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 Aug 2016
Messengers bring me no messages,
teachers do not raise your voices,
like a flag I will raise my hand, like
a mad dog looking up on a hill
in the afternoon, I will smell you out
in the dead water where my tongue
is held captive, if it is to be silent
it will be silent in my mouth
where darkness and the scent of roses
come out like smoke, I smoke alone
in the woods to be smoking
so I can say I have smoked,
I call out madam
shall I undress you for a fight,
the wars are naked that you wage tonight
in a bed as broad as a battlefield
as the sword you mock the fallen with
and the angel says what is dead is
dead, I dream what I dream.
 Aug 2016
A figure who spends all his time
twisting to fit in
to society
 Aug 2016
Valsa George
What has come over me of late
The sound of falling footsteps behind
Sends all my senses on a strike
Leaving me with thunderous pounding of the heart
My mind then buzzes with thoughts and I go dizzy
Why this happens to me every now and then
Is this what you call love?

Why I nurse the aura of a beautiful dream
Why I see the Earth wearing new shades
Why I feel the wind whispering to me a new tale
Why I doubt if there is greater melody in the twitter of birds
Why do I feel this moment intoxicating
Never have I felt like this before
Is this what you call love?

Of late I run to the mirror more often
Am I becoming another Narcissus
Falling in love with my own image
Why do I become so choosy in my dress
Why do I look around to see if anyone has seen me smiling to myself
I wonder what has happened to me these days
Is this what you call love?

Why do I see stars on a bare night sky
Why I feel the night air indolently fragrant
Why sleep eludes me even at the wee hours of the night
Making me sit delirious by the window
Hoping to catch the glimpse of a shadow
Why this happens night after night
Is this what you call love?

Why my mind wanders like an unattended kite
I grow excited, I grow restless
I grow impatient with time
Sometimes anxiety grips me
I sink and rise in the ocean of my moods
There is a visible change in me
Is this what you call love?
 Aug 2016
Jacobe Loman
I love many, many don't know.
I sit by the creek, sometimes all alone.
Reading thoughts of the passers by.
Shooting warmth between their eyes.

Tricked into war, tricked into politics.
This whole scheme; a consequence.
Betrayed, broken and bruised.
A jealousy that has never been used.

Figure of speech, destined to be acquitted.
Unraveling cords, unlikely to be submitted.
The simple trick of tying a knot.
A lesson soon, likely forgot.

Unity in numbers, mostly not me.
Divided we are, united standing tall.
Reaching for the stars, afraid to fall.
Courage is a aftermath, afterall.

Like a yo-yo bouncing around.
The dreams in my sleep are renowned.
Only tossing and turning can churn them out.
The mundane day is what life is all about.

Forget and forgive.
Ride the little creek.
Don't be afraid, you silly meek.
Explore destiny and be a freak.
Live life rich as a sheik.
 Aug 2016
Jacobe Loman
Shaman who is keeping the flame.
Dancing like it's his last day.
Holding many secrets, knowing many fates.
Brown stubby knotted fingers do the pointing.
The young brown pups do the fetching.
Guiding the meek, chanting history.

He taught my family how to preserve mother.
Sometimes for sport, sometimes for balance.
Insisted we did this favour; not as ritual, but as rite.
We wait until the moon is filled of Mars.
We sing our people's song.
Sometimes a harmony, sometimes a challenge.

To do the shamans work; maybe *****.
We roam in threes, sometimes fours.
Our sanctified goal to slay mother's cousin.
Tall ones, brown like us, bones gnarly from skull.

We huff, and puff; the winter cold.
Lungs tired after kissing the chilly breeze.
The tundra lit up with a crimson sheen.
Fatiguing the march, yet we fly.

Hunters we hunt, fast with four legs.
We single a herd, resting their heads.
We focus the small ones, biting and gashing.
They fell like birch trees, painting the powder.
Outnumbering us, sport turns to anxiety.

We bite, gnaw, ****, and claw.
They fall hard to the Earth.
We don't feast, we have a mission.
Looting the bones, we keep them in submission.
Thinning them out; is our fed intuition.
Brothers grow tired, the prey devastated.
Mars reflects to us, as if saying mother is pleased.
The young brown pups do the fetching.
There is a beauteous lass of golden hair,
A silky velvet frock she loves to wear.
Akin to a mulberry moon,
She makes me swoon.
My beauteous lass of golden hair so rare.

© *Kikodinho Alexandros

*17th August 2016
#Limerick #Twilight #Pulchritude
 Aug 2016
Mary Pear
Once upon a time, a long , long time to come
A man invented 'vacuum drain'. Yes, that's it's name.
It pumped out fat. Human fat. Fancy that!
He hoped to make a fortune slimming us
It oozed out ****
That poured in vats, all sorts of fats;
Brown and viscous, white and lardy,
He worked so hard he
Didn't think things through.
The vats just grew.
And then he knew what he could do!
He'd sell it on! He'd make a bomb!
It worked a treat
The excess meat
Could feed a nation
A neat equation!

Fat westerners just couldn't wait
To line up and donate.
They even paid its fare
To take it anywhere
But on their bones
So..... Lean and svelte and handsome
They gave it all....and some
To feed the poor and dig into their land.
The idea was so grand
That it caught on
And all around the world the fat was shifting.
So many westerners were gifting
That share prices took a drop.
First slimming world went bust
And all the diet companies shut up shop.
Cheap labour went back home to families big and hearty
Who probably had a party
To celebrate their luck.

But.. Oh dear me!
The poor economy!
A tax was levied on the draining oil
To try and spoil
The benefits of losing weight
The media filled its screens with chubby faces
Fat people now appeared in all important places
But still the people shrank
To be quite frank
They had to sell the fat
to pay the vat.

Fat cats ( now thin) jumped in to run the racket
They hoped to make a packet,
But now the tide began to turn
The fat was used to burn
As fuel. The oil wells closed, the mines shut down
And people learned to burn their own fat too
No middle men, no ads campaigns, no V.A.T.
Just drainage after tea.
So little waste (waist)
(Spell it as you like, it's all the same) play the game
And carry on this fantasy
Where could it end?
If you have more, just add it on, my friend.....
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