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822 · Feb 2014
30 Pieces
Its funny when people brag about how much money they make..
When the truth is the dollars worth is Jus as fragile as cake..
And when your flesh kisses death whats the amount you can take...
with you ..
The petals flourishes then they whither away..
Not a cent..
So tell me if this  make sense..
Pharaoh's died and put gold in their tombs and it been there every since..
So What does wealth  mean..the lust for more equals greed..
Whats your 30 pieces of silver will you betray the king..
Money over everything..
Are you aware what that really means..
Its like saying money by any means..
World full of Judas
surrounded by the truth but  tainted by unbelief...
Cash in hand but unaware of a misfortune..
Money is not everything a victim of the distortion ...
Of success.. called the American dream..
The pursuit happiness...
Plus the confusion of what it means to be bless..
Remember Job still called on God when it appeared he had nothing left..
Pain from boils on the flesh.. temporal
Prayed to the eternal God not treasures in a chest..
You look in see Greed's pollution..
When people need solutions..
1.4 trillion spend on a war like we need more shooting..
Screaming we fighting for freedom thats an illusion..
A False freedom your a slave to that freedom..
We are to fight for the Kingdom....
Yes the Kingdom of God...
You know thou will be done..
Thou kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven..
Instead of being a part of this  spiritual recession..
Unfiltered truth here no discretion....
I am Gods art how could I not be his living expression..
If all u talk is money than ur a mouthpiece for Satan check your reflection...
The love of money is like an infection...
So this is a lyrical tax invasion..
Putting a stop to this money glorification..
I hope u kno that private banks  controls the countries inflation..
They could stop homelessness..
They print money based on their personal legislation..
Big business..
I thought this country was founded by Christians...
Founding fathers were illusionist the Constitution wasn't inspired by scripture..
How u own the whole block of cheese n cant share a piece with a nibbler..
Praising a figure..pledging to a flag
Thats not in scripture..then where is it at?
Now God is a banner Jehovah Nissi
Yes im pointing fingers...
one hand round the Bible..
Pray that I wont ever need triggers
Modern day golden calf..
Like Moses speaking to save u from Gods wrath..
You have 2 ask Jesus into ur heart then follow his path..
Cash screws everything around me.
Seems that the money comes with causalities
Seen Lump sums  destroys families..
Capitalism to me is a calamity
American nightmare displayed as a nice dream..
I am very aware the coming of Christ is not a pipe dream..
Awake while you sleep life is not what it seems...
Some only believe what they see
Opening your mouth to eat poison.
Well here's a scoop of the truth..
Mr. senator gets paid  more than  troops..
Yet other men is his protection.
Right now my cousin in Afghanistan armed with a weapon..
Other there is a warzone...
But Mr. Senator your home.
In God we trust but won't step outside your home alone..
I depend on Christ..
Depend on man where's Kevin! Left Alone twice..
I am on fire so they take my matches..
More fear more security they increase my taxes
Should I trust banks money stuffed in the mattress.
Only God matters and your faith in him will matter more when the economy collapses
Let's define the word worth...
Well to everyone its different to some its a designer purse.
To others its its a NFL logo on turf..
To me if your worth is not in God then it is curse..
Let's drop the "th" and add ship to the end..
Where your worth lies is in  what your worshiping. .
Of course people are not content..
When they worship their ends and men..
You got real problems
Yet stocking your closet with red buttons
Them investment accounts won't solve em
Money is precious like the ring was to Gollum
782 · Feb 2014
Kings Blood
The blood of Christ
Constantly dripping over my life
Listen hear I am blood bought
My King took the punishment  for sin...rugged and uncut
Blood sport
No mark of the beast
I'm talking the mark of the free
Blood of the lamb yes his blood marks his sheep..
Death pass by my front door
**** the Egyptian first born
Jesus beat from limb to limb..the sight of flesh scorned
Oh my Lord your beard it was tore
Off ..
Bless it savior you fulfill the laws
Kings blood only type that could pay the cost
And save the lost
I bang blood with no gang affiliations
Striped naked sin causes  humiliation
One death saved humanity every civilization
You see sin stales life sterilization
Kings blood brings life  fertilization
Not talking zombies, when the dead start raising
I meant rising.
Followers of King Jesus we behind him
Like the man from Verizon
The world denied him and still denies him
Died once and rose into forever ..the key to our eternal survival
People open the Bible
Satan's no rival
Hells hot  souls drenched in sweat no Cabo
I stand as a man ...A witness
Anointed in Kings blood
White and Red blood cells..healing, health, love
773 · Feb 2014
A little freestyle
Life is not quite life until
Your walking in the Kings will
Have you noticed his sovereignty
Sun rises and falls
But full moons are seldom
Imagine the sun gleaming like the reflection of a coin adjacent to a diamond
Corey in wonderland yeah I'm rapping spitting rapid fire  while chasing a rabbit
Im good in the dark like a solar flare  bright
Watching out for goblins like the copper Bulgar the penny filcher..
