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 Jan 2014 CRH
a year ago
you told me
that i am
filled with

(( ))
 Jan 2014 CRH
My mom gave me $30 for a taxi as a plan B
in case you couldn't drive me home if we drank.
We drank and I stayed the night—
but I still used the $30 for plan B.
Sometimes I think I **** up just so I can write about it.
True story.
 Jan 2014 CRH
maria angelina
i think that fragile people are attracted to me
like someone who is lost in the woods
would find a berry bush,
but they don't know i'm poison.
i look like someone who will be gentle with you,
but that's just the surface,
and if you scratch it neither of us will get out in one piece.
i wouldn't go out of my way to hurt you,
but i might not go out of my way to keep you safe either.
so run while you still can.
run, don't even give me the chance to hurt you.
stay away from sunshowers like me.
my sunny skies will keep you so distracted
you won't even notice the rain
until you're soaked to the bone.
so stay away from my cold war heart
and my civil war mouth,
for both of our sakes.
i'm sorry i smile like i want  you safe.
i should come with warning labels,
with signs that say "beware,"
and caution tape around my heart.
i should look poisonous, not innocent.
 Jan 2014 CRH
 Jan 2014 CRH
I will breath
I will live
I will love
I will cry
I will laugh
I will see
I will read
I will write
I will ride
For the rest
We have
 Dec 2013 CRH
Poetry conceals the meaning
But reveals the emotions.
It speaks of love,
But lies about the pain.
It shines bright as it exalts,
But shades the motives within.
Poetry cleanses the soul,
Yet releases the beasts within.
 Dec 2013 CRH
 Dec 2013 CRH
Brushing long gray fur
Heavy boy, your purr soothes me
Dearest feline friend
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