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 Jan 2019
I never met my (real) father
I wonder who he was
I never got to see
his face
Or ever shared
his love

Perhaps he was a Traveler
From a Royal Traveling line
Or just some old time poet
Forever lost in rhymes

The unspoken truths
Safely hid in lies
Strangely for some reason
I'm prone to speak in rhymes

Computer stuck!!
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2019
Ciel Noir
There can be no certainty

This is all I know

One and
One is two
Maybe I am mad
Maybe I have been lied to

I don’t
Really know
Things that I believe
Just because I have been told

What if
All of this
Is only my dream
In a world I cannot see

We shall never know; we may only believe

There can be no certainty
 Jan 2019
South by Southwest
Where do the bones lie
That made the dreams stand the test of time

Now the kisses fall empty
They are as cold as the stars on the frosted panes of memory

The days of many are so
The embraces of love are now so few
Where does the flesh of love
from the womb lie buried

The sun is my witness
The moon my judge
The comets my accusers
The stars my jury
How do I plea ?

Yes I was guilty of love
But do not punish me
My heart was weak
My soul tempted
I would do it all again

For every little love is precious to me

Every little calls out to me
 Jan 2019
Edmund black
Poverty is not
An individual failure.
It’s an engineered system!
Wishing all my friends a happy holidays !
I am in Haiti until January 9th . Limited access to the internet and email!
Missionary mission!
God bless.... love you all!
 Jan 2019
K Balachandran
In flow I’m yet still,
Present here, but eternal;
A mystery clear!
 Jan 2019
It’s a quiet night in the sticks,
So hot and humid, shirts are drenched
And every movement leads to pure
heat exhaustion, sweat trickles down
foreheads and the fans just
Don’t cool when the air is filled
With heavy moisture and good ole’
Southern Sweet Tea can only do
So much to save your poor soul
And bless your heart and say your
Prayers and be sure to never swear
Dogs are barking louder than ever
As they chase a leaving pickup down
A dirt road named “Desire.”
Childhood memories of visiting my grandparents who lived in the sticks... I'm not sure why I decided to name the dirt road "Desire," it just felt right.
 Jan 2019
Valsa George
Make me a flower delicate and sweet,
spewing fragrance into the blowing breeze .
Make me a violin from whose strings
melody flows to soothe the ailing nerves .
Make me a rain cloud, sailing over
the breadth and length of skies
showering cooling droplets on to the thirsting Earth.
Make me a lamp shedding beams of light
dissipating darkness from the mazy depths of gloom .
Make me a vessel full with love to pour out
into all empty pitchers.

Let every atom of my being throb with Thy filling love
Let it spring forth in jets to form the gushing stream
Let the Earth wear a celestial charm
Let the plants celebrate the carnival of colors

In my basket, I shall gather many a fragrant bloom
to be offered at your feet with love
and remain squatted in Thy presence ,
not losing in the pageant of this transient life.

I wait for

The PEACE to dawn upon in a world where violence rules
where hate like worms eat into the core
and the air rent with fears – illusory and real

I wait for

The LIGHT to break into me to see myself bare!
to hear the music of your heart, over the cacophony around
and to sing songs of spontaneous praise!

Give me Light, Oh Lord! Clear brilliant Light,
not to enjoy the wayside scenes
but that I shall not stumble and fall.
With a severe constraint of time, I have to take a break from HP, may not be posting fresh poems for sometime. Thanks to all my friends from the bottom of my heart for all the love and encouragement you generously gave me and for your guidance and support in my poetic journey!
In the cusp between the current year and the dawning year, may I wish all my dear friends a New Year of Peace, Joy and all of God's Blessings!
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