Imaging the days when I was a kid raised on a section 8 voucher..
Throwing pennies in the well wishing for heaven
Like rubbing a lamp but real life is not aladdin
746 · May 2013
Lust Scar
Will I be ****** because of my Lust..
The way the world see it they like whats the fuss..
Through the grace of God I kicked the **** but there's residue and dust..
The love for my wife but lust births a visual rush..
That flow through my optics.
My wife is the only option
A level of self control so I don't touch..
Like thoughts aren't  adultery
Praying that these women don't approach me..
Can't Cross the line can't get called for  encroaching
My curse is this lust.
My wife feel that I don't love her the same..
Her heart show disgust
Because of the change in her frame..she thinks my eyes show disgust..
My carnal film replays images .
Fully naked women..
Fooled myself into believing that it was practice or similar to a scrimmage..
God open my eyes to the realities of my addiction..
As u hear these words can you feel my conviction
Can u see my transparency..
These words spray clear like windex..
The view of the truth is damaging..
But God heals wounds miracle moves on tragedy..
This world causes battles in the heart..
Blood, Sweat and tears to stay faithful to wife and God
Lust my Battle scar
743 · May 2013
Its sad times when doing Gods will makes you a deviant..
Cause society tells us to be content with sleaziness..
Content with *******..
Content with arm robbery..
Content with doing foolish acts without apology..
It's sad times when there's goat disguise as sheep.
And the other sheep can't see..
All they can see  are the a-like features..
So they continue to eat..
Even though everything that's pleasing to see isn't good for the soul..
Just because it glitters doesn't mean that's it Gold..
You cannot be content with the opposition
Even if its in the form of a celebrity or a politician
To say your a Christian and then condone the unholy is a contradiction
Following Christ is not a neutral position..
Its a spiritual and literal decision to change how your living
So to live for Christ is to cause friction..
With society ...
The church is the worlds resistance..
Yet the worlds prescription
Christ hands of healing..
Who is really down to be a witness
Openly active not a secret agents in Christ mission
740 · Apr 2014
Sin breeds death expected life turns into still borns
No heart beat and no brain function
As the Father morns
A death sentenced placed on the first Adam
He wasn't the best Adam
So God send the perfected Adam
Birthed from the portal of a ****** Lady
Humanity could not cure itself
The world crazy from the bite like a bodies reaction to rabies
You see our righteousness is that of a rag
Soaked in the T-Virus
That's why the street filled with the walking dead.
But who can turn ****** into conception death to life
The one who willingly died
So we could reflect his light
Took the beating that was meant for us
The guilty acquitted. O.J. Simpson
The embodiment of true innocence
Marching with the thoughts of Trayvon Martin while we all are George Zimmerman
Dead in sin
At the crossroads of an eternal separation
The King on the cross with his shoulders separated
Arms open wide like I will accept this
Your accepted
His death looked like a curse
Satan like I'm victorious there's  no question
But our God is sovereign
The Sun rose on the third day broke across the horizon
The son rose on the third day broke the back of the Leviathan
The slain lamb rose into a Lion
Mighty and meek
The everlasting King
Awestruck wonder as righteousness breathes
719 · Jul 2013
Body guard
I got choppers on deck
45 and techs
I'm lying just like this rappers that say they claim a set
People are blind to deception
Mistake food for a weapon
Embrace violence like swallowing a bullet for breakfast
The nature of man is wreck less
That's why innocence die from  AK-47s
Death is considered to often
Walking the path to a coffin
Who could of predicted the senseless bombing in Boston
Hence the word senseless because men lack feelings
For no one but themselves
My mistake, they have feelings for their  women and children
So ****** is the case
The hate for the United States
I say history don't lie
Even though the truth was masked with lies
God help us, if from Israel we sever ties
God protects America because America  protects Israel
The one and only promised land.
Sustained since the times of Abraham
711 · Jun 2013
Day 14: Flame
I fight against rage
My mind is inflamed
Its funny because I don't feel no pain
Numb like ****** veins
Slap me I won't feel a thing
I know it sounds strange
How long does it takes before your nerve endings die
After you die or after you get saved flames from the inside
Like Jeremiah..
I walk with a eternal desire
For everyone to be free like a ex-con with priors
Excuse my convictions
I was forgiven not convicted
To the love of God I am a witness
Like I just seen my parents kiss
Even though that's not in remembrance
Love is
My pops loved me until his dome was split
I meant his neck was opened
Drowned in blood and spit
Flame on not sure if he was saved could be in that fire pit
Life after death I believe it exist
I am so hot when I walk I  melt the soles of my shoes
Look I will hand you a pair
My mom loves I thank God that she is still here
651 · Aug 2013
Black skin (10w)
My skin from
Arrival gifted through DNA donors
Don't hate
633 · May 2013
Use to
I recall when I use  to write about pain..
Some much pain on the page it was like the sheet was blood stain...
I offered complained...
About how daddy was slain..
He went from the hustle to the  grave..
Angry, towards God I had rage..
