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 Feb 2015
While sleeping

Why is it mornings, so far in the distance,
flowing from beyond tempered shorelines
on lone standing bridges ~
always seem to call in the midst of a dream

When sunrise illusions now erase sleep
on meadowlark borders dotted in dew drops
built in the confines of spring
with fall fast approaching ~ featuring shadows stretched of time

Long on the porch, weathered and beaming,
tapping the front door with marching band fingers
in trumpet blares and bass drum beats ~
yet quiet in the state of mind seen through blurry eyes

Still ~ a before smile, brought about the prior evening
forces dimples once again in my cheeks
igniting the darkness with three-ring spotlights,
streaked of circus beacons on popcorn ceilings

Reminding ~ the dream I have found actually lives in my daylight,
slipping around corners and window sill gaps,
finding me on the brink of now,
stumbling my way to where I long to be ~ awake

For my dream is you,

who I so desperately miss ~ while sleeping
 Feb 2015
Long reflected streams
Of light,
Wheeled light beams,

Create the gusts
Of wind,
The nose thrusts,

Above four legs striding
On a walk,
Thoughts drifting, riding,

On hopeful crests of waves
Of an ocean,
That experience brings, saves,

The scars that mar the heart
On the surface,
Marks the day's began, a start,

Hours sit and stand at a desk
Of employ,
Creativity not addressed,

By name, there is trial
In the error,
In this day success is viral,

The day end comes fast with a stat
Of failure,
Walking home is time alone, and that

Leads to free writing, to break the hold
Of the cold,
Bureaucratic wasteland, truth be told,

Yet the night the evening brings time
Of peace,
And quiet and of release, so sublime,

Emotions roil, sounds toil, and struggle
Of reality,
Cold sided pillow, head rest and snuggle,

Oh dreams become certain reality
Of a Hope,
Yet life is short, feasting on frailty,

Human identity, a man, negativity
On a winged
Sleepy prayer, not shared, in proclivity,

Soft clouds of sleep fall firm, leave a pall
On dream-sleep,
Recharging for another day is all,

That is found waiting viewing the whole
Of foolishness,
Each day too full takes its toll,

Like a bridge with infrastructure tolls
Of empty,
Pockets, of resistance, and angry trolls

That crush dreams of day and night
Of promise,
Found rising stumbling by mornings light.

A new day has begun to get it right
Of sand,
And the hourglass, which empties fast, a sleight,

Of hands
That write,
Make magic to start a stopped heart which was waiting for, to die.
The day begins with a dog walk
 Feb 2015
Some days when I walk out of the darkness,
Into the sun's light and warm caress,
My eyes leak for joy while I reach for sunglasses.

I don't mind if you see the droplets and a teary-eyed me,
What is an honest emotion between us, see?
You staring and the sun glaring, am I that funny?

At times the sun hides behind and above the cloud cover.
I know that it would different be, if there was a secret I could discover,
Cool air and droplets, like teardrops, cling and closely hover.

I try to make you laugh, so you won't get down,
You look at me strange and say I am not funny, and stop clowning,
around, you say it won't help and I have made you frown.

I see my folly, and where I erred,

One must break the cycle, to begin anew,
If droplets do not gather then no dark forms ensue,
The sun may always be there and the bright orange hue.

So I will not cry or laugh till I do,
That will reduce the water droplets too,
I am such a simpleton, there is more
here than, where the sky and land meets, the horizon,
where land meets a body of water, the shore,
I can't take the darkness away, not even with a siphon.

I will stay at your side, you'll see, all
through this and no matter how wide,
the Blackness that clouds, no matter how deep,
it will not win
for it has never fought a clown like me.
If laughter is the medicine then humour is the cure,
Jokes can be so wrong and a child's giggle so pure!
 Feb 2015
Is it the number of toys you own and use,
gathering mud, blood, or dirt,
to figure out your worth.

Is it the number of people you have met,
share a smile to an intimate encounter,
all relationships are life's echo sounder.

