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ConnectHook Jan 2022
P F U © K  P F I Z E ® !

Brandon's Life Matters !
  Jan 2022 ConnectHook
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Bad Gateway
5.                  5
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502 Bad
G.               a
T                  e
W.               a
Y 502 Bad
Elliott. You know it's true.  😡
ConnectHook Jan 2022
Extremism: good.
Neurotic status quo: bad.
Honesty: the Best !
WHO is the enemy.
  Jan 2022 ConnectHook
Scarlet McCall
I apologize for my offensive tweet. I know that my words caused real harm, and for the next two weeks I will be spending time in reflection, meditation, and  healing yoga at my Colorado ranch. I am also donating $100,000 to Black Marxists Anonymous.

I humbly ask forgiveness for the insensitive remarks that I made on my friend’s 1985 middle school yearbook page when I was 13. I know that my words caused real harm. There is no excuse for my poor judgment, and although my supporters mean well by pointing out that I was an adolescent, I do not agree that I should not be held to the same standards as a contemporary adult. I have spent time with my pastor examining my deep sinful nature.

I regret my costume at the Met Gala. I know that cultural appropriation causes real harm, and for a white woman to wear a dress adorned with feathers is an insult to Native Americans. I have auctioned off all of my turquoise jewelry and donated the proceeds to a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee studying ways to improve BIPOC representation on the Met Gala planning committee. I have engaged a Native shaman to guide me to a path of understanding via guided Ayahuasca use.  

I take full responsibility for standing next to Ned, my former best friend, in the photograph that has recently emerged of us at a friend’s wedding last year. Ned’s inexcusable remark on Tuesday that “All lives matter” is deeply offensive to me and today I join the diverse community that is boycotting his performances. I am ashamed that I ever called this person my friend.  

I regret ever working with J.K. Rowling. She is a transphobic hatemonger who deserves our scorn and contempt. I realize that she will continue to espouse her bigoted views, because her fans do not care, Harry Potter lives forever, and she’s a billionaire who probably lives in a castle. But I will continue to post my outrage on my Facebook page so that…anyway, Rowling *****!
ConnectHook Jan 2022
I was putting on a mask
so I would be protected
while preparing to mask up
with 2 other masks
in order to walk alone on the street
(although I'm proud to say:
but had to flee  back inside
upon realizing that I needed to triple mask
because an unvaxxed domestic terrorist
who caused the takeover of White House
had sneezed 3 hours earlier
and we need to stay safe
because we are all promised
a risk free-existence
because god
does not exist
is greater than god
or even
"Red Chiner"
and WHO
is the enemy exactly?
Please, people:
stay safe and double-mask before you double-jab
and get boosted every 4 months
because new variants
and wear your underwear on your head
because CDC & WHO & FAUCI
and something else I was told to do
  Jan 2022 ConnectHook
july hearne
now that the season turned to hate
i'll take this hate and take you down

for a time, times, and the dividing of time

you do not see your own reflection in the iced sidewalks
never salted, never shoveled
just ***** ice to trod upon

the slippery filth of hills to

skip and laugh and break a neck
pet a dog who will soon maul all your children
but for now your laughter is an ugly war cry in the air

a ghislaine maxwell with longer hair
all her customers going free
a negligently tolerant church bell ringing somewhere

dog takes a ****
for a time, times, and the dividing of time

pack the filthy ice and pet the ******* dog
every time joe biden ***** his pants
for a time, times, and the dividing of time
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (Daniel 7:25)
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