But sins have a wage..
So his death was the cost of choices he made..
I learned life was full of cross roads make a decision..
Cause its a thin line between the dead and the living...
Its a thin line between freedom and prison..
A thin line between heartbreaks and a joy that's endless..
I had to choose Christ..
But I had to lose my life..
I wanted a son so bad I lost my sight..
Billie jean the kid wasn't my child so I lost my wife..
I had to pick Christ..
But I had to switch my life..
Became frequent with women my mind wasn't right..
I felt more darkness than light..
So I prayed and what a needed was granted..
A woman of God..
Amazed by his define planning..
Cause when I was on island stranded and in a hole deepen than the core of the planet..
God stuck his hand it..
Cause he had a vision..
Amongst all the women..
Amongst all my sinning..
He wanted me to be representing.
He did it for David,
He did it for Paul,
He did it for me..
He did it for Abram..
Pain is the proof and the truth is that God is able..
There's a seat for everyone at his table..
The lame, the blind, the wreck less with crime
He will take you with all your dirt and grime..
He will purify you with fire and give you a shine.
He a heavenly redeemer..
A reality maker of dreamers..
A use to God never..
But the true living God previously now and forever...
617 · Jan 2015
Thoughts (circa 2013)
As I pray to Lord with the thoughts of martial law...
In a nation where true Christianity is hanging by a claw..
Its appalling as the thoughts of Darwin..
While Satan's deception have  people applauding...
While we're centuries removed from the garden.
Because of our  sinful  nature we are spiritually starving..
Yet by Jesus we are parten..
But people still do what they want regardless..
Embracing ****** healing the melody of Marvin..
How can you know love
When you don't even know where God's heart is..
I am not the one to get started.
Who cares if ur rich, if your morals are a mountain of garbage...
Your God is your cars and garages..
plushed out luxury apartments..
While the devil is stalking..
Waiting to dine on hearts that harden...
What you call living equals a caurcus..
stiff rotten in a coffin..
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts of false gods
Who knew that embracing the truth was so hard...
Allah is not God
Them coexist signs to me seem quiet odd
I will die before I align with a fosace
Spirit live free flesh slaughtered
For my faith I'd  be a martyr..
By all these lies and decent I am bothered..
Catholics..Mormons..Jehovah witness are all fiction..
Man made visions.
Man made inscriptions..
Folks going hear this and get sick they going need prescriptions
Yet we all sick thats why the Bible was written..
If you can't see then you can hear that I'm a man on a mission
Matthew 28 the great commission
As a true christian task to flash the light on what God deems as wicked....
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts of his sacrifice...
Cause without the actions of calvery I would not have a life..
With scripture I examine the wrong from the right...
Yet I'm damaged thankful for the blood of the Christ
Oh my Jesus..
The reason for my breathing..
Falsehoods and attacks on the kingdom of God are considered treason
Words so heart felt cause lyrically I'm bleeding
Task to do this until my purpose on earth is no longer needed
As I pray to the Lord with the thoughts if your second coming..
The blowing of trumpets..
Shaking the sky like thunder or a front line drumming..
Christians being caught up in the air..
Unbelievers running..
Heard the truth but fell for the seduction
Watch media spin it into an alien abduction..
Look around and people seem to love corruption..
Lord I hold you close
I hold on to your instruction.
Worlds knowledge is toxic simply disgusting
Fragile minds swallow concepts like a easy bake over..
My heart beats flames an volcanic eruption

As I pray to the Lord with Thoughts of rotten fruit
No Church bus but the preacher cruising in a coupe
What is a unbeliever to do
Searching for you
While false prophets distort the truth
Lord I ask you to rip these trees from their roots
And toss them into the lake of fire
With earthly passions and desires
The truth is eternal it does not expire
Shouldn't truth tellers expose liars
No line their pockets with dollars
Yes tithing is the topic
Its demanded by God it is not an option
Put money in 401 Ks
We don't trust God but we trust banks
Wells Fargo
Will take our dough
Execs vacation all winter escape the snow
Its like the truth people hate to know
As I pray to the Lord in thanks
For these thoughts in my mind he placed
Try not to abuse Gods grace
Lord do I have enough faith
To walk barefoot on the surface of a lake
What will you think
If I stand and sink
Is my faith that of an infant
Your hands washing me in the kitchen
Do I walk in line with your will
For real
Or pretending, karate kid acting
Do you delight in my actions
Proud when you watch my movie reel
Your my dad do we resemble
You watched me in my mothers womb
My little body being assembled
Does my life play the harp or just a symbol
A beautiful sound or just a ring
A melody that would lead you to sing
Or brag on me like Job
You guided me to the narrow path led me off that wide road
These thoughts worth more than gold
As I pray to the Lord in thanks for saving my soul
599 · Aug 2014
Slumber: sample
How long will you slumber .
