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 Sep 2011
Louis Brown
As a boy I whistled in the dark
Walking by those tall tombstones
When I'd glance at that old graveyard
Frigid air would freeze my bones
As a man I've never been that scared
Till I saw your closet bare
I felt like that boy at midnight
Seeking courage with a prayer

I'm whistling by the tombstones again
Since I hurt you and you left me
I can feel that icy wind
I'll never make it through
Tomorrows without you
I'm whistling by the tombstones again

In my mind I miss your pretty face
And my backbone feels a chill
I tremble like that lonesome boy
Passing cemetery hill
If you don't come back it's darker
Than those graveyard fantasies
Cause it's just a grim tomorrow
Unless your dreams including me

So please don't say that little fuss
Could end our fairytale
All my life I'd be whistling down
Life's long long lonesome trail

I'm whistling by the tombstones again
Since I hurt you and you left me
I can feel that icy wind
I'll never make it through
Tomorrows without you
I'm whistling by the tombstones again

Copyright Louis Brown
I wish I could tell you that I love you
And not worry that you won’t understand
That I say it not simply because I want to,
But so that in the event of my death,
You might know that I've loved you my whole life,
And that the amount of love I have for you
Is ten million times more than I ever deserved to experience
Unravel me with your smile,
The limbs of my soul stretched out to touch you,
Your voice a soft caress on my cheek,
Like honey and all that is hopeful in the world

Laugh, my love, and send me whirling too,
As you always have and always will
Oh, what I would do, what I would give!
To hear you laugh just one more time
 Aug 2011
Tonight I feel a heaviness in my heart
A wreckage of a moment that has yet to pass
A hand reaches beneath my breast
It grips my heart with a cold iron hand
Like false light I lie about the night
That moment we spent we only wanted to rent
It was cheap and never lasted past the stroke of midnight
A phone call you'd rather not receive,
you know this had to end,
you know I had to leave,
One day too long in your company
Funny how feelings change so quickly
So now once again I'm all alone
The sound of your voice changes tone
Now it's like foil between my teeth
And I find it's so very hard to breathe
I take another pill so I can fall asleep
Maybe tonight my dreams won't make me weep
Maybe I could die at peace within my sleep
A wish that I have folded and buried far beyond my reach.
I cannot name an untarnished memory
Nor can I recite to you with an amiable fondness
All that you have introduced to me
Which I know can never be forgotten
Or ignored

Every time I’ve cried
For each childish, humdrum tear
You have sat upon my eyelids in wait
And braced yourself upon my lips
To catch them as they fall

My make-believe hero
My sunlight

As for leaving,
Love knows not of the word
But only of emptiness
For you can never truly leave someone
Who hasn’t let you go

What a sad thing it is

I am still here
And I’ve loved you every moment of it
 Jul 2011
If I push this button you'll just disappear
It'll be as if you never were

Wiping my hard drive of all traces of you will bring me relief
"Pics or it didn't happen," so they say,
and so I erase you from my life

No longer able to sift through our past
and see the lies I now know them to be
Watching us pile up in the Recycle Bin
knowing once I hit "empty" all the hurt will be gone
I won't restore even if it means being empty for the rest of my life

My background will no longer show me your face,
reminding me of when we thought we were happy

The computer always played a part with us
and it only seems fitting
that the final nail be slammed in
with my delete button
 Jul 2011
I wish I could tell you I loved you
without fear
without pain

I wish that I had the courage to hold you
and tell you everything
will be okay

There are times when it feels so close
I can hardly breathe
but the moments pass quickly
and I'm left here to bleed

I don't trust myself enough to admit how I feel
So lying is the only way I know
to keep everything real

You look at me
and I swear I can see the same feelings
staring back at me

It seems all an illusion
that can only lead to my destruction

I know now
as I have always known
that my love for you is doomed
And not because you love another
but simply because
it's you
 Jul 2011
I find I care less and less
as the days go by
The glimmer of hope
that was short lived will briefly haunt me
till it can be replaced
with something more painful

My frown will fade into oblivion
as soon as I find a distraction
The warnings were given
I knew my place
This sting is my reward for ignoring the rules
and kissing you anyway

