I can't describe it officer
I can't describe the feeling of pain
All this bad luck
Came in, like a hurricane
I'm sorry officer
I didn't mean it
They don't help me
And I think these pills aren't either
No officer, I'm not crazy so there
No officer, stop it
don't tell me things that
People tell me each day
I was told I had to.
Family tradition officer.
Yes officer
No officer
I know officer
Stop officer
Stop calling me sir
I don't remember that
Being my
Yes I know it's not real
But you missed something out
It's not real
But look at these photographs officer
These... Visions....
Are based on these photographs
And guess who took them?
Guess who has to risk their sanity
And safety
And their life
And lose their mentality
Just to show these ****** photos
To a world that doesn't care
And brushes them aside
Like dust
Or sand
Or a crying baby
Or a begging homeless dude
Or a sobbing woman
It's me.
And these visions are