Spiritual hibernation
Next to a grizzly bear but you too drowsy to awaken
A constant diet of *****
If the sky cracked today would you even notice him
Let it be known the Lords approaching
Can't see where the lines lie
Graying the area then crossing there's penalties for encroachment
Stuck in limbo cause you at a bar trying to stay under the line
Of sin
Sipping liquor and wine
Stumbling off the road that's narrow
Now your soul on the open road
Demons on your behind
Trying to wear your flesh like apparel
591 · Jul 2016
Sick With Sin
We are sick with sin
We're like adults with dysfunctional bowels  treat Gods grace like depends
We say only through God but  dabble in the occult.
Finding our identity  in astrology and direction from horoscopes.
Divination is sin
So many Christians
Are blind to that fact
So  Satan has crept in.
We say we're Christians but to each one of us,
Face to face Christ could say I never knew you.
Tarot cards  and palm readings  are  extensions of darkness  just like Voodoo.
Either we're aligned with the light or get swallowed by the dark
That ***** is deceitfully wicked believe me God knows the heart
So why do we  masquerade as Satan
When we supposed to be draped in Christ
Covered by his blood
To neglect that is to be naked
Exposed to the woes of the world
Like a ship with a broken mast as the winds blows we're tossed to and fro
Oh there's a new car lets me buy on credit
Make sure our voices are heard in the presidential election
Even if it means picking the lesser of two evils
When did patriotism take precedence of God's message
Slaves to the image of American living contrary to scripture
We are not be the borrower but the lenders
We are to be bond servants to Christ only
Delight in the beast that we are suppose to have Dominion over
Until we find ourselves swallowed whole  in the pit of its  belly like Jonah
We wait until we are at what seems to be a end before following God
Pressured  by the popular patterns penetrating the pace of population
Finding ourselves at a fork in the road
Aware of   one of  two routes the board or the narrow
Try to walk down the middle the appeasement of two masters
Luke warm living leads to impeding disaster
Ignoring the warning signs that say beware of a dead end
Living a life of sin as a Christian is like watching the film  Titanic
Already knowing there's death at the ending
Don't get it twisted that's where the similarities end
Turn to revelation we'll see there's no frigid waters mentioned
But there's a lake of fire, burning sulfur to be exact
Where uncovered souls enter with  no way of turning back
Where's it's dark as hell is hot
A torment with no shelf life it never stop
The destination of those destined to experience the second  and final death
For all those whoever walked the earth and lived by the flesh
Where there's no grace or mercy left
One result of the white throne judgement
But the events look different for those who lived life covered
Covered by the blood of the lamb
For those the second death gets passover
After giving an account get let in the city their passover
It floats do from Heaven out of the hands of God as a gift
A city so great, It's measure 1400 miles in height, width and length
With walls that are 216 ft thick
Jasper and Gold crafted not stacked brick
12 precious foundational stones and 12 gates of Pearl
Yet some how we're still enticed by the world
A new earth and new heaven is what God has in store
It's clear what will happen if we can only endure
To the end,
No longer sick, that will be it for sin
585 · Jun 2013
Day 10: Thirst
On my thirst has me to put you first
.Lord slay my ego cause without you I'm cursed..
there's no point of success
if I'm not giving you my best..
Jesus thank you for giving me the strength to battle my flesh..
Through you I can be a sheep on the right and not a goat on the left..
Lord use me like never before....
Let my life shine light on the **** to the door..
Your door that opens eyes to your will..
Keep me meek and give me compassion For all those at the top and bottom of the hill
Lord I thirst for justice
Why do shot fire and killers just walk away
Blood rushing
Yellow tape and chalk stains
Lord I thirst for truth
Like I am sick of fables
Sick of Cain we need more Abel's
Lord you quench my thirst with all that your are..
Drinking your living water I will continue to go far
581 · Jun 2013
Day 11: Five Senses
All five.
I ask her can you tell that I'm alive
She  say i can tell when you rise
I'm what the sun
She say no like Shawn Marion when he was young
The Matrix ..
I say girl I'm your Neo
Be my Trinity
One hand on your chest I can make your heart beat...
Let me inside and watch you expand
Girl I can help you breathe
Or take your breath away
Oh the sweetness of your taste
Consuming treats with no tooth decay
This girl is my wife
We ignite the night like gun fights
My touch ignites her senses take her to new heights
Starship enterprise
Explore the frontier
Of her inner thighs
As a kid I dreamt of this, dreamt of her..
Dreamt of love, Dreamt complete freedom
Sharing my inner most thoughts
Express with all five senses I give my heart
580 · Feb 2014
Excuse me as I take my pen and connect it to my bloodstream like an IV
Write these words of love as my mind speaks
To a woman that I honor as my queen
Eternally connected wrapped together in love.
The smell of vanilla and scented herbs
As I plant my seed into her earth and produce peddles of passion hoping for conception
Piecing ******* morning dew and bodies sweating
Love between a husband and wife is a gift from heaven
When its done right its no denying
The power of the hands of God
How he created a woman from ribs
Amazement as I look at her beauty
Something like peaks and valleys of Mountains
Gods paint brush, brush strokes of the coral reef
Oh my heart is comforted when the sun shines over the horizon.
