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 Mar 2015
Mehma Kunwar
Breathe. Everythings going to be fine. Don't give up. I believe you are okay and as beautiful as on the day you entered this world. Thank God you went through so much ugliness and didn't become it.
 Nov 2014
Take a risk, take a chance
Make a change, and breakaway
Don't let life rule you
Be the ruler of your own life
You can make it
You best believe it
I aint just saying it
You just aint seeing it
Slip on them shades
Drown them all in the earthquake of who I know you to be
Beautiful and deadly
Make them surrender or better yet leave
Leave em all gawking like fish out of thier bowls
Though they'll never let you see it show
Tryna figure out how they got it so wrong
And you got what they call 'gold'
That fire in your eyes
That smile on your lips
Fighting and fighting even when you feel closest to beaten broken
And how even when you're beaten
You still fall gracefully
*** you got what they be chasing
No i'm not just saying it
The truth is i'm not fakin it
I've seen it
But I can't tell ya
That's not for me to tell ya
So you best just believe me
When I tell you
You need to find it within you
Hold it close
Don't let it go now
Hold on till it's dark now
Hold on till it's hard to
Even when it hurts to
Know that even the greatest fall, too
But still remain great
Because they found out where the secret lies too
and so can you,
Believe in yourself
n you'll make it through...  
                                  - haych

.....I feel passion course through my veins
sudden determination I cant constrain
your words are magic and work like a balm
I'm hypnotized, word after word, serene n calm
they give me hope, I remember my place
insuppressible smiles adorn my face
I feel like myself, you hold me together.
you make me do things I haven't done in forever.
your words transform into power
that I now possess.
with you by my side, I can aim for success.
i wander down the track unused for ages,
I ponder about things that haunted me like plagues
I stand up, I stand tall
knowing you'd be there if i ever fall
I believe in myself,i believe in you
but most of all I believe in us...
and know we'll somehow make it through :)
its amazin how my best frnd can use the exact spell n words ,string em together n as if by magic, everything seems to b a lil better. this poem was written by her n it did wonders. thanks melman :)
 Apr 2014
Kevin T Norman
Where is the place in which dreams start,
Is it a secret place deep in our heart?
No by dreams I mean not the ones that happen when we close our eyes,
Not the ones that pop up when we tell the world goodbye.
I mean the dreams that push us forward,
The ones that say keep going this isn't over.
The ones that make us jump like kids,
And get us all excited and make us want to live.
The ones where when times are tough,
We think this dream and its enough.
Where is the place in which they start,
Is it our home, is it our loved ones, is it our art?
What is that thing that inspires every one of us,
To try and do all these crazy things,
Like act, dance, or sing.
We each have a dream and it can't be ignored,
Inside all of us it's like a lion with a loud roar.
But time keeps telling us to shut it up.
To **** the dreams that inspire each of us.
We lose hope and let them go,
We say goodbye to the world we dreamed to hold.
Look back to the place in which they had their start,
Don't let others tear them from your heart.
Inspire, dream, and let them live,
Follow them until the very end.
Because without them we would never reach the stars,
And we wouldn't be able to take our lives too far.
But with them the world seems like magic,
With adventure, love, and something tragic.
But like all good fairy tales there is a happy end,
One with a loved one or a special friend.
So keep on dreaming until you die,
Hold on tight and let them fly.
Because in the end you will reach your dream,
And when you do all will be redeemed.
 Mar 2014
the gray clouds hang low,
The wind howls n screams
But within i feel a warm glow,
Like living in a dream.
A hazy happy place
lost in my reverie
A soft smile curved on my face
Thoughts again, r down the lane of memory..
Until of course, i blink...
n snap back into reality.
I cant help but think,
U dont need to be here to make me smile...
Ur memories do it all the time.
Maybe the storms still here...
Maybe life is testing my fears.
Maybe im not n never will b fine.
But maybe ur memories will help me go on... until v meet nxt tym.
Sometimes a smile doesnt say
'im okay'
Sometimes it means
'im trying to be  *brave...'
 Mar 2014
when the day seems boring and long
when everything goes wrong
when bad stuff happen and i cant get along
when nothing goes right, n there's no hope of change.
when god knows i cant hold on any longer,he sends an angel.
when im soaking my pillow with tears at night.
the angel comes to make things right.
she comforts me n i hold her tight.
she stays with me until my burdens gone n i feel light.
she helps me into bed n bids me g'nyt.
atlast she smiles a dazzling smile,behind her i c the stars shine bright.
i smile back at her as she goes away...
the next day,im on my way.
hurrying so i dont miss the bus.
mum kisses me goodbye n makes a fuss.
on my seat, i snuggle up to sleep.
but when u came my heart made a huge leap.
because suddenly i remembered last night...
it gives me a thrill ,a kinda fright.
as i shake hands with you n u smile a dazzling smile.
i recognize the angel, from last night.
poems i wrote when i was 13.
 Feb 2014
i might be broken.
i might have nothing.
i might be rotten.
i may have lost everything.
i might be forgotten.
i may be,
that 'her' down the lane of memory.
and the only thing that's left in me.
is that belief.
that somewhere.
around,up there.
there is a god.
and somewhere down here,
there is hope.
and somehow some day i believe ill find.
i believe ill find them both.

— The End —