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 Jul 2013
Kelly Taylor
Satan wears no horns,
nor does he boast a tail or pitchfork.
He wears soft lips
and freckles in his eye.
You share coffee with him
and your secrets, too.
The devil is the easiest creature
to fall in love with.
I once fell victim
to his sweet forked tongue.
He made a home in my heart;
painted the walls
and planted a garden.
He broke all the plates,
all the flowers died,
and he blamed the destruction on me.
 Jul 2013
Samantha Bauman
She was so pretty,
My little Rose.
She had pink cheeks.
And on stage her eyes shone.

Oh. But my little Rose needed more,
More than the sun.
For little Rose wasn't just anyone.

Rose belonged on the stage.
Where she became the characters she played.
My pretty little Rose.
On stage, her eyes shone.

Rose belonged in those lights.
She would be the sight of all sights.
Little Rose who would not ever wilt.
She was a star with voice like silk.

Other girls wanted to be her.
But it was Rose who "dreamed harder."
Pretty little Rose,
on stage her eyes shone.
rose theatre stage
 Jul 2013
If i was a flower i'd grow at night
i would flourish in the rain
and i would sprout on a cloudy day.
I would sway in the breeze
and you would pick off all my petals
to see if he love's you
and i'd hope the whole time that you would land on
"he loves me"
and i would still hope this
even as my petals are being torn off me
and thrown to the ground.
But if i was a flower,
and when winter comes,
sometimes i don't think i could push myself out of the ground.
 Jul 2013
Miranda Renea
There was a war that day between
A little girl and a red balloon.
"Fly!" said the girl to the balloon,
"Fly me away, take me away from here!"
"Be still!" Said the balloon to the child,
"If freedom is peace, we've found it here.
If freedom is peace, we've found it here."
Inspired by the lovely La Dispute!
 Jul 2013
Yehuda Amichai
After you left me
I let a dog smell at
My chest and my belly. It will fill its nose
And set out to find you.

I hope it will tear the
Testicles of your lover and bite off his *****
Or at least
Will bring me your stockings between his teeth.
 Jul 2013
Bruised Orange
I watched a video.

and I thought,

"Oh!  I can relate to that!:

I wrote a poem about that once!

Oh! Oh!

(Does this ever happen to you? or is this just a ME thing?)
 Jul 2013
She's my dearest everyone.
She's my unwritten poem.
She's my guiding light.

The wind keeping me away from stillness of water.
The pure delight on a gloomy day acting as the daughter.
The everyday sugar in my cup of unfaltering life.

She's my dear darling love,
She's my sunbathing dove,
She's my future wife.

The dancing celestial nymph in my corner mind,
The beautiful-beautiful signatures' right-hand,
The relaxing Immortal Goddess in my real life.

She's my most-prized friend,
She's my passionate trend,
She's my relief from daily strife.
My HP Poem #353
©Atul Kaushal
 Jul 2013
barry foster
a man walks into a bar
he thinks he has found his place
and by the steady row of hands
he keeps drinking up his past

a man walks around the bar
they say "explore", but won't let him out
the only view he gets is walls
the only beer he drinks is ours

a man crawls down round the bar
a man jumps high through the chairs
a man sips a tasty wine
a man drains the ugly pint

a man walks into a bar
says "guys, there's great life outside"
so our man there breaks the glass
and he promptly says good-bye.
 Jul 2013
I dance with my pen
across the page of this paper
singing the words like no one.

My pen is my instrument
I orchestrate the music
that is a song of poetry.

I paint words of silence
my pen is my brush
and I create.
 Jul 2013
Mike Hauser
I like to buy different magazines
And bring them to my home
Cut out all the faces
And replace them with my own

I always look so happy
In other peoples lives
I can be the best of husbands
Along side the best of wives

It all depends on my mood
On any given day
I could be hang gliding in the South Pacific
Or hiking the hills of Mandalay

On a beach in Florida
With perfect kids flying a kite
At a Hollywood premier
My face on any star I like

I used to lead a boring life
As I sat around at home
Now pasting my face in different magazines
I go and do anything I want

I just purchased NASA monthly
Dare I go to the moon
If they picture two astronauts together
You know I'd go with you

There's this island magazine I've been saving
From a travel agency
Can't wait to paste my face out swimming
In the bluest of the bluest seas

I'll flip through all the pages
Till I come up with the perfect tan
On top of the perfect body
Then I will be the perfect man

It's not always fun and games
I do have a serious side
When I paste my face onto orphans or the homeless
Then wet the pages as I cry

There's so many different things I do
Depends on the mood and the magazine
What peaks my interest at the store that day
And who it is I'd like to be
 Jul 2013
Erik Ervin
There is nowhere you would rather be.
You cannot sleep.
Blame the coffee.

Lay there.
Her stomach rises and falls

Close your eyes
remember the waves you first learned to love
how they washed up and down your four year old body.

She rolls to you,
murmurs something you cannot make out,
you ask what was said
it is the same muffled whisper

touch her arm
kiss her shoulder
she comes closer.

You recall this honest twisting of lips
forgot how easily it came

Close your eyes
that first touch of a basketball
the excitement flowing through legs
dribbling your way forward

Open your eyes
find hers gazing upon you

she awoke to snoring
says she’ll be in the next room

Blame the cigarettes

she asks to be awoken when you do

hear her in the hall
in the bathroom
going into the next room

close your eyes
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