And reflects of her face it catches my eye like a flawless diamond
She shines like a candle lit in the abyss
She's mine I unwrap her with my kiss
Lord have mercy
The taste of my sweet Hersey
I'm her knight and shining armor
March seven times around a fortress
Four play leads to  shouts and the walls of Jericho are coming down
Hearts linked together in complete trust
No secrets just openness
568 · Jun 2013
Day 25: Mind on my God
Flesh is in a constant state of dying
Faith walking it out a constant state of trying
Holy Spirit the helper have you in a constant state of thriving
Satan is deception in a constant state of lying
Oh Lord to be flesh less
Only you can make be precious
With your blood more variable than a diamond dripped necklace
Blood soaked the fire causes refinement
The redeemed the violence you took, you made us blood diamonds
You give us free, Amistad
You are the true and living God
I hear you speak
You give me visions in my dreams
Reality to me is just plots and schemes
Watch it perish like spoiled greens
I cannot wait until you reform the earth
Back to the time before the fall of Adam and Eve
537 · Mar 2015
Rib life
As your husband I'm tasked to provide and protect
Shots fired I'll lay across your  ***** be your vest
You see love is obedient first and then sacrificial
You know, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
See love in obedience will have you take a beating, whips slicing through flesh
Mist of blood spraying like aerosol
Carry a cross
Carry it for all.
That's how I carry out my love for you
You are my church.
Your are my wife.
The half that makes me whole
Flesh of my flesh
A representation of me
So if you fail.
Then I've failed
How can I not give you my best
I'll love you until  it's done
Until God commands the delivery of my spirit my last breathe
510 · May 2013
Crazy World
The world is crazy, not sugar coated its evil…
Motivated by money, the love of it is in people…
Your soul should not embody capitalism...
By that I mean worldly gain if so then your soul is trapped in prison…
People want more instead of accepting what’s given…
I’m talking life, yeah there’s plight, but it’s your choice to do wrong or right
Freedom of choice is God given
Your life should be modeled off Christ not simply living
It seems as though I should get my cake up
Thoughts of reality, fleshly casualty, spiritually I know to get my faith up
Eyes open yet sight of the blind when will we wake up?
Not one president has been the Messiah
Stand behind the youth as shells fall from gun fire
Understand that oil prices will get higher
War will stop then continue, lives will continue to expire
Since the beginning man has thrived to not die but stay alive
Thoughts of Immortal,
Jesus lived and died and rose so death he survived
Because of him death is just a portal
509 · Jul 2013
I am going to post about the living God..
I do not care what you say..
Timeline shows the foolishness that you post on your page..
Accepting him as savior is what releases the blood that covers us in grace..
People are not use to the truth..
that bread of life..
some do not like its taste...
I fight with sin..
The same ones  you embrace
Change takes place when your  seeking his face
Is there really understanding of the faith..
Its a lifestyle led by Christ Love it is not works based
I am sick of people saying that I am a Christian..
But Look to astrology for guidance and believe in superstitions
More than they Look to God and the use of scripture..
The True Church stand up those that's living out his vision..
What people spill on Facebook
Unaware when hate looks right
Maybe you should address  your likes..
Do you all  know what Faith looks like...
Its Noah building a ship for rain that never fell before..
Its Abraham hearing from God and believing that is son would be born
Its Joseph believing in his dreams after his clothing was torn
It Moses yelling let my people go we belong to the Lord..
Its Christ dying for out sins..
Yes he died that's past tense he's not dead anymore
507 · Jun 2013
Young Bernard
Look at Bernard his life is in shambles
That's what he feels yet everyday he rolls the dice like life is a gamble
He questions life like death is something he could handle
Satan telling him to grab the knife by the handle
Like look its just on the mantel
Go head cut between your forearm and hand bro
It won't be suicide, it would more like freeing a man yo
Bernard like no I want to live be different, do better
Wants less problems but more comes with more Cheddar
Hopes of being successful
Joy and pain to him life is stressful
His hunger pains screams to be success full
He questions if he is giving it his best though
Should he walk the streets with out heat or a vest bro
Will success have a cat run up and let the tech explode
From point blank proximity leave him a human vegetable
Time is ticking he could be the next to go
Young Bernard hopefully he will become old
Hey kid I hope you see growth
492 · Feb 2014
We are born into sin
With our DNA infused in rebellion
Once we recognize right and wrong
Wrong becomes appealing
Like a toddler with a fork going after a socket
Good parents step in with discipline
Which should be look at as guidance
Our nature when caught doing wrong is to go into hiding
Running through darkness, living life through coal mines
When God wants to ignite flames
We rely on our cold minds
Like if I can't see it then God doesn't exist
Then give praise to life and the knowledge of men
Yet still don't have a remedy for sin
He kills you, they execute him and death excels at the end
Shotgun blast in shopping malls
Bullets a eat through a shopping cart
News on and the world looking appalled
With questions
When the answer lies in heaven
I pray that this nation don't crumble and fall
Its time that we stop running from God
484 · Sep 2016
Half Full Glass
When your pops die from gun violence
All the optimism in you becomes silent
You see life as a glass half empty
Just a half glass away from dying of thrist
You live like it's always close to the end when things could be worst
You audition through life with a smile and a grin
Deep down knowing it's all for pretend
So you live careful not wanting to knock over the glass
And the fear of being empty, makes you think every sip is  your last
You try to grasp light in a dark room
Use bravado and brash to mask  a heart of gloom
You speak with  joyful agony
And every time things turn bad
You question if Gods mad
Cause Everytime you walk the road of repentance
You turn back to your *****
You question if you're the pig that God warned not to cast with pearls
Read about walking in the spirit yet struggle with breaking from the grip of the world
You lean on your own understanding
So you have a hard time realizing  the enemy
Find yourself sitting at the wrong table
Thought you was growing but was told you can't sit at the grown table
Until you do this and that
As your spirit and flesh scrap
Just to come to the reality that your flesh will die
And to God your spirit returns back
Then you start living strictly by God's truth for his truth will forever trump facts
Birthing a perspective of optimism a half full glass.
