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 Jul 2013
Yumna Zahid
You can love me or loathe me,
Agree or disagree,
But you can never erase me.

I drive you,
Rein you in or rip you apart,
I encroach your mind with my conniving hands,
Yet you haven't the strength to expunge me.

However you might shut me out or restrain me
But in the end you succumb and I win.

I give you the hope to live,
The backbone to prop yourself up in despairing times,
The happiness to rejoice.

Call me friend or fiend,
Your fort or your facade,

Nonetheless I'm your past,
Will be your future and I'm here right now...
I'm undeniably your conscience
 Jul 2013
Hummingbird Blue
why hello there, who are you?
why wear a mask, why not be true?
do not question me, for this will make it hard
I am here doing a deed, don't play a guilty card
a guilty card, sir what ever do you mean?
are you here for a reason, are you here to hurt me?
I repeat, no questions. tis not fair
neither are those pretty eyes and long gorgeous hair
why thank you kind sir, it really means a lot
but really why are you here, and why do you hold that knot?
this is not a knot, this is a rope
its the only way out, the only way to cope
I was sent on a mission, to find a little girl
one with pretty eyes and long hair, one that lives in a whirl
so come to me, I will make it all better
slip this rope around your neck, and i'll lift you like a feather
excuse me sir but I don't understand
you came to get me, that was your plan
I do live in a whirl but I am strong
so that rope is not good, that rope is wrong
you come here, and let me hug you
take off the mask, please be true
you foolish child, don't you see
i'm no good, that's why the death lives in me
it is okay, I promise you this
don't live in death, because life is something you cannot miss
you make me feel different about what I do
did you do this on purpose? how can I trust you?
I may be young, but I am quite smart
come with me, we'll never be apart
okay I will live only for you
*I will remove my mask, I will be true
Oh  the ocean
the only one i know
and i don't wanna swim
if it gets too cold

And the motions
of love get old
and i wont settle for silver
when i once had gold..... when i once had you

Oh the commotion
of my emotions
led me to the night my soul was sold
i don't wanna grow old knowing the truth wasn't told

Both paper my heart
and the letter that you hold
let it be read as my heart
it unfolds..... for you

If my heart is my compass
then X you mark the spot
ill find my gold
and let it go i will not

If someone ever loved you
well i hope it would show
ill find my lovin'
your my compass rose

so ill swim these parts of the ocean
where the lonely get cold
someday currents will  lead me
to somewhere you'd call home

Once a filthy pirate
I reap what i sow
and i don't wanna love
without love from my gold! HA!

— The End —