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 May 2013
Sean Antonio Tyson
What more can be said
before a guns put to the head.
Innocent bloodshed.
Rights were there wrongs
and now the lifeless bodies of loved ones
lay face flat on the earth, DEAD!
Millions watch in horror as they bled
out like mammals with a limb cut off and see how fast
The light of life quickly shifts from green to red
and their dreams shut off!
Red light, Green light.
Lives gone in a blink of an eye
What more can be read
before one realizes
they're being watched by the feds
there was truth in these last words I said
Ashes to Ashes
Life and Death
Mankind will clash
Until no one is left.
Innocent Bloodshed.
© 2013
 May 2013
Dear Friends,,

I have been on Hello since the end of December. Before that I never thought I'd ever have thousands of people read my poems  let alone provide positive reinforcement. Many of you have become very precious to me also. I recently noticed the amount of reads I've gotten, and the number blows my mind. Thank you for supporting my addiction! I love reading yours as much as you have enjoyed mine, maybe more. Keep writing everyone. Thanks for your support. You mean more to me than even a poet can express in words.


I was not intoxicated when I wrote this. Haha
With Eight Wings fraught Tongues of Endearing Flame
And roast this Sinner for his Stubborn Deed
Yet by darling ask he be spared by Name
To greet your Best Day at the very least
Love, by Degrees un-condition besought
And cause this Moment a Milestone thereof
Grounded - yet Celebrate this Blessing caught
My Lover's Stained Eye admit to your Cause
But what are Cakes? If be too Sweet devour
Yet near to your Truth would drown me to Taste
To seek your Penance inspire your Hour
For Life the Living Destiny speed your Haste.
My Sour Rhymes if by Prayers accept
Cuts my Heart to Grin; And your Peace perkept.
#daleysangels #cakelh
 May 2013
They say,
Don't. You'll just fall for her over and over again.
Maybe you're not worried about the falling.
You just don't want me to strike gold.

She said,
Don't. This was my fault. I'm sorry.
Maybe it was your fault.
You just can't see me make another mistake.

You said,
Don't.  You're the most important one in the end.
Maybe you just can't keep me away from the intersection of HeartBreak and Stupidity Lane.

I said,
Go.  I have so much to think about right now.
Maybe I have one thing on my mind...
And that's to ask you to give me a chance.
So I'm going to break it down:
'They" is referring to a girl name Laura.
"She" is the girl I fell for for 3 years.  Her name is Natalie.
"You" is my best friend, Tasman.
"I" is me. The person who fell for this wonderful, amazing, girl.
 May 2013
Robert Guerrero
I'm here now
Don't cry another tear
I don't want ****** tsunamis
Rushing the shores of your wrist
No more tears
I don't want you to drown
I need you
I'm here now
Let me be your rock
Holding tight onto your anchor
Keeping you still
Let me be Posiedon
Hold your vessel afloat
Calm the raging waters
No more tears please
Cry onto my pillowed chest
Bury your burdens
Under the flesh of my shoulders
Your the treasure in my chest
All the gold and diamonds in the world
Couldn't compare to you
Yet here you are crying before me
And I'm reaching
Just not touching
I'm helpless to the crashing force
Of your meteor tears
Please no more tears
Let me hold you
Wipe the tears
And whisper some ******* cliche
To keep your Kind, then lock Species a-way
Merely since they Write on Coloured Paper
Then shift most Notes for some Music display
Only to read Blank Pages un-bother
How Sad then, this Plym's Dark Philosophy
Which due Concealed un-willing to Espouse
For this Letter's Event break such Foundry
And Seven Year's Culture wasted in-House
Prevent to occur such Low-Headed Deed
If encourage these Locked Minds educate
Other Gifts abroad; Sans Intent proceed
And Embrace as part of your Growing Rebate.
Such is Tolerance. With both Hands laid bare
With no Daggers cut; In case you lose Care.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
How Serious should be for this Wonder at
That very same Point locked kisses to the Wall
Whilst these Incarnations modelled Months that
Must never Surprise your Mum's Eye to befall
Why bother? If with Pheromones invite
White Hags and Chicken-Hawks apart from Dames
Should you most Expect to be Drawn in-spite
Your Needed Economy must Split these Pains
Fair you'll accept then our own Business be
Then Hammer these Virtues misinterpret
To ******* bleed as Dodgy Stones flee
Even by Distance un-mind to beget.
Just my Point. To which all such Points deranged
Your Judgment approved; And Verdicts arraigned.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Behold! Kneel before the Empire raised
From your Foundry placed Kingdoms on your Dive
Of Knights, Regents, Bishops and Orbs so Braised
As Sultans by Carriage offer does Live
So this Life you Wish coat with such Affairs
Expect your Honest Gratitudes approve
Yet the Nose - High to Un-Reachable Songs - spares
Merely Tiny Tidbits of your own Love
Not Ring, nor Dance, nor any Bed Post-Date
Would these Petitions their Good Voices own
Which - by Reason - your Happiness debate
Lift their Forked Lives re-phrased on your Bestow.
Including I - the Heretic in Full
Prostrate before this Emperor in Soul.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Perhaps to Study those Articles then
Were Fruitful Reports supporting Caution
Of how Desperate were those Young Stars when
Obliged to offer their Lambs by Option
Of course, prefer they be Denied the Wave
Where Promises would make them Lords fulfilled
Hearts and Kisses do Stud; Yet none to Save
Their Most Precious Cloth for True Love's Distilled
These same Reports, if Advertised in Wear
Wonders how the more your Un-Wrapped Skin draft
Like Home-Grown Meat; Thrown for Rabid Dogs tear
And Profits these D---N Moguls live by Fact.
That your Sacrifice - Smiled - for Warm Heart's Win
Opened your Gates for Gold; But Stained in Sin.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
 May 2013
The day sets sudden into summer shimmering
blind beasts patchy and lost
wander hopelessly along the tarmac trails of rubber foot caravans.
My mind races rancid thoughts forward
the winner takes all
that winter melancholy waving funeral flags at the finish line.
I'll bite down my teeth on the metal masculinity
and taste holiday nostalgia:
burning meat,
drunken rednecks,
fireworks just past dusk,
that mixture of sulfur and black powder,
I can't keep on like this,
knees shaky from miles measured in ruby minutes.
I'll eat this city whole,
carbon emission load before my final marathon.
These teeth will shine down like symmetrical clouds in the sky
my mad mans brittle grin.
I used to wish:
for finer living in laps of luxury;
for nights wrapped in silk, sweat, shine, and infamy;
for heavens gates to open pearly white to golden streets for me.
Those days have lost their charm
beaten dreams that bellied up
and showed their starving guts.
Submitted and laid down
with their tails tucked between legs
and panting for mercy
my dreams play bottom ***** to reality's sadistic hand.
As for now;
I hope.
Hope I can hold the fire in my hand
to burn my life and this city to the ground
the pile of ashes will bare no souls return.
That silent hour,
I want to be alone and involved
in the fashion of dogs.
I'll wander off alone to the trees.
My brittle ribs showing
the silent cage of my black and tired heart.
The trees will whisper their names to me
as my spirit shakes their shining leaves in rising.
Goodbye you lion;
your angel face was as quiet as ever,
slack and pale under a harvest moon.
Didn't really know what to call it, so I called it that. I'm open to criticism, you tend to overlook things when you're looking at your own work.
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