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 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
The Power Of A Whisper

A whisper makes you listen
It can stop you in your tracks
Can gives words different meaning
Create memories that will last

Whispers cause new feelings
They can change a point of view
Will help to stop the anger
When someone's mad at you

A whisper gives true comfort
Allows a calming peace within
If you listen very closely
You'll hear a whisper in the wind

A whisper sometimes can be heard
From way across a room
To feel the power of a whisper
Just whisper I Love You


Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

Don't drink the Kool-Aid
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
It means don't believe every word
And don't live your life in fear

Don't walk around with blinders
Try to see the other side
You can listen to what others say
But make up your own mind

You do not have to follow
When someone makes a stand
There are many different points of view
Each side must get a chance

Your opinion may just matter
To no one else but you
The experience of a persons life
Creates their point of view

So don't drink the Kool-Aid
You can't believe all that you hear
Dont trust someone blindly
And don't live your life in fear

Don't drink the Kool-Aid

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
For all the younger poets who may not know this. The phrase Don't drink the Kool-Aid was started because of the November 18, 1978 massacre when 918  people who were followers of preacher Jim Jones who while at a religious compound in Guyana drank Kool-Aid or a flovored drink laced with cyanide. It is believed that for many of these followers the drinking of this poison was voluntary.  Followers believed this one man so much that they were willing to give their own children poison. Since then this phrase has gained acceptance as meaning dont follow blindly.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Acting Out Of Habit

Acting out of habit
I go about my day
Pretending that the love I feel
Will somehow go away

There is a feeling in my heart
That I hide deep within
A secret love that I feel
Whenever they walk in

I tell myself they're taken
I can never be with them
Knowing that with just a chance
I would let a love begin

I cannot change who I am
Or the way I feel inside
Hopeing they will somehow see
And want me in their life

Acting out of habit
I go about my day
Pretending that the love I feel
Will somehow go away

Acting out of Habit

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
A part of life still untold

This life I have has gone by fast
I now reminisce as I look back
So many memories both good and bad
Yet I would not change this life I've had

In life I've seen a thing or two
I've had some laughs and cried some too
I have felt the love from my son
And had heartbreak from the one I loved

I've been rich and poor and in between
Owned houses, cars and many things
Learned lessons from the things I've done
And I've tried to do more right then wrong

My family, friends and God above
Have all shown me how to feel true love
I can choose which path to guide my way
And I decide to give more then I take

As  this life of mine starts calming down
There is an inner peace I've found
A different chapter now unfolds
My next part of life is still untold
We grow older and realize that there is more years behind us then in front of us. Still there is the calm of knowing that the life lived has been a good one and a peace of mind of knowing the rest of my life are to be my best years.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Love With All Your Heart

There are many different ways to love
That we can have within our hearts
A love that takes it's time to grow
Or one there from the start

Sometimes a love can fade away
A love never to return
While other love is meant to stay
Without worry or concern

It may take time to fall in love
Not all love starts out strong
We must open up our hearts to love
For thats where love belongs

There are times the love we feel inside
Stays hidden for to long
And that person we were meant to love
Not knowing is then gone

The way you choose to love someone
Can depend on who you are
But each person that you choose to love
Love with all your heart

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
SG Holter
Fighter jets in formation
Above Ekeberg Hill
Remind me of years
Spent on airbases
During my time in the
Royal Norwegian Air Force.

I was stationed at NATO's
Northernmost base during 9/11.
Minutes after plane #2,
I was upgraded to
NATO Top Secret
Given live ammo for my P80.
Witnessing the colonel's
Marlboro Light shake in his
Usually steady hand as I
Approached; MSO briefcase
Handcuffed to my wrist.
There were papers inside
I was expected to
Die for.
I was 22.

Not even the police carry
Firearms in this country.
Not even the police are expected
To give up ghost over information.

For a nation of such ******
History, we maintain a mellow
We choose peace over "piece".
Gun-sense over violent nonsense.
Naïve? Maybe.

There are nearly no shootings here.
We've had one lethal act of
Terrorism since WWII.

We can live with that.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Starting over can be so hard
It makes you stop and think
How many chances do I have
How many will I need

Is there someone out there
Who will truly understand
Become my true companion
And someday take my hand

Will someone get to know me
And like just what they see
Then change my life forever
With the love they give to me

Starting over can be so hard
It makes you stop and think
How many chances do I have
How many will I need

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
pluie d'été
there were cracks
of lightening
that fell from the sky
like chains
of stars
held together
by electricity

searing the earth
rain beating across
pale skin
dark skin
no skin
the minds
under colour
one another

we have choice
and there is still
no freedom
from the oppression
we have been forced
to create
 May 2014
Joe Cole
Old tired and broken like some worn out shoe
WHY? After all I served my country and paid all my dues
Now all I have left is this torn threadbare suit
The thanks from my country for doing my bit
For the next few hours I'll just wander the streets
If I'm lucky find a doorway, have a few hours sleep
Food! Well at my age a littles enough
Maybe a discarded Macdonalds or a hard stale crust
YES, I served my country,  saw comrades die
Now I wish I'd died with them, beside them to lie
My only crime was to grow frail and old
And who's going to mourn me as my body grows cold

NOBODY because nobody cares
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