Is it the number of days and the misspent ways
that the grains of sand
fell from your hand.

Is it the number of experiences, of all that you have absorbed,
from head to toe, inside and out with every sense,
in those moments of past, present and future tense.

Is it the collection, of the cells that make you who,
and the places, moments you share
with God, you who, He spared.
Any questions are purely rhetorical and do not require question marks
 Feb 2015
late, darkness falls not lightly
                                   but nightly,
moon gathers up the fog,
to let a new damp cloak go again,
in the morning when,
the sun drags up and out,
from the grasses,
from the brush,
from the tallest reaching
arms that trees have to
dance with,
the veil,
before it returns to where the
stars applaud,
as meteors weave,
warp and weft
that make the next
days misty
morning drape
to soften the
harsh glare
       and stare,
of the unkind,
of the concrete
who have rebar for brains,
of the makers of pain,
of the committed sharp cutters
who want
no softness, as that is where love
takes hold
while waiting late and lightly.

 Feb 2015
they may stop it all,
or make the price you,
pay so very high,
more expensive,
than a litre or gallon
of gas.

On your ***,
they will dump,
you, no not the
donkey kind,
they want to
take it all
from your mind.

Remember the sun that goes down,
rises morning after,
Remember that affection can go
further than affectation,
Remember that richness, tasted, drank,
read or breathed and lightly held,
make up the poetry of life.

Not all that other stuff.
 Feb 2015
Good dirt,
Bad dirt,
Bag of dirt,
dirt in a bag, avoided dirt bag, almost,
flowers, herbs
and veggies everywhere,
not a clean spot, all is dirtied,
soiled by my touch,
perfect plants in little pots,
re-planted, by gloved hands,
staying dirt free,
not gentlely,
name is Darrell,
not Mary,
don't you dare ask me how does
my garden grow,
for I will say, with dirt
on my face in my hair,
it is too early to tell so;
you can go look for silver bells
and cockle shells and all those pretty maids
in some body else's row,
cause I moved dirt for what it is worth,
for hanging baskets, on every word,
and herbs to flavor, my tongue,
as I stripped those young plants
from their root bound temporary
for reasons unknown,
as I did not inherit my mother's green thumbs,
I did not earn any merit badges nor did I join 4 H,
in the days of my youth, now
I grow weary of faltering crops,
it is to easy to stop to ****,
and wet the soil, care for
those things that rise from the dirt,
that were moved, into containers,
with indelicate fingers, gloved,
not loved by any living thing they touched.
Give me dirt,
I can't hurt dirt,
broken stems, ripped leaves,
I grieve for them and that
they may forgive, my clumsy
ways, and be touched by the healing sun's rays.
I understand dirt,
for it is where I came from,
and His breath.
 Feb 2015
I hope daisies find favour,
I hope you have memories
and tastes to savour.
I hope you find peace in this
world of chaos
I hope you are one of the found
which was lost.
I hope... to not be naive or sound trite,
darkness can not exist in His light.
 Feb 2015
time spent, not wasted,
      out of doors tasted
     some experiences priceless,
are better
away from anything wireless
on any sunny day,
a light breeze plays,
with the leaves,
all for one and one for all
it is a free-for-fall until ... you
take a wee one for a walk
in the woods, on a path,
over a bridge and along
a stream.

What a dreamy day it was,
the crunch of leaves under-
foot, the oooohs and aaaaahs,
and various descriptors,
in a language I long forgot,
that of a fifteen month old
pink coated naturalist,
who points with fingers
                   or her fist,
who squats down to
study the million leaves
in reach, looking for the
one that needs the most help
          or a kiss to feel better,
God, You sure make beautiful
weather and a passing grade on granddaughters!
(said with tongue and cheek as she can touch more leaves
than I can take away....)

