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 Nov 2015
Girl On The Wing
I like you a lot
I hope that's okay
 Apr 2015
Girl On The Wing
There are many paths to take in life
But I beg of you all
Choose love.
 Apr 2015
Girl On The Wing
There is a Buddhist proverb about loss.
when a vase breaks, do not become saddened
the vase was never going to survive
until the end of time.
In time, all things break, fall, leave, die
but it was all going to happen no matter what.
so when the vase cracks, shatters;
there has been no loss, only a fulfillment of destiny
In this way, all things make their end,
and their peace, with the earth

But there is one thing the Buddhists forgot
Yes it is true, that it is the course of all things
To leave ones life at some point.
And perhaps it is destiny indeed.
But there is loss.
Time cannot be brought back, replaced, or remade.
all of the time we were supposed to share is gone

In the end, time is also destined to run out.
Maybe time
Is the only noble loss to feel sad about.
No attachment to physical things;
Vases, cars, bodies, buildings, grass, or a book.
But rather an attachment
To the future- all of the hope and dreams of what's to come.

I am at peace with all of my losses
Except for that of time
I've lived by that principle for a very long time, and now for the first time in my life I am questioning it's validity....hmmmm
 Apr 2015
Girl On The Wing
What if stars
Really are just holes to heaven

What if Angels
Have to watch their step

What if sometimes
An angel falls onto Earth
And is given new life, with us.

Because it seems to me
Some people are too beautiful to be human,
Some must be clumsy angels
Hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
 Mar 2015
Girl On The Wing
I like strawberries
I like the way my hair looks when I have no where to go
I like my bagels toasted with cream cheese
I like to watch movies, but only alone
I bake cookies when I'm sad
Music means more to me than almost anything else
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I drink tea when I want to be quiet
I don't have a favorite color, I can't decide
I love the outdoors
I hate insincerity
My room is pink, but covered in posters
I have shoeboxes full of old photographs
I love driving alone at night
These poems are hard and I'm no good at them. Oh well. Everything you never wanted to know about me :)
 Mar 2015
Girl On The Wing
Shall I compare thee to a winters day?
Thou art more cold and more merciless.
Sorry will

— The End —