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Colm Feb 2020
I love the silence
I love the echo
The hum of distant motor cars
The shadow off of mountain fog
Which flows down to valleys down below

I love the quiet feeling felt
The warmth of soul most well be known
Like water from a faucet warm
I rub my hands in anticipation
Of being left in the quiet alone
In this town
40 · May 2020
Eternal Battle
Colm May 2020
No matter how many people I build up
Or desperate towers I tear down
With the beautiful brutal honesty of humans
It is only the cannot that is felt
When it comes to the understanding built
Between two me's
There is a difficult us to be found
40 · Jul 2020
Persuasion, A Wentworth
Colm Jul 2020
I'm not at sea
We're not at war
At all more happy about what's been
The ships which set sail over again
On the same old breath of tired wind

I'm a man inland
And as we once were here
So long ago before we stood
Watching the storm creep in
Sweeping softly over limestone cliffs

And with this I remember
Like the clear day fore Michaelmas
Before the storm sets in
When we were back then

8 years is no laughing matter
40 · Oct 2020
Colm Oct 2020
The most addictive substance
Known to man
Is no man at all
Nor a compound unleashed

But a woman found
And with whom quietly you can
Atop corner seats and within window cafes

As if no air had ever passed between
True to me. So true.
Colm Jul 2020
If the tides of hatred ever crashed, over my heart with such ferocity, that I cannot swim or dry off their lasting affects therein. Then I will quit this concrete race to the death, and die on my own terms further within. Though my only friend be this inland wind. Somewhere there where the spray of a freshwater fray, is more friendly to me than a million duplicitous greetings beside. And so away from the edge of the earth I fly.
I would. If such were me.
40 · Aug 2020
Once More Alive
Colm Aug 2020
In this prominence
On a cathedral I stand
Beneath the oceans breath
And fly without thinking of these stars
Which are but fireflies in the meadow around
I am bigger than galaxies
Older than thoughts
And more aware of being than we've ever been
When there is no tomorrow - You live
39 · Jun 2020
the confines of fear
Colm Jun 2020
Fear not the going
Of the when or bitter where, even
Though I will miss the smoothness of the stone in hand
And the smell of the earth after the rain soaked air is depleted
But I know it's true, because it is
Because when has the journey ever not lead somewhere
When has the worry ever been worth the wear
When you are free you are in being
And have been
Because fear is not in the going forward
It's the failure to begin
39 · Dec 2020
Loss of Sensation
Colm Dec 2020
I don't want much
Or need another to hold my hand
There's not much left to be found of us
(Thank God)
I just want to taste
I just want to be able to smell the sky again
A virus
39 · Jun 2020
Your Sound And My Cologne
Colm Jun 2020
Your sound it
Smells like my cologne in summer
Blue cotton polos in the sun
And red croquet mallets swinging
Like winning cheers and pretzel sticks
By the train station studying
To be in school and not knowing
39 · Aug 2020
Not A Morning Person
Colm Aug 2020
A heavy night
Caves in my chest
Collapses me like underground sound

And in falling this
Echo feels no duress
But a resounding weight profound compounds

Like crushed earth I am
In the morning noise
39 · Aug 2020
Goodbye Ocean
Colm Aug 2020
It’s not that time
In its infinite wisdom
Healed anything or all that was crashing between my ears
It’s more that I chose
To wash away the sands of scent and memory
And to let you go
Used to be so true, but now it's just a tune. LOL. Adios.
39 · Mar 2020
Social Stitching
Colm Mar 2020
Pointed, sharp and searching, ever in. Some people are needles and I the thread. Integrate me if you must, though I will not be sown of my own accord. I would much rather spin in perfectly spooled schools on my own. Thus, is the nature of the singular thread, alone. Sometimes seen. And sometimes integrated in both step and social seam.

But to the occasional social seamstress, sure.
Cut me in.
Colm Jun 2020
The trees knew more
And long before the morning dew
Of what we were
And when would end
This indescribable
The first two lines were like a dream before sleep. Could you tell?
39 · Sep 2020
C 6
Colm Sep 2020
C 6
I just want to sit somewhere. And drink coffee with no-one. Until my thoughts are renewed, and my feet spring alive with a new thread of carbon.
Colm May 2020
When everything is in order, set
And stones are smooth as rivers run
It is then, and in, I expect will forget
The endless coming of undone

But no
Not yet
For a hundred years more
I will remember, learn, to just let the coming of set

No order will ever
Take heart. Good or bad. It will pass.
39 · Jan 2020
Threading Media
Colm Jan 2020
I fear no pixel
Images are water and air to breathe
And meet
At the hands of a needled creator
Seamless are these
Threading Media
Colm Aug 2020
I remember you
Your sound, your tempered speech
Reading Pausch by the beach
You set me free
To smile again
Miss Serendipity
38 · Mar 2020
Forward My Awake
Colm Mar 2020
Only those
Who have no regrets
Have also no breath
Left or mind to fathom the why

Death and worry go hand in hand
Forward My Awake
38 · May 2020
What I Know Of Youth
Colm May 2020
I would not recommend
The yearning for younger
Stupider days
As we all did own version of foolish
(In youth)
Be it in our own being
And stupid way

Too old, too soon?

