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 Apr 2013
Francisco DH
Can you hear the noise when a heart breaks?
Could you hear mine?
I did.

I felt the hums and I heard the creaks
Then the groans echoed throughout my body.
It cracked once, It cracked twice, then it shattered.
It felt like shards of glass against the arteries,
Against the inner walls.

Could you hear my somber tune?
Can you hear the song a heart creates when it is broken?
I did.
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
You crucify me
For not believing
In a "God"
Yet when I ask
A number of  questions
You simply reply
Have faith in the Lord

Well preacher
There is no religion for me
I am an Athiest
I dont believe
In your petty
Incoherent false hopes
Of a being who can forgive

No religion for me
Ill scream it all around
******* and your beliefs
I have mine
And Im content
So ******* and stop trying
To make me believe in a "God"
I live in a very religious state and people always say I need to believe in god so I wrote this for them
 Apr 2013
Prabhu Iyer
There is a passion that rends the skies
dark of pain, to thunder forth
in this suffering world;

Grace that rains and brings forth
an oasis of refuge in this
world weak of flesh;

The spirit rises weighed on the cross
by the suffering inflicted in place
of Barabbases, thousands.

In the dunes of the desert, a call echoes:
husbandsman, tinkerman, everyman,

Never mind the pharisees;
The spirit to the letter is moon
to the mirage.

Weighed down by the burden of life,
you who have been told you deserve
nothing more than the dirt of the earth
you sinner, you sufferer,

A passion calls forth to you. So difficult
indeed is to see the father, aye,
lawmongers, enough for us to see
this humble son of a carpenter here;

O you crushed
under the wagon wheels of time
taste that love by which you are
before Abraham was.
Come, be pillars
in the mansion of your father;

Tiller toiling away in the sweat of life,
you on whose shoulders walk
the sweet-talking liars
who yet enthroned say
you are worth
only more taxation,

You can part waters. You are a miracle.
You drive away ghosts. You can
call the dead to life. Yet you are
love and see no difference
in Mary from Mary,

a secret ocean at the shore of an oasis
to drink of, until we are here
as He is in heaven.

Heaven for us to see and live here
not some unknowable hereafter.
Don't know how to describe this... liberation theology, or an inspiration, contemplating the approaching Good Friday...

Edited: 9/4/20 ('mirage' instead of 'rippled reflection')
 Apr 2013
Skye Applebome
You want me to stay here
I don't
But I do
To keep people happy
So never mind how bad I feel,
What can I do for YOU?
That's why I'm here
That's why I stopped cutting
And I'm not being cynical
I mean it.
*What do YOU want?
 Apr 2013
Skye Applebome
Help me*
Nah don't worry about me, how are you?
Sometimes I have to recognize that even though I need help, I need to move the conversation because it's selfish to talk about myself like this a lot
 Apr 2013
Robert Guerrero
Reaching out for me
What am I to do
Arms of death gripped corpses
Attaching themselves to every limb
Trying to drag me
To the darkest pits of the unknown

Pulling on my flesh
Tearing me to pieces
As I try to reject the conclusion
That these hollow point glares
Are drilling into my body
But the pain is numbed

I don't want to reply
For if I do I accept defeat
And let this cancerous nuisance
Plunge me into my own insanity
Of cannibalistic voices
Crawling on the walls like shadow phantoms

I'm dead
No point in denying it
I'm a nobody
Who will remember me
These joker grins around me
Knew my fate long before I did
Because they were pushing me off
The edge of life's lonely cliff
Into swarming piranha infested darkness
 Apr 2013
bc moon raven
he talks too much in the morning
not even over coffee
not even over my listening ears
barrage of questions
thundering past my consciousness
i simply do not hear.

my mind is else where.
in someone elses coffee
in anothers ears
banging of hearts
clasping hands parting like waves
i simply do not live there.

taking for granite the days
was it really just seven months
how did we let this happen
i stir my coffee
drawing pictures of memories in the foam
i simply stare at the wall.

oh, i hear him again
what do you think of this
when do you think you will
i look up and smile
hiding my face
i simply do not live here.
 Apr 2013
Lean closer to me
And I'll tell you the secret.
Kiss me on my lips
 Apr 2013
jeffrey robin
to all the
(You know--
---THE POEM!--)
The very one I mean!
(this one)

the one that reverberates


The one you cannot help but hear
If you are a human being

Like the scout reads ----the trail
Like the lover reads---the eyes

Like the hermit reads----the hills
Like the saint reads-----your life
Like the mother reads---- the child
Like the husband reads----the wife
We are not foolish any longer
We've understood---this place

We have----read-----the poem!

We are again
The masters
Of our destinies
To all the
Take heed
(take heed)
What is the poem all about
What truly does the
What is it that
Is needed here ?
What is it that
We must see
What is the
Only truth?
It's that the poem is
And it's theme ?
It's what you shall do
To renew the universe

