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 Jul 2015
Steven Gosling
I walked on planets far away,
on Jupiter and Mars.
I danced with fairies out to play,
and soared above the stars.

I wrestled giant polar bears,
and monsters from the deep.
I rode the fastest racing mares,
and leapt the greatest leap.

I travelled to kingdoms long ago,
and fought with knights of old,
I sailed the seas both to and fro,
and watched the gods unfold.

I held the entire universe,
in the palm of just one hand,
and watched the sands of time traverse,
and run right out of sand.

These and other marvels,
are but speckles in the sky,
to a ones imagination,
if we only stopped to try.
 Jul 2015
Steven Gosling
The sweetest sound that touch the ear,
can lift the soul and calm your fear.
A soft guitar or soulful scale,
the lilting song of nightingales.

A sad love song or baby’s cry,
can bring you joy or tear the eye.
The beat of drum, a shriek of glee,
or grand and stirring symphony.

But the sweetest sound that I can hear,
the one that sounds most true,
is when I say I love you,
and you say I love you too.
love sweetest sound

— The End —