The words you whispered tricked me
Spun around me and wrapped my hands in them
I breathed in deep
learning, too late, that I was caught

I'll pour the water over my head now
Rinse off this feeling of waste
My heart has stopped pounding
and my song is ending soon

The beat we shared was fleeting
You forgot the words with time
I'll walk away calmly
humming our once perfect rhyme
I wrote this about a stupid boy. I liked him for about a year, and waited for him to make a move. When he finally did I was elated, but he killed it shortly. After writing this I completely moved on from the slight hurt and no longer see him in a romantic way. It felt so good getting this out, but I do see what a waste it was. We could have been something really good.
 Jul 2011
When you walk on water
I feel as though the blood in me is gone
Weakness makes me fall face first into your lonely sea
As I'm enveloped by the waves and take that first breath of ocean
I sense that maybe I am dreaming your beauty

Who can walk on water anyway?

You control my shaking
as a lion controls his roar
Pushing me into the side of this mountain you've built around us
Every time I try to rush past you
you break me down once more

Who wants to be free anyway?

Every time you cry
I taste grief in my mouth
It's bitterness tingles on my tongue

I bathe in your sadness, as it lingers over me
and wonder when it was you last said goodbye
I hunger for your tears
like you crave my forced words of love

When the taste is so satisfying
who needs to be happy anyway?
 Jul 2011
the children skip on the c r  ac  k  ed sidewalk
faded chalk outlines of married couples,
pink and blue skeletons of yesterday.
they existed contently, unbiased
letting others use them to get
from place to place.
never fighting, never complaining
holding hands for their eternity
until selfish rain erased them
Chains quiver under the tongue of flames then lie dead to you
So how can they still sing to me until I cannot forget?
That the grip of time will never end
And even if I go away my lips will smile
With blinded eyes

A shell of seclusion asks at last if I miss those possibilities
Of your constant sifting through my soul and mind
Until hope is no longer a dream
And your flames breathe upon the petals
Chained in ecstasy

The gifts I wish away are still mine to have and know
Held by a single hand with no magical wand
Yet I seem to view the dawn
As a strange rain that brings me gloom
Chained to here and gone

If chains quiver under the tongue of flames then lie dead to you
What is this voice I carry inside my heart to remain?
When all it seems merely waits for me
To release my tears and sweetly smile again
Blinded to the chains
*Copyright Neva Flores @2011
 Jul 2011
Traveling on rocks
I came and saw you standing still in this theory of
time where space and the minute hand collide in the
explosive impact of a lovers long and dead embrace that
envelops all of the planets existence in this single instance.
I realized
that this collision
Was in the best interest of the sole proprietor of
my heart's real estate on which houses were built to
hold the familiar smells, touches, and tastes of your sweet
touch, and yet this time I have found that you
have forsaken this heart beating landscape with your fruitful lies
and promising truths.
rest of
us have come to realize that the words that leave
your mouth, while as sweet and well intention as you
may present them to the gathering droves of the gullible
ears, exit your mouth with the speed of an arrow
and the sharpness a blade that has a double edge
pointing back at the shooter with the same accuracy as
the target soul's painted bull's eye.
But I will
and never
forget the moments that these words provided to the broken
soul, heart, and mind of one terribly miserable beast, while
banished from his form, made up his mind to trust
one last time in the lips of his angel, and
while glass rose petals shattered from the spoken words off
her lips, the truths still glowed brightly in its broken
proving that
these harsh
words of the cover
up, was faked
And the real voice, the real trust, the real love
covered in smothering lies to hide it's embarrassing weakness of
love, and showing that in its rock hard skin was
a soft, well spoken, mild mannered
(although as sharp as ever)
heart and soul filled with the love for the beast,
by the beast, and given back to this beast
the beast transformed, converted
into the one
and the only one
Another Insomniac Poem (AIP)
 Jul 2011
Kate Little
I counted the hours
now the days
Will I count the weeks?
The months?

I suspect I will.

It was beautiful

It was special

Feelings known only with you
now float like driftwood
on the vast ocean between us
Words by K A Little
7 March 2011
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