But the fast well known
Is a far better day
Colm May 2020
Nothing demotivates the soul
Like safety
Keeping you from the wind beneath your feet
The wings beneath your shoulders felt
Just as weeds, the weeds, grow ever still
In their moving way they never break
And our human plot of life is to take
Our hands to the earth in constant misery
Knowing that all things will grow
Both around us and through
All things inevitably will come due

And the earth will continue on, probably long after me

The human side of me
Colm Apr 2020
One day when the cattails turn
The clocks unwind themselves in silent sound
And the sun stops smiling back at us

One day then, when the someday is when
And there are no more daunting stars or crashing mountains
Waiting to converse with gravity voice

Day one without when will begin anew with a flower
Seeded in moonlight, born the son of Sun
And all that we did, even the observations will be undone
One day will all will. But the earth will not. Good thing to remember.
37 · May 2020
And I Need Coffee
Colm May 2020
Emancipate my blood stream with caffeine
So that I dont feel groggy
And captured by sleep
In a new world
Of coffee to be
Would you
Feeling my better already.
Colm Jun 2020
Hear my voice when you read me
For when I write you I see words
And in knowing such, share
Being delivered about a week later
By a parcel service called self aware

I knock at my own door
For more than me
My closely held tiny dancer
I knock knowingly
Allowing you to listen in and answer

Hear my voice when you read me
37 · Apr 2020
A Wish Granted, A Tanka
Colm Apr 2020
Going nowhere is
Is still being here, something
Be it time to pass
Anew, whatever else you
Wished for on this burning gas
I wanted to see the sunlight again. Well not I can, due to these recent events.



37 · Feb 2020
A Setting Son
Colm Feb 2020
Its shoulders back
And back bent
Until time breaks will
And perpectives are know

It is more than talk
Or act or deed alone
It is more than anything
Which could ever be

It is trust and in trust
It is faith within hope
It is family over honor
Facing known and unknown

And in due time
It is the requirement
That both father and son are willing
To let go
A Setting Son (7) - A father is a special thing, regardless of sucuess, failure, or fault. There is something so similar yet very different within.

It's like a sunset. Beautiful. Unstoppable. Inevitable. That is what A Setting Son is.
37 · Feb 2020
Among And Along With
Colm Feb 2020
Among the many things which I welcome
   Your legs over mine
   My head atop yours
There is nothing more valuable
   Than that which I can give
   Being then myself
   More than time itself
Along with all that which I adore
   Comes me
A Setting Son (8) - I believe that the greatest gift of human self, from one to another, is self complete. Not perfect. But fighting.
37 · Apr 2020
On A Hillside (A Tanka)
Colm Apr 2020
Black willow rises
Across a hill beside Me
Underlaid burden
Spent no more a tragic be
Than in this being up grown
On A Hillside (A Tanka)
37 · Feb 2020
His Favorite Sight
Colm Feb 2020
The night sky lays out on its trampoline bed
With all it's stars and nebula friends
Looking down into eyes
Streaming looks pouring out
In admiration it is thus
How the night sky wishes upon us
That it had such strong feelings felt

The sky envies my friends
It told me so
A Setting Son (5) - Just imagine if it were looking back with an equal wonder? Eh?
37 · Jul 2020
And All I Need Is Sleep
Colm Jul 2020
My sleep is not like rivers
l   o   n   g
My winded song without vigor strums
And wavers desperately along
In search of a lengthy bend to break
And all I need is sleep
37 · Aug 2020
The People of the Cosmos
Colm Aug 2020
Sometimes I’m in awe of the constellations
Of the planets and their unorderly align
And other times I see the sun in its blinding light natural
And am disgusted by its distant hiss and lurid blind
Colm Aug 2020
Howling on the inside
Moon above alive
Tonight in luminescent essence
Amongst the ever ending happiness
The will to be there for
And therein search of her
I do not have a lover
But if I did I'd be missing her
Another day comes to an end. Shocking.
37 · Jun 2020
Ingrid Bergman
Colm Jun 2020
Ilsa didn't see the stars
She . was . the . sky
And held the starlight gently in her ever glistening eyes
36 · Jul 2020
From An Emphatical Man
Colm Jul 2020
It's not that opinions
(much like rushed sculptures)
Are always unattractive
But it's the forceful hatred behind the hands
Which makes me sick of seeing the resurfacing you
Over and over
Again and again

And yet in this stage of life
I dont hate you
Nearly as much as you hate them
Which is sad.
36 · Mar 2021
Colm Mar 2021
when doubt turns back
from gray to blueish hue
the earth itself stops son from spinning
and in directional ways found
bounds down like fog over the mountains

turns on its end like the books overthrown
by shifting night and confusing gloom
you were there and saw
the night when it first went missing
(the moon)

and if anyone besides me heard it first
(it was you)

Cackling above the trees like a crow
Above the earth
(which will not grow)

the look beyond
which turns away
is there
(at the end of all our exploring)
36 · Feb 2020
The Human Inevitable
Colm Feb 2020
Perfectly, flawlessly, lost
Still lost

Quietly, solemnly, sleeping
Still wake

Notably, publicly, making
Still waste

We are dying, arriving, and truly
Too late
Distractions end. Sleep ends. Your career and creations will all come to an end. This world will end. And nothing on this earth will ever satisfy you.