472 · Aug 2014
Lord your hands are masterful.
My heart beats and my brain functions without me asking them too.
Every tongue confess and every knee bow 7 billion hands clap for you
Your the conductor I am your strings and cords
My praise produces  a melody
My soul is moved by yours
I use your energy to fight the sin in me
When I was dead you showed me sympathy
I gave you pain you give me peace
Traded shame for my release
Died and rose.
Your glory rolled back that concrete
Now I am free.
You separated me from sins as far as the east is from the west
Or the ozone layer is from the ocean depths
Your the light casted on shadows
The flaming sword ready for battle
You created me .. no one made you
Until the end of time I will praise you
470 · May 2013
Love Beauty
Girl your love I need it...
Beauty like this only a few have seen it..
God, Adam and Eve I'm  talking the garden of eden..
I'm going try  to write you the 21st century  song of Solomon for you I'm a genius..
I love your soft skin..
Its like a cinnamon and brown sugar blend..
Oh so candy girl what a special treat..
Thankful for every breathe with you.. Sometimes I watch you as you sleep..
and if I kiss you will we meet...
In your dreams..
This love thing is everything that it seems..
Your warmth is like a sun kissing the clouds..
That's why I hold you down
I will always be around..
Girl I care for you..
As long as I'm breathing I'll be there for you..
Make sure it shoes on your feet
and food for u to eat
This love is priceless..
can't put a price to this.
.but if I could it wouldn't  be cheap...
If measured
It would be like a ancient treasure..
Love beauty...a combination..
That can only be duplicated ..
if  we mated and created a daughter..
made with love and blessed with the beauty of the mother
The mother being you..Girl your essence is so true
468 · Apr 2014
Some sparking a J in celebrating of 4/20. Others are going to church because its one of their three Sundays. Customs of dying eggs, candy baskets, and bunnies. Cute dresses and fly suits forget the resurrection people more concerned about costumes. I'm a little confused when people say Happy Easter cause easter don't resonate to me. Like the thoughts of my risen King. Jesus the reason but we more focused on drinking and eating. Consuming and copying the cues of this commercialized culture. Excuse my candidness . The tomb is empty!! Jesus should show up today with a S on is chest for Savior. Or a L for Lord or a K for King. I digress. He can just show up with the holes in his flesh.
465 · Mar 2015
Sometimes we don't realize a bond until it's gone.
Sometimes we don't seek healing until a wound becomes a scar
Like when a cut runs deep
And then it closes but wasn't treated properly when it was open.
The bodies natural reaction is to create infection
Effects that alert the body, its need for antiseptics
Antibiotics cannot disguise the pain
Feelings are shown on one's  face
And cannot be duplicated no matter the advancements in robotics
So let the tears flood
Tucks overflow like a kid filling up a tub
That forgot to turn it off
We all inhale life and exhale time
We're all a bunch of watches under the sun.
A moment of eclipse and then we turn off
Death no matter how it's sliced, given or served
It's a dish that's hard to stomach
But God endowed all of us with enough strength so in grief we don't plummet
With enough grace so when death surrounds we learn from it
Learn to love greater
Love can fill voids the size of canyons
Learn to love our neighbors
A conversation can provide food for thought when souls are  famished
Learn love through the  lens  of scripture
Because there's no pain we've went through that Jesus cannot  fathom
For us he hung on a cross like a fixture
Died so when can live
Then rose to bring life and it abundantly
Learn from death to live life with purpose
Not coast through like tumbleweeds
Live life.
We all should live life on purpose
457 · Jan 2015
Role to Embrace
Love you, your a part of me.
I'm talking close like bone marrow.  
If you fall I'll  carry you along the road. And when hope seems narrow.
Know that we love a God who embraces us with arms stretched wide.
