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Your stomach turning
Your heart racing
Finally knowing that one of your dreams came true

You find someone that describes you dream guy
Someone you've already known
But the thing is...
He's one of your best friends and you don't want to ***** anything up

You already have someone that makes you happy
And he does as well
But you both can't help having a crush on each other
He's so sweet, funny, smart, open-minded

You know you can go on forever describing him
You feel yourself around him
Not hiding secrets or anything
He's just hiding his face cause he's shy, you think its completely adorable
With every thing changing at once
You don't know what to do
Trying to find a path that will help
But all you are now is confused

As you see in the distance
The land underneath your feet
Feel the wind in your hair
Hear the sound of the beat

The beat of nature
Pounding away
Trees sway
Water rush down the river

Your heart racing
Not knowing whether this is a dream
Seeing nature and peace all around you
Surrounded by the most beautiful flowers you've ever seen

It all vanishes....
The peace...
The calmness...

As it slowly turns into darkness...
The nightmare of all

Hearing the screams....
Seeing the tears....
Feeling nothing....
Except the razor blade against your skin
It was a dark stormy night. I was down stairs in the living room, by the fire place, drinking a glass of wine. Then I heard a knock at the front door. I got up and started walking slowly towards it. I finally opened the door and there on his knee was Cody dripping wet from the rain. I was shocked. I couldn't believe that he was here. I saw in his left hand a beautiful red rose and in his right hand a small box. He opens the box and in it was a ring. It was simple but so gorgeous. I looked at him in shock. My face, red and a little smile. After a moment the smile was as big as could be. Then he said "Stace, do you love me?" I look at him puzzled, thinking why he'd ask that. "Of course I love you, you mean everything to me." He smiled, his hand against my soft cheek, as he quietly spoke, I saw the gleam of hope in his eyes. "Will you marry me?" Shocked. Eyes got big. Trying t find the words to reply but I'm so surprised by what just happened. He took my hand, said "I love you so much and I swear your the one I need to..... have to, be with. You are my one and only soul mate." Tears slowly running down my face, smiling. "Yes, I will, oh baby boy I can't believe this is happening, You are my whole world, of course I'll marry you." I quickly jump in his arms, hugging him tightly making sure he's as close to me as humanly possible.

— The End —