i hate you
i hate you
i ******* hate you so much
every ounce of me loathes every ounce of you
you used me like a napkin, dirtied me all up
and got rid of me like it was nothing
you got rid of me
i can't believe i loved you. maybe it was
your smile
the one you gave to only me
or your stupid ******* hair
how it curls right there at the scalp
and looks so ******* disgusting, and i love it
maybe it was how alone you felt
and how alone i felt
and how un-alone we felt together
but i ******* hate you
i hate you
i hate you so much that i can't breathe
i hate you so much that
even if skies collided and the sun
swallowed itself whole
i still wouldn't be able to stop
telling you how insignificant you are
but after all,
i hate most of all how
i still ******* love you
it was only four weeks