Our nature is to thirst and waste the things which we are given, such as time and opportunity.

Life without faith is so empty.

Makes me thankful for grace and such.
36 · Oct 2020
Three Of Five
Colm Oct 2020
A wish is no more want or desire. A blink in the eyes of the eternal mind. Our love but a memory in an ocean of sighs. I hope not an ounce of salt within to find.
36 · Dec 2020
Rain Fail
Colm Dec 2020
Expecting the next words [you taste] to save you. Is like praying for rain to [never] stop, and it will.
A little think about how nearly every mortal thing will always let you down. The high, the event, even the pen. Only God can.
Colm Aug 2020
There are no good old days (plural).
There is only the day you are having now (singular).
And death is all over yesterday.
A three line pill - swallow it self
Colm Oct 2020
The unheard sound
Like a song stretched out
Over the many sunrises spent
Beneath silken vine and canopy tent
Forever is a very long time left to see
But this sound still unenduring
Is the most beautiful thing
To be heard of and by me
Colm May 2020
Guided like the steady light
Which call out
Over the vast ocean darkness of mind.
Clearing clouds in a single bound
With skying hopes
And ever leaving leaves
Falling out of favor now.
And down
Quickly towards the earth
Where I am brought back  
When your night
It ends.
As with sentiments drawn
Renewed embued.
Are you more than just the light persistent?  
Hiding above the sun's inevitably found?
Or are you the guiding
Downward stars?
Don't leave me now
My heart abound.
Without your light
I'd be in lost.
Leading by light?
36 · Feb 2020
Nope, Just The Wind (;
Colm Feb 2020
Your voice
An echo in my atmosphere
I thought I caught it once
In fast descent one summers night
And I thought and thought
That it could be you
Since the wind was never so loud in voice
So alive as that
Since you always did have
That particular shine within snowy eyes
But no
Not this time
See title, lol
36 · Nov 2020
Breathing Water
Colm Nov 2020
All a man can do is

Be with the current
Atop the stream
And alive within the breeze

All a man can do is
Colm Apr 2020
A walking wisp took my hand
The other lifetime for a spell
And in leading us to a flooded field of homeless tails
And endless tells

Outback with water through my shoes
I with-saturated-held
Onto her with everything I had
Yet forward I still fell

Into a flooded field of endless tales
36 · Dec 2020
Unwinding Now, Out
Colm Dec 2020
Tampering like a kitten string
   Like a ball of yarn, I am, unwound
And in sinking now
   Into a bath of bygone grace
Of comings, and goings, and beings, and nothings
   As of made last night, late decisions by candles, unsound
Here in my weakness, drying, stretching out
   My tired mind unveiled to you
Go ahead with enjoyment
   My indulgence, go ahead
And have fun with me now
As a visual person, I tend to write best when I think less. Letting the words come alive based on just one or two things. Sometimes it's an image, or a feeling, or both. Yes, this one is both.
Colm Apr 2020
Fear not

Concurred worlds such as these, incurred
Stretch out only in mind
And thorough constant memory
And considerable adaptation, often hold

As the army of creation marches on
Towards the rounded everloving demise of me
So this uniformity of us marches there without toll

Paying nothing
Saying nothing

And to no one
In particular

We grow old before we can realize that fear
Held nothing but the bitter cold
We Humans Ignore, Based On What We Want
36 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
I know no pain
No ache or throb
Quite like the morning after life
The day after the perfect night
Which has gone into the bitter dawn

No walking coffee can salvage me
From such a feeling
Such a wrong

I am
36 · Oct 2020
The Realization
Colm Oct 2020
People forget how deep it is
Till the ocean looks back at them
Intently from beneath the cliff
36 · Aug 2020
the ending song
Colm Aug 2020
Heavier than water
More colored than caramel
I am a weighted stream            
A sap trees flow                          
And though in striking hope alight
A burst                                                
I am burning for no more than shadows dance
And in the ending song, I find        
That I am alone and for the worse
Tough break
36 · Jul 2020
Father, Son
Colm Jul 2020
Someday very soon
I’ll look back through the eyes of memory at you
And remember when you made your world yours

Dry as ink
I’ve yet to write
Colm May 2020
Does a new wind ever blow or die?
From the same fountain of cloud which has alway given?

In a upward lifting thought of sky
Is the dream relentless?
Or is it just the same day which we've all been living

I ask because I wonder why

Is this the new beginning?
I'm ready for this new breeze of freedom to stay.

I'm tired of the old me.
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