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 Mar 2014
I'm tired;
Of being sad,
Of being called bad,
Of being judged,
Of being scared.

I'm tired of being tired.

*Why can't people just be theirselves, instead of being the society's idea of perfect?
Random thought
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
Pure at heart, that's her
Natural beauty, that's her
I love her, that's me
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Concealed Carry can sometimes cause
More problems then its worth
If every time that you need
You always use it first

You're not supposed to stop and think
Of the fear that you may have
The pain that's caused by others
Is simply not allowed to last

Concealed Carry is hard to hide
When it always stays with you
It becomes the thing that you use most
When you dont know what to do

Concealed Carry might just be
The worst thing you can use
You should always try to talk things out
And do whats best for you

When you Conceal Carry feelings
And do not set them free
They become the worst of weapons
And can drop you to your knees

Concealed Carry can sometimes cause
More problems then its worth
If every time that you need
You always use it first

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Im a cop so no gun fanatics about our rights to carry. I carry and I believe you have the same right as long as we all abide by the same laws there should be no problem. Its the crazy ones who carry that worry me but i hope that I or a fellow conceal carry will be there if that were to happen. Ok, my rant is over and my poem was not about any of that I just didnt want to get the hate mail from the far right. Im right in the middle on most issues.
 Mar 2014
           ­                  out
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
(Reverse Poem)
(Forward and Backward)

Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them
I will delete words of hate
Choose your words and we can debate
Just message me and its okay
If you dont like what I say
Do not think your words can harm
I have been around way to long
No need to message and threaten me
I will not change to meet your needs
If you dont like just move on
These poems I write are mine alone
I have a right to feel this way
Though you may not like what I say
Formed by passion and sometimes bold
My poems they come from my soul
It is not my intention to offend
Just opinions and we all have them

(Now Read It Backwards)

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Another poet challenged me to write a reverse poem that can be read both frontward and backword. This is my attempt and it is harder then you may think.
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
A Letter Of Love

We met at a city, hotel door,
all tangled up like never before.
Our eyes filled with passion,
our lips quivering with anticipation,
of what seems to never get old.

She stands before me, I before her,
our naked bodies pressed tightly together,
like many times before.
We touch one another,
exploring each other's mountains and valleys.
Wine we drink, music we play,
for our pleasure that day.

She falls to the bed, slips under the covers.
I follow so closely.
I enter her love nest,
and we began to soar.  
She moans, and gasps for breath,
wanting more.
I kiss her on the neck so tenderly,
we glide to the floor,
where it all starts over again,
for a three hour explore.

What we share is strictly forbidden,
as we keep it very well hidden.  
We have shared so many moments.
I love her so.
Until we meet again....

p.s. I love you more.
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
Two souls together
Two lonely hearts beat as one
We're lonely no more
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
They say love is blind
I don't see what they're say'n
With perfect vision
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My New Found Fashion Trend

You know I never really understood
Why they wear their pants that way
Pull them down to their knees
And walk around all day

But they say it is the fashion
It's a new trend I should try
That underwear is very cool
And catches people's eyes

So I decided I should try it
I pulled my pants down way to far
Then to show the world how hip I was
I walked through Central Park

All the Children were excited
I saw them point my way
They even told their teacher
But she made them look the other way

Well then two cops they came running
I assumed to see my style
I thought my trend was catching on
But those cops they didn't smile

Those cops would start a new trend
One I didn't like as much
They put my hands behind my back
And slapped on silver cuffs

Now this jail cell seems so small
With this big man next to me
He says he'll be my best friend
And he likes just what he sees

So glad to see this courtroom
Filled with people from the streets
They yell rethink your fashion trend
If you're wearing a G-String

Well the Judge he was not happy
But he would not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right

You see the Judge he wore a G-String
Underneath his long black robe
Since he did not find me guilty
A free man I could go

So I walked outside that courtroom
As a free man once again
And became so very famous
For my New Found Fashion Trend

Carl Joseph Roberts
One of my favorite poems, hope you enjoy.
 Mar 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My New Found Fashion Trend

You know I never really understood
How they wear their pants that way
Pull them down to their knees
And walk around all day

But they say it is the fashion
It's a new trend I should try
That underwear is very cool
And catches peoples eyes

So I decided I should try it
I pulled my pants down way too far
Then to show the world how hip I was
I walked through Central Park

All the children were excited
I saw them point my way
They even told their teacher
But she made them look the other way

Well then two cop's they came running
I assumed to see my style
I thought my trend was catching on
But the cop's they didn't smile

Those cops they'd start a new trend
One I didnt like as much
They put my hands behind my back
And slapped on silver cuffs

Now this jail cell seems so small
With this big man next to me
He says he'll be my best friend
And that he likes just what he sees

So glad to see the courtroom
Filled with people from the streets
But they say rethink your fashion trend
If you're wearing a G-String

Now the judge he was not happy
But he did not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right

You see the Judge he wore a G-String
Underneath his long black robe
He did not find me guilty
So a free man I could go

So I walked outside of the courtroom
As a free man once again
And became so very famous
For my new found Fashion Trend

Carl Joseph Roberts
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