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 Aug 2014
Francie Lynch
After all, we're not savages. We're English.
And the English are the best at everything.
                                                     ­       (Piggy)
The hovelled huts
Near  school house ditches
Hardly sheltered starving children.
Emaciated, pale and ghastly,
Three million lost.
Exports defined them,
Imports denied them,
The world was told their hunger
Was the wrath of God.
For seven hundred years
Untolled Rachels wept;
Twice as long
As Jews were kept
Enslaved in pagan Egypt.
This was Ireland,
Not Auschwitz.

Beneath the banners of
Labour and Freedom,
Toiled the innocents.
Eyes burning from hot peppers,
Bodies weak and wrecked
From boarding;
Skin separated by flogging
Thousands of Cypriots.

Over soup and sandwiches
A demarcation's drawn,
So Hindus now face Muslims
Seeking their new homes.
Three million displaced
During lunch,
Brain salad served up on a hunch
By a line
Drawn by one man.
This wasn't Treblinka,
But Pakistan.

Millions fenced in labour camps
In what they called  
The Dark Continent.
The torture was horrendous,
With random executions.
Think the worse, you're still not there,
Think ravenous dogs and mutilation,
**** and human degradation.
Eyes gouged out, ears cut off,
This was Kenya,
Not Warsaw.

Sir Winston wore
His crocodile shoes,
Feigning the blues,
While blocking friendly supplies;
Letting three million hungry die.
His callousness was cruelly matched
When delivering Mahatma's epithet:
“Has Gandhi not starved yet?”
This was Bengal,
Not Dachau.

Their ****** count adds up.
Their new policy was errant:
Imprison all the peasants.
It was racist to the Nth degree,
A million desperate detainees
To exile when they're freed.
But half died on their knees
In Malay,
Not Buchenwald.

The Boer War and Apartheid
Were blessed with Royal Assent.
In Amritsar Brits opened fire,
To cut down Innocents.

This isn't just in history,
It's happened all too recently.

Argentina's watery graves
Gurgle from The Belgrano,
Sunk by Royal torpedoes
For a rock of sheep.
Such was the work
Of a band of brothers,
To fly their flag
Over Falkland waters?

There's no denying
The atrocities
Of her maternal
The Spinners
Wrapped their glories
Furled in Jack's war stories.
The winners
Have detoured their crimes,
Enjoin us denouncing
**** times;
But the sun hasn't set
On Empire fires:
China, India, Kenya, Aden,
Ireland, Africa,
All invaded.
All degraded.
Imperialism is not benign,
The legacy lives on
In Palestine.

Under pretence
Of flag and king,
The English are
Best at everything
I removed this earlier in deference to some who found it offensive. I've re-considered.
 Jul 2014
Joe Cole
Yes tear the forest down
Because you make another dollar
when another tree crashes to the ground
Just stop and think for a minute before you
make another start
Every tree that you bring crashing down
Is another wound to the beating heart
It can't beat forever and every time you make it bleed
You are destroying the future
the future we all need
So put away the axe and saw, no more the burning brand
because the dollars will not save you
when you've destroyed this land
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
this time of night