Accordance with historical accounts. Sin wrote a check that the Lord couldn't  bounce.
Now that's the price of love.
Paid in full.
A life for lives.
So for you I'll sacrifice.
My role as your husband  is mines alone for you are my wife.
Your role as a wife is yours alone and my role isn't  hinged off if you get it right.
So if loving you is right how can I choose to be wrong.
I am your husband and my role is mines alone.
447 · Jun 2013
Day 21: Cold
The wind blows its cold
Out in this world what can heat my soul
Many don't know
Frost bite a broken toe
Product of walking bare foot in the snow
Like a leopard but I need a coat
On my lows don't need highs no coke
Does a frozen river still flow
Does a broken branch still grow
Its real in the cold
Need fire, need it to burn slow like coal
Where is the fire in the cold
441 · Feb 2015
So if Egyptians in Biblical times were Black, should I be proud of that?
Because the Bible tell me that they were worshipper of Idols.
So if what they say is fact..
Then what's in my veins is the ancestry of  monotheism.
The Bible tells me plain that their call on deities  were in vain
So with me being a Christian and Black  I find hope in my ancestry leaked to American Slaves because no matter how evil it was those yearning for freedom called on Jesus' name
#MyIdentityinChristfirst #Myskinisjustflesh
434 · Feb 2014
Snow Fall
I see the snow fall
Its cold to my skin
But I'm warm on the inside like a furnace
My heart shines through my chest my heart is E.T.s finger tip
Snow fall creates ice but when I walk by it melts yes the winter drips
The world is cold and slippery but there is redemption when a sinner trips
You see the sun shine..winter gets eclipse
You see the son shine ..sinning gets eclipse
A beautiful reason to stay focused on the seasons
Time clocks and stop watch waiting for the Spring
And I was birthed in the summer
And I was reborn in the summer
Snowflakes in my hand can't survive in a sauna.
God changes everything like if flakes fell in the summer
To the norm differences are strange
Like the 4 seasons reacting to one another
430 · May 2013
To some this love doesn't make sense..
Well to them I simply say a miracle of God is too much for a man to comprehend
Even for myself I question how is it I have no riches but I still found wealth..
With this love..
For  you a woman who's fabric is laced in Gods grace..
Who's presence remind me that one day I will see Gods face..
When I look into your eyes women of old past away.
Germany you could never be replaced..
So this day I take you to me my Wife
for my entire life..
And your heart I would never sacrifice.
Blessed with the truth of love and not the false of lust.
As we live let people she Christ in us
So this marriage will last through life and death..
Through times of dawn and dust..
Through diamonds and gold to metals that rust. 
Everyday my goal is to make your heart blush..
With one word or one touch
425 · Oct 2016
Just Jesus
Nothing speaks to the heart
Like the wind whistling alarming the dark
Hurricane pains a innocent man behind bars
Or the water that dripped through..
That the levees should have caught
Katrina I remember that girl
I promise no one was meaner
Of course her rain dropped after her  uncle ***** pedals from her flower
No sweetener
That's why her kiss was sour
Its wild how pain produces prostitution now she linked to a coward
Pimping ain't easy cause we all were birth from a woman
Mothers dealing with men with frozen tundra emotions
Heartless what speaks to a chest cavity where a heart is missing
Just Jesus
396 · Jan 2017
Potent purpose is placed in the pedigree of Kings
It's evident in the lineage linked through generations
True royalty  redeemed an entire creation
It Heirs up
The script says Son of David
The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous
Heirs recognize that they are made in God's likeness
They walk in  dominion, the earth is theirs for the taken
No procrastination but know that  purpose is perfected in patience
Greatness permeates from the soul
They know to lose is to gain.
And gain is to be Heirs to the Throne
387 · Mar 2015
Love is
Love is
Love is
Love is a word
Love is an action
Love is a verb
Love is a muse
Love is a groove
Love is rhythm and blues
Love is a start
Love is life
Love is the sound of an embryos heart beat
Love is an umbrella
Love will cover you be the shade from the suns heat
Love is a kiss on the cheek
Love is a kiss on the forehead
Love is a kiss on the lips
Love is a friend
Love is a child
Love is a mate
Love is the fluttering in one's belly getting dressed for a date
Love is marriage
Love is a man and a woman
Love is Christ and his church
Love is a pen
Love is poetry
Love is a book
Love is the sparks that fly just from a look
Love is
Love is
Love is expressive
Love is unscripted
Love is Saturday night
Love is alive
Love is a lighting strike
Love is right
Love is the sight of God
Love is
Love is
385 · Jul 2016
Being a Christian is more than fun and fellowship
When souls are being shipped off to Hell but the same ones that  Shepard them..
Many don't even know Hell exist
Heaven for that matter.
There both in scripture this sermon has something missing
So many souls have gone missing
On the back of  milk  cartons
The same ones that they were fed with
Physical abundance yet souls are spiritually malnutrition.
