.
P.S: this is my first time, my English isn't exactly perfect, there must grammatical errors somewhere. Sorry. have fun reading.
 Aug 2013 cursed
Dorothy Quinn
Don’t ever tell me again
that you know,
that you understand -
you don’t and you can’t.
Because you are who I used to be;
breaking hearts and losing count
of the amount of times you kissed someone
just to feel warmth in your frigid, wandering body.
I know who you are,
and I knew before I let my lips breathe your name
the very first time
that I could never make a home inside
a body as cold as yours.
I tried anyway.

You can’t understand.
but just know,
that someday you’ll fall in love
(not with a girl)
with a woman’s collarbones
and freckles, and
sleepy conversations at 3 am.
You will understand,
and you will know,
when she wrenches out your heart
and watches it fall to the bottom
of the Pacific,
because she doesn’t have time for love
or you, or loose ends.
She moves one thousand miles a minute,
and you will understand
what it feels like
to make a home inside a heart
that doesn’t want you.
I swear.

this could be reality,
the way she smiles
the looks she gives to me
along with her door key
could this be

How do I know that this is not a dream
or a scene that I've seen
in a play where I have been and have been taken in by the story line.
how do I know that this is real, this time
could it be
reality and we
do belong ,are we the words that fit together in this song, or in another rhyme,
is this the time
are you really mine am I yours?

Who pours these fantasies,who makes the tea
is this a dream
or is this reality?
 Aug 2013 cursed
Seán Mac Falls
Times tackle on the threads.
We beat the strand seahorse
Dashed, unfurl the curling
Toes, your body twists
In the boat, only ribs
From the spirit waters.  
Your fish fins from the net,
My rod pins on the pine
And the hooked meat, your barb,
Reels as it plays the swampy
Moan of the gutted bait.
 Aug 2013 cursed
warm black coffee syrup
down my esophagus
it's a shame
you kinged me when you did
because i have more to offer
than those sweet mint nights
out in those cars
and as much as i wish
i knew how to whisper
to the bees,
I'm glad I can't
I'd rather keep the sting a mystery

I hate to sleep in my own bed-
it is already filled with ghosts
and everything plastered on my walls
is a reminder of everything
i have failed to achieve

your elbow excites me
because the angles
tell me stories of when dew
settled on grass

but those stories are
strictly for my dreams
 Aug 2013 cursed
The Whisper
 Aug 2013 cursed
The Whisper
So it begins.
The end, but not the end.
The end of a chapter. The end of a stanza.
A sheltered life; the life of my past.

Fear; t'was my struggle.
The fear of being held back.
But the struggle to free myself from restraint,
Became my very shackles.
I was my own prisoner,
In these walls that I've built, so high.

I hear in the air, the call of a Siren.
A call to my soul. A call to my fate.
The Siren of change.
She announces my time.
The time of rebirth.
My hour of epiphany.

I am awake.
I can breathe. I am free.
Free from myself. Free from my sins.
This is where the new chapter begins.
 Aug 2013 cursed
Hannah Drew
we traced outlines of our frames
in chalk on sidewalks

You asked me if I would marry you under the oak tree
in your backyard with fireflies as our
I said, I do

We started kindergarten
today and I asked you to
build our future house out of legos
you looked at me like I had three heads and
pushed me down.
They said, Boys will be boys
you said the same thing on my porch that
afternoon but you gave me a flower you picked
from your mother’s garden and said you wouldn’t do it again.

You stopped coming over to catch fireflies
and hold my hand.
My mom said that we grew apart
but I told her that we had promised to get married
in spring in your parents yard under the tree we climbed
that year when I fell and broke my arm.
She told me I fell in love like a child
how could i fall in love any other way?

So isn’t it fitting that I fell in love with a Boy
afraid of heights?
Who never even had foreknowledge of what it felt like to fall.
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