And your
 Apr 2013
Kaity Morris
It was a struggle.
My body’s natural reaction to heartbreak, tears flooded my eyes, making it impossible to see what was right in front of me, but when the tears cleared and my vision was refined, I saw I wasn't the only one hurting. It was a struggle. But life was moving forward and I couldn't be left in the dust. Now I seemed fine, good even. But only I knew the conflict constantly streaming through my mind. It was an epic  combat between my need to curl up in a ball and hide from the world and my egotistical want to put on a strong front. Eventually, after many battles between the two, I was okay again, just okay. My personality had adapted to deal with the pain, and now I was strong enough to leave the memories behind.
The memories were repressed, but the feelings never left.
All of those memories I had pushed to the back of my heart snapped back into place the second you kissed me. It felt like my life had been just a fraction of an inch off track and you made it slip right back into place. You always did have that effect on me. I was expecting for things to go back to the way they were but to my surprise, things were exceeding my expectations. Years had passed and we both changed, but the things that really mattered were indistinguishable. My love never faltered, even when the animosity seemed overwhelming. I knew hoped someday you would come back to me.
Now we can start our life together. The perfect cadence we seem to be in gives me tremendous hope that we will make “forever” look meager. This is what we both want, to live a life completely repleted with affection and lust, and I am determined to make it happen. I’ve never been so confident in a feeling; this is all such a new feeling. Having you by my side will make my life completely whole. A family, a home, filled to the brim with happiness and joy.
          March 29, 2013
   1 year,
  3 months,
  6 days,
19 hours,
2 seconds.
 Apr 2013
Growing, moving, changing, nothing
I asked the worker at the coffee shop what he thought I should get
I've been more indecisive than usual lately
He recommended a chai latte
So that's what I got
I do strange things to avoid certainty, to avoid stability
I keep thinking I don't really know myself but I'm really not sure
Who am I?
A phrase that is in continuous repeat, ringing in the veins of my introverted mind
Who am I?
I could probably tell you
If I really wanted to, if I really tried
He said to me, "Chai tastes like... Merry Christmas!"
It made me smile
Dreams and coffee drinks and pages of books and sweaters
Is that who I am?
It is surely what I am compiled of
I am a wanderer
The girl who constantly says goodbye but never really knows how to leave
I should have mastered leaving by now, you know

I'm staring at brick walls
And a painting of two sleeping cats
There's music playing in the background
I'm awkwardly sipping my chai latte
On the other hand, seemingly distant, I am completely aware of everyone and everything around me
Always observing
Always listening
I like it, by the way
The latte
He was right
It does taste like "Merry Christmas"

It's already 5 o'clock
It's already October
It's cold outside today
Extremely cold
Yet, I've been driving with my windows down all day
I don't feel cold
I don't feel warm either though
I feel numb
I feel like nothing

Every day I just kind of sit back and watch the world go by like none of it really happens
Like all of it is a dream
I'm out of touch with reality
I rather enjoy it that way
Rather prefer it that way, probably
I know what my name is
I know where I come from, who I come from
So why can I not tell you who I am?
Can anyone really, truly, put into words who they are?
If they can, I am in a lot of trouble
Especially if they can do it easily
But that would make a lot of sense because it all comes down to stability
Or so I think so anyways
I haven't had any form of stability in my life for a very long time
And let me tell you, that is what will **** someone up
Who AM I?

I'm ****** up, emotional, and slightly neurotic
I'm only 18 years old but I feel at least 50 years more.
I grew tired too fast
Life is tiring for me
It's not supposed to be like that
Not yet anyway
I've been so sad my entire life
And my sadness acts as the very core of my being
I'm a strangely tangled up pile of thoughts and feelings
Past experiences and people
And this searing sense of nostalgia for what once was
And maybe even for what is to be

What do you call it when you're constantly thinking of the past and wishing it was still here?
When you're constantly longing for the future and wishing it would come sooner?
When you're constantly dissatisfied with the present and wishing it would disappear or change or something?
What is that?
Am I delirious?
Am I going crazy?
I almost hope so
I need some answers
The world is either in fast forward or paused
Growing, moving, changing, nothing
I am nothing
I am nothing
A poem I wrote October of 2012 in a coffee shop
 Apr 2013
"Not I," she whispered.

No concern
No meaning
No feeling

Deprivation at its finest.

I don't think about things the same way others do;
I don't think about the same things everyone else does.
There are things that fill my mind on a daily basis that I guarantee do not ever cross any normal human being's mind.
Notice how I said normal,
It really makes me think, am I the one that's crazy, or are they?
What is normal?
If normal is being like everybody else, than that is not I.
"Not I," said the Queen
Not I.
Normal, ordinary, average, common, typical, general, normal.
"Not I," said she.
Not I
"I blame my loneliness on my abnormality"
A valid excuse is all I'm looking for.
I don't need an answer...
Because when am I ever in the possession of answers?
Not ever.
Just questions upon questions upon questions and contradictions upon that of which fill in the crevices of my mind.
I think of one solid thing and the next solid thing contradicts it.
Do you see what I attempt to control everyday?
Mental processes.
Severely intricate, contradicting, insane, mental processes
That race through my stream of consciousness with no intent of slowing down.
Colorful winds that whisper things softly to me
Like the constant pitter patter of falling raindrops on an idle afternoon.
Will I ever be at peace with these contents inside my head?
I am not quite sure.
But what I am sure of is that I would be lost if it all stopped, ceased to exist.
So for now, I am thankful.
Even though I keep feeling more and more crazy every single day.
Madness doesn't necessarily have to be a dire thing.
"Not I," said the Queen
Not I.
 Apr 2013
Life is a peculiar fixation when you essentially ponder upon its fundamental nature
Some things I will
At all times
Be deprived of
Some things I will
By no means
Be capable of understanding

And what's dreadfully peculiar about that is the fact that
This is what life is entirely about in a sense
Because if we were actually allowed to be in possession of all things
To acquire an understanding of all things
Would there really be any point?
Tell me
Isn't this the reason human beings cling to the idea of a higher presence?
An omniscient being that is all seeing and all knowing
Would there be any true purpose?

Here I am stuck at step one
Because once again
I am questioning that of which I am not certain
Things and information and answers I am deprived of
Things that I do not fully understand
I presume what I am
For all intents and purposes
Trying to say is that when you look at life this way
You will only find yourself in a never-ending, continuous cycle
In which you always come back empty-handed
Am I saying to give up?
What I'm saying is to find a new perspective
But to always keep the old ones tucked away for safe keeping
Recycle and Re-use
Recycle and Re-use
Recycle and Re-use
But never Reduce
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