Still up, amongst the rabble,
and the insects
as they swarm in the cool,
and relish the moonlit
I rummage through thoughts,
I reflect, I haunt,.. ever caught
a thought as circles about
around and throughout your head
or flown in the placid purple twilight
of heaven's ocean in the sky?
Quality time, quietly appreciating
silience as it is but for the crickets,
far off car tires against the cooling asphalt
automated sprinklers hissing new moisture to alien lawns
No pressing appointments
to nail down uncertain morrows
the moon, her stars, their perch and ours
I love this time,
though I am often at my lonliest,
overcome with rerun moments
of my life
as it once was
hypothetical questions
unvocalized to the universe
Am I ever thought about
is it time and time again?
Why do I do this?  
Will I ever stop?
another question...
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
words are tools
some are blind
off guard and unready
caught in unwavering
beautiful green eyes
sunshine smiles
willing they, the fools
visually taken by you
as lovely as you are
barter away my protection
believe the words
spoken from full and practiced lips
as my lust consumes
ability to recognise truth from fiction
what's mine is foreign
apparition of such belied intentions
as lovely as you are
take as few or leave none
interested in pleasing
forgetting my own
cause for you i care too greatly
to doubt the sincerity
care not when you lie
the world is a gift to those
amazing green eyes
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
Bring me unfamiliar
Any form will do
If I turn around
If I call out for you
make it abrasive
take from me
Sacred places then
do more than needed
It takes, it takes,
why do I long for you
appreciate the familiar
contemplate surrender
surrender is so unfamiliar
Make me remember.
I will turn around
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
We all have them,
mine are packed,
stacked, buried away
in my closet,
the half torn shoe box,
rebox, running shoes once
now it holds my past,
my photographs,
seeing the familiar faces
but one calls and holds my eyes
it is of You, when we knew each other
not quite the beginning, mid way
still happy and your eyes were hiding
you used to smile, but was it ever for me?
I'm beginning to think,
You knew that that day was coming
Then you told me,
and I watched you go,
another life ago.
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
Forbidden pulls at me
Demanding fealty,
I hurt, I am in pain.
Full of wishful thoughts,
the empty chest feeling.
I feel at risk,
Holding on to not letting go.
Always, the end is always the same...
Look at what's changed,..
The castle falls apart.
Everyone fades away
What if I gave up?...
As those gave up on me.
Dusting myself off as I get up,...
Wandering off to unknowns,
far from this place.
Deep and away,.. below.
Safely out of place when I fell upon myself...
I found my eyes had sunk in,...
an aura starts to blaze,...
a grey shade of those that mourn.
My rotten wants displayed,
running out from a hole...
What if I gave up?
As they gave up on me?...
I hurt, I hate, I go so far away.
Empty, I waste,...
I will fade as everyone fades
and the castle crumbles.
What if I gave up?...
Even though I am aware,...
of the rules to follow.
For you I will break,...
Everyone, one day fades.
What if I go before you do?
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
With a heart made of paper mache,
A mask I had made the same way,
One to fill a vacant place inside,
The other tries to portray a lie.
But they still see my eyes behind,
That smiling face, they all see my eyes.
My heart made of paper mache,
And a mask I made to face my friends,
Because they don’t understand the way,
The hurting they say will fade away,
Never did; Stays the same.
So I pretend; I wear that face.
Smiling like they think I should,
A paper smile protects my pride,
A paper heart remains to this day.
Heart made of paper mache fills an empty place.
A mask I use to face each day,
Smiling for me to make them believe I am okay.
Made me a heart today.
Made from paper mache.
Made to take the real ones place.
Made to replace.
Made a new face today.
Made from paper mache.
Made it a smiling face.
Made just to face each day.
Made to hide the pain.
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
You,... know who You are
And still I cannot move you...
As if the sum of this is nothing...
All of these dreams 
Supporting just the one...
So many words written
To move o my the One
Outside this fraction of another...
Just pleading to be whole.
A gift, a promise, one for another...
From this one sided vision
Is it too unique for You to want it?
Does it matter I care
This is forever as promised...
And yet that as a thought
Truly moves only me.
Alone with my thoughts.
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
I miss most of all
Is foolish thinking
Willingly accepting risk
Selfishly denying the all too possible
Believing in the happy ending
Deciding I don't deserve anything less
Offering my very weaknesses for protest
Make up ***,
*** that means something
Forgiveness in troubled folly
The good morning kiss
All the pushing and compromising
Little known confessions of insecurities
The way such beauty makes my ego pleased
But I don't have this...
I only know the last time I was so important
Most of all I miss feeling worthy
Even though I'm not.
 Jul 2014
Jack R Fehlmann
Even If & Ever After

Even if...
we don't last.
I know I will,
love you
Clear through,..
ever after.
Even after,
ever isn't in you.
I know this
about myself,
even if...
I struggle to understand
my gift, curse,...
the way
of my nature.  
Ever after...
with or with out...
My thoughts are on you.
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