It hides itself
Better of late
That old companion
In my shadow
That perpetual
Creeping malaise
Coiling inside my brain
Never springing
Only cr e e p i n g
Logic and common sense.
A lord of fear
Undermining mental
Immune systems
Playing my emotions
Like a violin concerto–
Devil's chord
Out of tune socially
But then I see her
In her vulnerable position
That sweet
Innocent child/woman
Who props up my remains
Who takes me back
To simpler times
And youthful joys
When the hooded cobra
Was in embryonic form.
This one constant in my life
Keeps the cobra at bay
But it waits just outside the camp
Taunting me
Whispering just low enough
So I can't make out what
It is saying.
But how can one make out hissing?!
When you were always told
That you are fine
Nothing's wrong
Maybe a little neurotic sometimes
What can you do?
Be reduced to a catatonic state?
Where can you hide but in your shadow?
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker
That "child/woman" is my wife, my
love, my soul mate, my light through decades of light & shadow.