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 Oct 2018
Grace Ann
I must be allergic to you
every time you come near me I swear
my stomach starts doing somersaults
My palms grow slick with perspiration
and I start to asphyxiate on fantasies of you
Surely I must be allergic
Why else would my eyes water at the thought of losing you
why else would I hold onto hope like an epi-pen that you are meant for me?

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL

Twenty-four seven
Your memories are mine
Morning, afternoon, day, evening and night

YOU live in me every moment
In my silent thoughts
And in my spoken and written
Words you dwell
My every action depicts
Your style and movements

I am sending you my LOVE vibes
Through every natural things
That you see and come across near you
Can you feel my LOVE BELOVEDz?

In my eyes- I carry your image
As if you are living my image
In front of mirror - I see only YOU
Have you robbed me from YOU?

No one can see
The invisible chain of LOVE
From your heart to my heart
From your soul to my soul

In every dream of mine
YOU make me happy and smile
Who knows what's going on in our lives

Our eyelids blink and
OUR LOVE blossoms Millions of
Flowers around the world

MY work is to narrate you
The details of my dreamZ
That's the only work
I have got NOW in my lives

There are dew drops on your petals
I am standing surrounded by
Your colorful flowers

The sunshine is ready to light the sky
The sky has worn your rainbow colors
The clouds are white and floating like oceans
The birds are chirping songs of LOVE melodies
The animals are stretching to follow us loyally
The breeze is carrying your fragrance
With your scent -
Even dead have come alive..!

Everything is ready but you are not there
And along with nature
I am waiting for your arrival

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL

 Jun 2018
deftly I wrang them
my own two hands to best an adversary
I fought for years that was way bigger
more strategic then me but,
had one weakness, it was inside me,
and so I put those hands together
and crafted wisely a way to wring out ***** laundry,
twist the bad's arm
snap the chicken's neck, yes,

it does flop around a bit refusing to die,
in death throes it jumps to the fence down it around headless, no sense in that, but,
even addictions refuse to die.
The poverty of a country existence
helped. Unless I wanted to sling **** there was really little work.
And the economic driver here is corn fields and **** heads the rich farmers have grown.
I don't get into staying awake walking up and down the street for weeks looking like death with his baggy eyes sans the scythe.
Hearing machine gun fire in my ears.

I used myself to get high. My hidden weaknesses. A hit of crack and a beer some ***** had me hiding from it.
I got away. Now with these hands, I am going to make a life for someone I want to spend the rest of my life loving.
I will with these hands build us a castle a small piece of paradise.
Our own heaven on earth.
And there, I will, with these hands hold and protect her and love her forever. In our small castle, that with these two hands, built.
Have you heard about them?
   (felt the magic…)
They are
the essence of love      
they hold
the beauty of life
they are all around us shining bright.

It's a whisper
of love
that floats 
through the trees
ruffling every leaf
of a breeze.
It’s a hint
of a fairy tale
a maiden
a white knight
a love
blessed by the stars
tenderly held tight.
A love that                  
grows stronger
as hearts became whole
for the love
them comes deep
from their souls.
From the very first moment
love shined
bright and  warm
casting out
doubt and gloom        
even the worst of storms.
It’s a whisper
of love
that floats
through the trees
a promise of eternity
on the sweet scent
of a breeze.
 May 2018
If i could
I'd bake you a heart
shaped cheesecake with strawberries,
I'd buy you a hundred roses.
I'd be by your side today
and celebrate your birth
with kisses and pearl necklaces
musical boxes
adorned with diamonds.
I'd take you in my arms
like I wish I could.
And never let you go.

Happy Birthday, my love,
my dearest.
Blow out those candles now,
and wish what I am.

I love you.
Happy Birthday, DiAnne!
 Apr 2018
The sun has disappeared in the horizon
And the moon releases her modest glow
The lulling waves bring us to sleep
As we have each other's company to keep
Everything was almost perfect
Then this tingling sensation starts to creep
Though, I look up into the skies
The moon shines like my silver stilettos
—maybe even brighter!

Then you say, you love me.
You love me more than anything else
My inside then starts to melt
But a word escape from your lips,
It made my heart skip a beat
“Goodbye, my love, goodbye
Please don't cry, I love to see you smile”
— it's sad to see someone go.

It was in that first moment
the first time we really talked,
i felt a soul connection
but at that time, my heart i blocked.

Do you remember that moment?
As i opened up and bared to you,
i felt such a calming peace
letting you in to see that view.

It was in that first moment
when i looked deep in your eyes,
i saw my forever “home”
i felt the sweetest of love baptize.

It was in that first moment
when you reached for my hand,
as i stepped into your arms
love overflowed, deep into the land.

It was in that first moment
when your lips touched mine in kiss,
Awwww.. the sweetest of moments
i will forever love to reminisce.

It was in that first moment
as our souls connected as one,
the world slipped out from beneath me
everything i knew became undone.

It was in that first moment…..

Again the moonlights company
4 am. She's somewhere.
About the skies glow
Stars flicker eyes turn
Search seek
A lone northern light
A light show
I gaze up to search for
And she's there I turn. My
Sight looks beyond now
Beyond my dim sight
Farther than I can reach
And I hope.
I remember
I close my eyes
And see.
For tonight
Her memory
And the moon
Light glow northerly
And a star's
And all my might
Are all I can see.
She is everywhere
But here...

She walked this night
in a snow covered field
as the snow blew all around
dancing diamond’s, iridescent light
with a kiss, the magic was sealed.

To the sky she points, lights appear
stunning colors, fill the dark of night
a graceful dance, only he will see
the beauty of the northern lights.

To him, she sends, her heart, her soul
through lights that dance among the stars
pushing back a looming shadow
she takes comfort in their beautiful memoirs.

Closing her eyes, she sees his face
his eyes, his heart, her beaconing light
pushing back that looming shadow
bringing comfort to her fright.

So she walks this night
in a snow covered field
as the snow blows all around
dancing diamond’s, iridescent light
with a kiss, the magic was sealed.
If I could but paint
in the Beauty of a painters hand,
I’d paint over all my fears
in Colors so grand.

If I could but make
that Looming Shadow disappear,
cast It away
I’d have no more Sad tears.

If I could but show you
this soul of Love,
you would surely be enchanted
by the beauty of Truelove.

If you could but feel
the depth of the Love in my heart,
you would be able to maneuver
through every star chart.

If you could but see
the pain that Shadow brings
you wouldn’t Open the door to it
you wouldn’t Hear it’s ring.

If I could but give
with truly no Fear,
every Song of my heart
would be Heard, ever so clear.

So I’ll continue to paint words
in the Stillness of serenity,
until every color of my Soul
is Seen throughout eternity.
 Mar 2018
I am not so much captivating
But i promise i'll make your world beautiful
Your secrets will be safe with me
I promise i'll make you blissful
Be mine

I'm not so fond of movies
But i'll listen your favourite song with you
Even though our favourite football team will be different
But i'll celebrate your team's vanquish with you
Be mine

Invite me to your favourite place
I'll offer you a favourite dish
I'll hold you for a lifetime
You are my only and last wish
Be mine

Dance with me in rain
Count those stars with me
I'll love you with my all heart
I'll gaze at you until my eyes can see
Be mine

If i'll  be the most difficult person to understand
Promise me,you'll always love me as much as you can
And i know everything will be right
If you'll forever hold my hand
Be mine
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