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 Nov 2018
Yue Wang Yitkbel
Your souls are the seeds in the wind

I open my arms wide

Hoping to catch them in my dreams

I can barely see them
                  Their very presence

But I can feel them

Rippling through me



Tiny specks of twinges of love

That form

Brief little lightning

                                    Giving me life
October 10, 2018
Just posting and back to hiding.
Only Love
I love you from the core of my heart
My love, love takes shapes from you
Never allow your arrogance to depart
Share pain of life through and through

My love world is merciless and cruel
It never allows heart beat to narrate
Pain and pleasure are in constant duel
Negligible moments are to celebrate

You are my soul and give me all life
Without you my survival is at stake
Hatred kills me but with its cruel knife
Less love all other emotions are fake

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
 Oct 2018
I sang
The words

I sang
The words

I sang
The words

I sang
The words
That I

I remember these words
Inside my throat
Clawing outward

I remember these words
Burns on my arms
Branding me
With names and numbers

Words that soothe
Yet still

I sang
The words
Blind you

© Sofia Villagrana 2018
Sitting in a heavenly garden of paradise does not mean that you won't be stung by a bee; truer words have yet to be spoken by me.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
 Oct 2018
You feel it slowly at first
The singeing of sanguine-pumped pain
Piercing the remnants of a drained soul
Spreading through those past-haunted veins

You grasp & claw for something, anything
Maybe it’s hope, or just some fresh air
Something to save you from the agony
But still you drown in the depths of despair
Living in a maze of contemplation
All these things that I've become
This web of karma
I've weaved completely
Every which way my spiders run

Perhaps a pill or
Some sort of medication
Could help me find my poetic way
Yet I could never give in
To an indication
That I've nothing left to say
A collaboration with the kindhearted Satita!!!
Traveler Tim
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