Round about she goes
spinning circles, oblongs, ovals, and eggs.
Sure as the bite the cold wind blows
The circles must be spun
Lying in bed
a picture of dreamy isolation and tranquility
but without a doubt within her head
the circles must be spun
Her breath is steady
But her mind racing with today, tomorrow, occasionally yesterday
Why can’t I just sleep already!
The circles must be spun
Her patience runs thin
An awakened mind does little for a slowed body
Nails digging into skin
The circles must be spun
Red lines focus the mind
Pulling it away from the insistent circles
But short lived is relief of this kind
The circles must be spun
Other remedies have their ways
Turning the circles into two points connected
But tonight there shall be no such daze
The circles must be spun
So round about she must turn
Allowing the circles to turn, grow, and consume
Slowly they become cause for concern
The circles must be spun
To her never ending surprise
the spinning has slowed and the world blurred
The faithless sun begins to rise
The circles have be spun