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Dylan Whisman
20/M/Southern California    Dylan Whisman is my name. Whether these poems are my own doing, or that they find me through holes in me, here they are for …
22/F/New Zealand   
Everywhere    What you may call poetry is what I call beautiful ramblings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All works here are copyrighted by me - Neex (Naomi) - unless …
Chesca R
A corner of the universe    I post all my crappy poems here. Sometimes I need a place to put aside my thoughts. ** This is my second account here and …
its gonna make sense
26/Two-Spirit/Philippines    doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok …
Ricci Moon ScottBCM
The Inn Between    Trying, Failing, Trying Failing, Trying Succeeding, Whining and Complaining, Walking and Falling, Rising and Banging My Head Against This Wall Again, Sign, Signs, Signs EveryWhere …
Annalise Berkeley
this is the wonder that keeps the stars apart
Charlie Smith
United Kingdom    Hey I'm Charlie :) I have schizoaffective disorder and use poetry as an outlet, I hope my writing makes you feel something.
Earl Jane
Carla Blaschka
Seattle, WA    Carla Blaschka took a whack at life and life whacked her back. Ow, she cried, she drank and lied until one night she spied, in …

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