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 Aug 2013 cresun
maybella snow
i've no effort                                            
i just want to sleep                                                
but the world    
or everything    
and everything
and it seems
only tears                                                    
or just crying                                                          
tires me out                                                  
exhausts me                                              
just enough                                                          
for me to fall
into a subconscious
sleep or
maybe sleep
- might be
sleep -
but it's just                              
not     e n o u g h                                
to sustain me                        
and it has
resulted in
self formed                                                            
that unfortunately                                                
results in blood                                                
all    t o o    much                                                                
i'm too sad
i cry myself
to half — maybe
— sleep
 Aug 2013 cresun
Evan Backward
 Aug 2013 cresun
Evan Backward
So it's scary
I know that,
And I think you know that too.
Yet I want to say "but it's so much worse"
and I can't because it isn't.
It isn't so much worse
It's just that words can only convey
So much.
It's hard
I'm hurt
I cried
She died
The sorrow
The worst
It's just that kind of
A page break, a fourth wall,
And in the stages of my mind,
I can't play for you what I'm thinking
And I don't expect you to do it in kind.
I can only listen and hold your hand.
Because all I want for you is joy.
Not joy like Christmas Eve at age 6
When mommy made turkey
And you can't help but giggle when you see that big box,
From: Santa.
Joy like, sitting in silence on the beach,
Silent inside and out.
Joy like, sobbing uncontrollably and pulling yourself together
Because she treated you with compassion.
Joy like contentedness, like satisfaction.
Joy, knowing that this mess is just because you're
A mouth on his head
Another on his back
Twice as many things are said.

Some said to the face
The rest said to your back
Like your face is a disgrace.

What kind of friend is that?
 Aug 2013 cresun
To love and be loved in return is to feel your breath leave your body
In a violent flash of epileptic trauma.
It is to look at the rain and have said
"I named you.
And you me.
Forever can now number his days."
It is to sit down with a tear guiding gentle sobs down your cheek
To love and be loved
Is to touch a beautiful flower with no recollection
Of the death your oily hands brought it.
Until its beauty is not but a memory.
 Aug 2013 cresun
rained-on parade
Your eyes.
Your voice,
and most of all,
you in your green blazer
with your hair swept to a side
and a shy smile.

not your smile.

No, not now.

Your smile not now.
Because you are smiling now
with your peaceful eyes
in your sharp green blazer
to the girl sitting across the hall
while I
am walking out the **** door.
Traveling Parades with a Rained-on Traveler #3
I met a woman with thoughts so loud
that they killed the silence
and became a crowd

I met a woman with a complicated mind
that left her alone wondering
if she had left herself behind

I met a woman with a soul so frail
that she didn't share it with anyone
so she turned out to be a mysterious tale

I met a woman with words so strong
that whatever she said to you
you knew it wasn't wrong

I met a woman with a heart so good
she didn't share it with many people
but when she shared it with me I understood
that she liked me all along.

This poem is written about my earlier science teacher. She really was a special woman - she only opened up for a few people, and I feel blessed that I was one of them. She really was a lovely woman even though she could be a little too tough sometimes - but that is just her. She has a rather special mind, 'cause I sense that she's sad and confused most of the time - but she never talks to anyone. I know it's a strange thing to realize when it was my teacher.. but I cared for her. And I still care for her.
 Aug 2013 cresun
Just Anna
I'm holding water
Salty water
Its spilling out my hands

United we stand
divided we fall

I guess we're all falling
not together
at the same time

No matter how hard
you try to make things better
to cheer everyone on
solve issues
fake happiness

It doesn't work if I can
see through that
mask of smiles

To make someone else happy
you have to first
make yourself happy

because genuine happiness

can only be translated
and spread
If it comes from deep down
Seeing you force it out
just makes me even more sad.
 Aug 2013 cresun
Kanika Mishra
Fall in Love with someone.
Fall in love, tomorrow if not today.
Fall in love, for the dark;
Or for the light of day.
Fall in love for restful sleep,
Fall in love to lie awake.
Fall in love to learn to give;
Or maybe just to take.
Fall in love, so you can feel,
Fall in love to numb the pain.
Fall in love to be better;
Or just to be vain.
Fall in love, to make mistakes,
Fall in love to right your wrong.
Fall in love in defiance;
Or maybe just to belong.
Fall in love, for the body,
Fall in love for the heart.
Fall in love to stay forever;
Or even just to part.
Fall in love with beauty,
Fall in love with flaws.
Fall in love for a reason;
Or even just because.
Fall in love for real,
Fall in love to fake.
Fall in love with the lies
Of a ruthless, heartless rake.
Fall in love for the fear,
Fall in love for the joy.
Fall in love for liberation;
Or even as a ploy.
Fall in love, just one time,
Or two, or six, or eight.
Fall in love at first sight;
Or maybe after a long wait.
But fall in love, you must,
For there is nothing quite the same.
If only to write about it;
For your five minutes of fame.
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