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 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Sometimes the things that they do
Come from deep within their souls
Others may not understand
The passions that they hold

They will give their time to others
If they know there is a need
Volunteer to help someone
Get them back up on their feet

They do not ask for money
Want no payment in advance
Expect nothing to be given
When they lend a helping hand

The moment that we understand
They do this free of charge
Is when our lives begin to change
And it fills our inner heart

Sometimes the things that they do
Comes from deep within their souls
Others may not understand
The passions that they hold

*Carl Joseph Roberts
Candy Strippers, Election Workers, Church Members, Volunteer Firefighters and Police. There are So many who volunteer there time with no outward recognition required. To all who volunteer I want to say Thank You for all that you do.
 Apr 2014
Steven Hutchison
When you approach a green tree
you must cut it down at an angle.
If you swing your blade horizontally
the rubber trunk will bounce it back
and there’s no telling where it might end up.
I learned to wield a machete at ten;
sharpen the steel til it would split a hair when dropped.
I watched my father tame entire jungles,
transforming briar patches to gazebo valleys,
trimming limbs, splitting branches,
fashioning his throne where I hailed him as king.
I would stand poised with blade over head
imagining I was simultaneously samurai and ninja,
gripping tight the sword only I could pull from the stone.
I studied his kung fu from a place by his side.
Forward enough in his peripheral that he always had the chance
to see he had strength in numbers;
however small that number might be.
His bootprints were always much bigger than mine,
but it didn’t matter to me.
I learned to walk with lengthy stride.
I learned to spit and work
until the jungle had drank its fill of your sweat
or the sun caused you to yield.
I learned that with the strength of my arm and well crafted steel
I could trim life from the living;
tell nature how I felt it should be.

My grandfather had a relationship for some time
with a terrifying elixir.
As soon as the bottle left his lips
knives came tumbling out after.
Words, each unique, like snowflake razors,
slashing green confidence from the legs of my father
at an angle only someone close to you can achieve.
Trimming away hints of sentimentality.
Cutting off entire limbs of pride.
Chipping at his shoulders until he learned to bow
to an old disillusioned king.
You can run all you want to
but sooner or later
he would tell you how your nature should be.
These blades buried deep in my father’s bones,
hiding behind his teeth,
growing roots of their own.
Building fences where they should not be.
Guarding ****** valleys my grandfather laid bare
in the forrest of worth and loving.

My father ran before his legs could carry him.
Trying to outrun his familial ties.
Trying to find the edge of his father’s shadow,
all the while running with knives.
He ran into my mother at least two times
and soon learned he too had a shadow.
My father never fell in love with the elixir.
She still smelled like his father’s cologne.
But as I grew older,
as my soul sprouted trees,
he loosened the blades from behind his teeth.
And so with ****** tongue and visibly chipped shoulders
he taught me how to swing.
Stand closer than any stranger could ever come to be.
Stand tall so you might be mistaken for a king.
Stand strong so your knees don’t betray your shortcomings
and when you see them in your son,
glaring back with green eyes,
you lift your blade at an angle and swing.
Conjure your father’s shadow
still looming in your dreams
and extend it yet another generation.

When you approach a green tree
you must cut it down at an angle.
At a young tree’s side
is the most lethal place to be.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
He tapped me on the shoulder
Before he had to go
Said I'll be your Guardian Angel
I just wanted you to know

He said he knows no one who went
That came back and then complained
So he guessed the place was pretty nice
And was sure he'd want to stay

He knew he'd see my grandma
Who had went three years before
She'd been waiting for him patiently
To walk him through God's door

Then he asked us not to worry
Said he knows what is in store
He was pleased with the life he lived
And knew God would show him more

Spent his last three weeks with family
Where he said his sweet goodbyes
My final memory of this man
Was the brave ending to his life

He would give to me this passion
But to the world he gave much more
The life he lived was one of love
He was the gift I most adored

In Memory
Sgt. Harold Addison Yates
My Grandfather

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A true story written with tears.  I miss this man who fought in two wars, was a prisoner in World War 2 then came home and served as a Sergeant with the Columbus Police Dept.  My Grandfather gave to me my Love for poetry. He passed several years ago but is missed every day.
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Roses represent what we call love
They are great gifts from God above
Petals that blossom throughout the day
They touch our hearts in many ways

A scent so special it is their own
For love and friendship they are grown
Awake each morning as a new day comes
Show their beauty and reach for the sun

Many colors of Roses that we can see
Each one special, each one unique
Grow new each year to give away
To place a smile on someone's face

Roses represent what we call love
They are great gifts from God above
Petals that blossom throughout the day
They touch our hearts in many ways

I give to you a rose today

*Carl Joseph Roberts
A friend asked that I write a poem about roses and this is what I came up with. Always hard writing for someone else because instead of using your feelings on a subject you are trying to figure out how you think they feel.
 Mar 2014
Olivia Kent
An umbrella's erected.
Will maybe keep the raindrops from her hair.
Before they turn into heavy flowing tears and storm into the drain.
Change the umbrella's position,  it guards her body from further assaults.
No matter the insults.
She will protect herself, hold close her being.
No matter what.
The galoshes she wears slosh through the puddles.
Mainly for a little fun.
Mischievous chick, she kicks the puddles back at the inconsiderate arrogant drivers as they pass.
Without a care in the world.
Maybe  just maybe there's a little pebble that may ***** the ignorant drivers armour.
Then the driver may stop and think.
Before they take another drink.
The umbrella can never save her from roadside splashes.
(C) Livvi
Sheer stupid stuff
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
A Picture Perfect Time Of Year

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

We watch as flowers blossom
See new colors on the trees
We hear the birds now singing
And it brings an inner peace

Cold and snow just a memory
Of the season that has passed
Looking forward to the days to come
Taking time to love and laugh

The true beauty of this season
Is the new love we feel within
Each day a fresh reminder
Of a time when life begins

The warmth of spring as winter fades
Brings excitement to the air
As lovers walk hand in hand
A picture perfect time of year

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
See The Future

The past can call you back in time
Just when you least expect
It tries to tell you what to feel
And how you should react

Dont give the past the time of day
Or let it rule your life
Dont let the past consume you
Or prevent you from whats right

Each morning when you wake up
Know that its a brand new day
You must leave the past behind you
And start your own new way

It's hard to see the future
If you're living in the past
The past has memories that are gone
The future, ones that last

See the future
Carl Joseph Roberts
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
Need you
Serve you
Protect you
Cuz I love you
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