Up hill and down, by the creek and away,
up by the hairy animals that make her say,
woof-woof in mockery as they guard
                                  the yard
with the chain ink fence
then finally we turn for home
where every pole and tree within
in reach has to be touched like
it has the magical powers of a garden gnome
(let me guess, you have never heard that before)

the wind and rush of traffic at our
back as we spent the walk, not wasting
any time, for she will never be
young again.                       Nor will I.
 Feb 2015
I was there,
when each of you
                      were born,
that change,
from womb to
life with room to
beyond what nurtures,
leaving behind sutures,
and now, scars at what your mom, all moms
gave away,
so you are here today,
she bore scars then,
and she will again,
and again,
when you forget a birthday card, or to call,
or don't drop by on Mother's day at all,
but she, will be the first to defend
each one of you in their turn, until the end,
so remember, if you read this, it is nothing
more than a kiss as a reminder,
come and find her, stand behind her,
not to take advantage,
of being first or last or in between,
and whisper in her ear, that you love
her, as much as there is air in the atmosphere,
and you know she has cried an ocean of tears,
inside for each time, each of you, or others have broken her heart,
but it does not mean she is angry,
but it does not mean she is frankly cranky (that's me)
what it means is she is human
who has made enough room in her
heart for all of you forever, whether or not
you bring flowers or hold her hand for a walk, when she gets older,(light years from now)
just call her and listen more than you talk,
give her the time to be creative, ART recharges her battery pack.

For she is special, like ripples in the pond,
her love can be felt like the waves that goes on and on,
                             and I observe all this, and I am in awe,
becasue I too have a mother,
who is unlike any other, except her capacity to show her love for me,
for all the time, years and miles, distance between her and me.
             And she still smiles when me she sees.

Meshed three stories together...
 Feb 2015
Not raucous
not random
too bad
too safe
      waif like
soot and ashes
no smile
endless miles
no one listens,
sweat glistens
like a flooded furrowed
but brow
beaten down
by life choices
wrong voices
filling ears with corny
jokes, told to an audience of one,
choking on the
cigarette tobacco
bits in the unfiltered,
last bit of gentle
human kindness,
while all else is too safe,
looking and taking,
every rock hides a
every empty cup a
full measure of what
seems deserved
           but not
a life
is too safe.

Shopping cart full
makes one wanted,
and unwanted at
the same time as
not everything in
but all is owned,
by the one who
pushes the cart,
like life has pushed
him, around and
down flights of stairs,
with only an empty bottle
to match the empty life,
his children, his wife,
would not know him
if they saw him on
the street,
bet you he writes
mean poetry,
while mine is too safe.

 Feb 2015
The clustered, green orbs, glow with juice and lighted sun,
The leaves wave in the gentle breeze "welcome" to all, have fun,
But seasons ripe for theft and thieves,
Who would steal into these nights,
          to remove the juiciest of these,
Bacchus treasures and treats with perfected age,
                  the hope of pouring a glass
                  of crystal clear bliss
                  could be gone, amiss,
by some who would crush the cherished taste,
and end this seasons harvest in empty sadness;
empty vine, oh the shame, the crime
of stealing grapes that belong to another's claim!

We have found the answer to our dilemma,
"Worry not dear friend, i will be there for you my eyes
are ever so watchful, and my bright white wing span will
cause even the hardiest mischief maker to turn away,
while my tail will beat and chase them
your grounds, God's vineyards
your bounty
this and every day,
until you pick your crop at its best
but I have only one humble request,
That you save the juiciest single grape for me
king of the Dragons, that fly."

inspiration provided by photo
provided by Scott Olson
I would let you ALL go to my FB page and see the inspirational photo but I don't think you (pl) would fit,
so I might change my photo on HP or I might not, I have a few challenges, Look me up on FB and I will have it on my timeline, if I am so able, your humble servant, DWE
 Feb 2015
every move that is made, she must shadow,
her place in the pack
is to guard the back
                                 of the Alpha,
it matters not her insides are older
than she is, she is loyal, she 'tis,
she can
be no more,
true to the bond,
that is beyond,
                        the human.

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