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 Mar 2014
I called you brother
cos I loved you
more than I

~ not that you had never held my heart.
 Mar 2014
That sight of the scars
Painting her young wrists
Shook me with with disbelief
Yet overtook me with jealousy

I'd never be able to express pain
Like she did in her poetry

The crispest of papers
The finest of inks would falter
In front of that beautiful, mangled mess
Her smudged, blood-tinged words would author
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
(Reverse Poem)
(Forward and Backward)

Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them
I will delete words of hate
Choose your words and we can debate
Just message me and its okay
If you dont like what I say
Do not think your words can harm
I have been around way to long
No need to message and threaten me
I will not change to meet your needs
If you dont like just move on
These poems I write are mine alone
I have a right to feel this way
Though you may not like what I say
Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them

(Now Read It Backwards)

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Another poet challenged me to write a reverse poem that can be read both frontward and backword. This is my attempt and it is harder then you may think.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
She sprung complete into being,
With all aspects of new flowers—
Short time became a ruthless scene,
And all the world a fleet of shower.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
In the lowland fens at the worlds end,
Like the ferryman, a blue heron waits,
Eyes of dragon fly, hover, over still water,
His legs are the oars rowing to the dead.
 Mar 2014
Seeing you so persistently vying
For that one perfect selfie
While I ruined the picture everytime,
Conveniently, secretly enjoying
That feeling of your pudgy cheeks
Pressed into mine!
Or was it YOUR strategy too??!
 Mar 2014
It's when you understand that-

                    Everyone has a battle to fight
                    Everyone has a demon to ****,
                    A regret they pray disappeared,
                    An unanswered "what if?..."
                    A larger than life aspiration
                    An urge for a simpler life
                    (both at the same time),
                    Everyone sees in themselves
                    A flaw they spend all their might to hide,
                    Everyone has an ache untreated,
                    Insecurities kept discreetly in a shell.
                    Everyone has a Story to tell-

Do you begin to realise that
Probably all of humanity
Is just the many versions of
One inifinitely re-written story.
 Mar 2014
I never
heard you
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Stars in dust wasteland,
Seen once, every seven years,
Desert flowers bloom.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Otters slide down hill,
Gliding into snow melt creek,
Swimming in the sun.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Yellow apples fall—
Memories of spring blossom,
Gentle deer arrive.
 Mar 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Estuary birds  .  .  .
Fresh water beads on feather,
  .  .  .  Earth and sky in love.
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Change The Inner You

When you look back at your life
If you don't like the view
Then you must look within yourself
And change the inner you

Change the way you see yourself
With all the things you do
Give yourself a different look
A different point of view

Show a side that's seldom seen
And allow for something new
Create your own reflection
And do it just for you

It is only when you're honest
With what you see inside
That you create the image
Of what's seen within your eyes

When you look back at your life
If you don't like the view
Then you must look within yourself
And change the inner you

Carl Joseph Roberts
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