Walk amongst the dead yet risen but still living
Off a appetite of the flesh
So how can the truth be digested in a tract that's infected
Jesus be a fence no be detox and a stomach pump
Instead of feeding the soul what it needs we feed it what it wants
That's why the consumption of garbage is at a influx
Reclining in some flip flops
Watching love and hip hop
When the "love" doesn't exhibit the love from pops
Yes God the father
We want Salvation from Jesus
Without dying to self
No wonder few are living by the Spirit
God is knocking can you hear it.
At  the front door of the Temple.
We know he's able
But won't let him in because he's known for flipping  tables
These ideals seem golden
All parts Grace no parts Holy
Keep the doors open
The Church population is overflowing
Like a flood but no one is filled with living water
The glass is half empty
How can one give you a drop
When those at the top have cups that aren't overflowed
Those at the bottom should feel the anointing
Like the hair follicles at the end of Aaron's beard
No not one lives in fear of God
No not one seeks to hear from God
No not one really seeks God
They have all turned aside
The unsaved don't look for God
Remember he doesn't hide
We are the ones he finds
367 · Nov 2016
I have to be more intentional with our interaction
On this road of life it's tough to hold on when the tires are wore I wish I was a man with unlimited traction.
You are my heart , my cardial-action
I have to me more aware of you
Be there for you
Although this life makes me feel grizzly
I vow to be a care bear for you
I apologize for my perverted view of intimacy
My mind is being rewired to what Christ intended it to be
How a husband is supposed to be wired to his wife
In all facets of marriage ministry
It's tough for me to interact
Without the thoughts of ***
Too often I let my flesh direct me
I have to focus on your beauty, not just your ****
If time permits will you let me
Show that I can be everything that God as called me to be
In life and towards you my wife
345 · Sep 2016
Been fighting demons since the age of 6.
Death almost got me at 8 but instead it took someone who shared my name.
Took me to come of age to realize my dad's ****** wasn't a mistake .
Him dying was ultimately tied to my fate.  
God truly works in mysterious ways.
I often ponder a life absence of pain but then I wouldn't know the beauty of grace.
330 · Jul 2017
Listening to love songs, written by people who aren't even married.
Like can they really fathom what love is about
That one man and one woman, God covenant route
With no exits unless a spouse is an unrepentant adulterer or  gets buried
Not that you only stay married for happiness love
I'm talking when both husband and wife place each other needs above
The individual
To get a full context of this love it has to get scriptural
A Husband loves like Christ
For his Wife who's Illustrated as his church
So understand a love like this will hurt
A wife submits to the headship of her husband
Not contingent on if he gets it right
Things get out of focus
When the man is more concerned with the role of his wife
And when a woman is more concerned with the role of her husband
If both are focused on their own roles
We would see the body of Christ with healthy marriages at an abundance
Instead of the world's playlist on repeat
325 · Nov 2017
Wicked World
Do I really want to bring kids into this world?
And produce more wickedness
Being that we are shaped in iniquity and born into sin
And there's nothing perfect about me
So how can something beautiful come up out me?
I guess that's why my seed is crippled and unable to sprout
Without the help of science
And at times upon faith I feel unreliant
My dad murdered by the gun so forgive me if I get excited when it comes to violence
I mean he was superman
His ****** taught me that life wasn't the comics
No bullets bouncing off his chest
Instead it just took one to the neck
30mins later he took his last breathe
And my future shaped by him died too
Here I am a grown son that lost his dad as a kid
I know more than most that this world births hate
Yet still my heart desires to create
More life
Even though that life in time will end
If it wasn't for the scriptures giving me a glimpse of my Lord and Savior
I would be a true pessimist
Life with Christ the only way to purge
The corruption that's produced by this wicked world
Sometimes I have to put my frustrations on the page. The words of a flawed man
313 · Feb 2018
I love you deeply
Think the dead sea
Depths on this Earth that no man can reach
A love that's not shallow or superficial
Yet  I still call you beautiful
Think the coral reef
Love, a word often abused
And if God is love then love should identify with the truth
And if it doesn't
Then it's something
Else but not love
That's why so many are broken
And avoid the God that is love and holy
And brings us into wholeness
The concept of being one from one man and one woman is foreign
That's why God created marriages to reflect his love a pond the world
We are his Kingdom ambassadors
Called to uphold a standard
Even as the percentages climb and marriages dwindle
We hold it together with faith and grace
Not magic
It's no hash tag blacklove
If we're not first biblically grounded
Love should be  astounding
Painted in multiple brush strokes
We're image bearers of him
You see us,  you see him
The seamstress who  hemmed humans with many  tones of skin
God the Finisher
the Author
the Artist
Architect of the garden
A love that's built off of his blueprint
254 · Nov 2018
Wonder what was going thru my father's mind
As I grew in my Mama's womb ligament tugging on her spine
Like them Virginia boys all he knew was the grind
Paper route, security guard and distribution of crushed porcelain
Razor chop watch the white powder divide
He lived by the bricks
So I guess it was fitting that them shots didn't miss

— The End —