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 Nov 2013 CRH
i feel like i don't have any poetry anymore. it's cool, you guys haven't been digging my recent stuff anyway. maybe i finally got it all out, maybe i'll be ok now. thanks for reading...don't know if or when i'll be back...could be tomorrow, could be never. i like unpredictable
 Nov 2013 CRH
here we are again

as we count the new day away/
one, two, three
in the morning.

four, five, ***
seven days in a week.

playing on our words.
we're weak.
i'm weak.
so weak.

here we are again.
 Nov 2013 CRH
Rose Garden
 Nov 2013 CRH
You remind me of my first acid trip.
Of all the quirky people in the world
holding handfuls of trees

You're the one I would like
to wrap in ivy leaves and
take home.

Can you believe me?

I will unwrap you in a year and we will
find god under the sea.
Swimming like seagulls, fishing like carpenters—
we have no skills but we will build a house.

It will be a simple house.
 Nov 2013 CRH
Caroline K
 Nov 2013 CRH
Caroline K
I don't want to be alone.
I search in the eyes of others
for the spark that yours hold.
Only through liquor
do I sometimes see a faint flicker of you.
I don't want to be alone.
I crave the one that takes all my broken pieces
and creates them to be whole.
The one, who from just a silent sight
can create a smile to grow.
But like a cloudy night
vacant of stars,
I am alone.
And it's okay.
 Nov 2013 CRH
Cancer (10w)
 Nov 2013 CRH
Too young to suffer and die
Perfect age to cry
Sorry sad for 10 w Tuesday!
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