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202 · Sep 2015
Soul found
Cowin Alan Sep 2015
I grow tired of soul searching.
I just wish I could be soul found.
198 · Jan 2016
The Rain
Cowin Alan Jan 2016
I've always wondered why
My umbrella had so many holes
Never suspecting the knife
Held tightly in my other hand
We are truly our own worst enemies
196 · Jul 2015
What's left
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
So what's left of me?
I drink from this bottle
I drown in the sorrow
I pray, no more tomorrow

Would you even recognize me?
I sleep with these women
I have lost all conviction
I hope, this was all fiction.

Come back

Come back and I swear I'll save you
192 · Dec 2015
Cowin Alan Dec 2015
She asks, "Can you remember the last time YOU were seen?"

I pause.

"Retrace your steps." She says.

I reply,
"There is no last time.
Because every time is the first time.
There are no footsteps to retrace.
Because the sea does not allow for such luxury."
Writing with a friend, she's a great source of inspiration. If not for her, this one would not be.
192 · Feb 2016
Cowin Alan Feb 2016
These walls and bars
They have a purpose
One day
If you stay
I will crumble
182 · Dec 2015
Cowin Alan Dec 2015
I want to take this body.
And cover it with ink.
So much so that when you see me
You will never recognize me.
So that I look like someone else.
Because I don't feel like myself

I want to take this body.
And cover it with ink.
So that if you cut me.
You cannot tell how much you have hurt me.
You won't be able to see the bruises, and scars.
Because they will be covered in colors that are the most beautiful.
So I can hide the way I feel inside.
I can hide how sometimes, I feel more dead than alive.
180 · Jan 2016
Cowin Alan Jan 2016
Was my body just a welcome mat
For you to wipe your ***** feet.
Or was it a place for us to meet.
And feel the heat
Of our bodies
178 · Dec 2015
Cowin Alan Dec 2015
You were once a piece of me.
Like the moon was a piece of the earth.
How can you not pull my tides
When you move close.
And your skin is as white
And your smile as bright.
You light up my night.

So my Luna.
please discover what you need.
I can give it to you if you'd let me try
Because like gravity.
I'm pulled towards you.
Or maybe
Maybe you are just weighing me down.
I was thinking about the famous movie quote by George Bailey. "What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary." And I thought. Maybe she is your moon. And you can't give her anything, because she is already everything.
166 · Dec 2015
But, who am I?
Cowin Alan Dec 2015
I think.
For me.
This life is a raging storm.
I think.
For me.
There is no going back to who I was.
Because who I am.
Is who I've become.
And maybe.
Who I've become.
Is who you need.

I'd like to be who you need.
I feel like we are all craving to be needed.
165 · Jul 2015
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
She was so much of everything
Now she is nothing, but still a part of everything. Funny how it is when someone you are in love with passes on. In a way they keep living with you. Whether it is a ghost to haunt you, or an angel to guide you.
They are still there. She is still here.
Sometimes she is both. I miss you so very much, storm.
163 · Aug 2015
The drink
Cowin Alan Aug 2015
The thing about a guy like me, is I drink too much.
My friends will say it.
The doctor who hands me pills, will say it.
Even I will say it.
It drowns out the voices in my head, and everything is more calm.
It isn't necessarily because I cannot stop, I have yet to find a reason to stop.
159 · Jul 2015
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
Your smile held the world.
While your green eyes.
The constellations.
Imagine looking at the world.
Without people, or animals.
Imagine looking at the sky.
Without stars.
When you took your life.
This is what I'm left with.
An empty planet
And a black sky.
157 · Dec 2015
Cowin Alan Dec 2015
I want you back.
I want to meet you.
I want to throw it all away.

But I hold on.

I hold on, not because I want to.

But because I have to.

— The End —