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 Jun 2013 Cody Spang
Last night i had a dream that i was able to dream dive..
a great concept as in the dream i was able to dive into the nightmares of others and help them overcome their fears.. and so the dream went like this as best as i can remember it..::)

Through this plain of colors was the dreams of all who were sleeping..
The blue and green colors where a symbol of calm and soothing dreams..

While the red and black were nightmares..
There where also some that were black and red that seem to spirial to no end.. This meant it was a nightmare that the dreamer could not overcome and had to battle every night they went to sleep...

I passed on through this red and black spirial as i fell into a house where there was a young boy scared to death, curled up into a ball, as he shook there on the floor in this corner of the room..

I told him don't be scared anymore.. his eyes lit up as i was a new figure in his endless streaming nightmare.. I took his hand and asked him what is wrong.. He told me that he can never get out of this house and that and evil demon ghost was hurting him.. I then felt this strange pressure inside my body as the ghost was trying to take me over..

With my lucid dream experence i knew i was in control of this demon ghost and creted an amazing shine within myself that threw the demon across the room.. it screamed as it tried again to possess my soul as i shined even brighter from within sending it crashing through the walls of this prison house creating a way out..

The young boy then pulled me outside of the house and screamed " IM FREE!!" thank you so much! many ghost then came out of the house and rushed the boy.. he then created a sun in the sky that burned the demon ghost away.. he looked to me and said thank you again..

I was then back to the plain of colors and saw that the black and red spriral had turned a deep blue color.. the little boy was at peace...
So close
Yet so far away

His kisses make you melt
His breath on the back of you neck
Sends shivers down your spine and puts butterflies in your stomach

He treats you like your his princess
He is your noble and handsome knight
Hand in hand
Under the stars and the light of the full moon

Forever he will be my tiger
As we walk down onto the beach
The sea breeze chilly
He offers you his hoodie

We sit on the rocks
Listening to the waves crash against the shoreline
He leans in and kisses you long and passionately
 May 2013 Cody Spang
Emily Tyler
He got expelled this time.

He wasn't sent to
In-school suspension
Or lunch detention
Or the counselor's office.

He was expelled from
Fairfax County Public Schools.

And his friends all freaked.

They sat outside the school
Every morning
And wouldn't go in
To protest.

They signed a petition
That called him a
"Well rounded student"
"Well loved by the student body."

I didn't love Brian.
I hated Brian.

Brian was the kid
Who always
Made the class
Stay late.

He was the kid who
Went through the halls
Grabbing peoples butts.

He was the kid that
All the guys wanted to be
And all the girls wanted to have.

And instead of sending him off
To West Point
Where he would have to
Shave his Bieber hair and
Follow the rules for once,
The county revoked the expulsion.

And to me
It seems like
A celebrity murdered someone
And because a thousand fan letters were sent in
They got to go free.
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