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 Sep 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt
I slashed his throat

Dreamt a madman me did attack,
With knife, he came upon me,
Enraged, engaged, I took his blade away,
Slashed his throat,
Watched his life
And mine,
Bleed away.

As she sponged my brow,
But a dream, hush,
But I knew better,
For the rage and the lust
Was primordial, a man's must,
His blood on my fingertips,
A secret  smile on my face.
 Sep 2013 Claire E
 Sep 2013 Claire E
I am the awkward treble cleft resting against your crescendo heartbeat
All the while  thinking "I don't think Mozart could have ever written anything as beautiful as your breath"
And I bet when God made you, part of the angles choir found itself nestled in your vocal chords
Like a down blanket you wrap me in the silk strands of your forearms
And all I want to know is how you got these scars
My guess is you fell to hard for a girl who was never your favorite song
And you had to nitpick the sour notes of her broken promises from your skin
 Sep 2013 Claire E
Jamie Horridge
You're so lost,
but do you want to be found?
Someone might hear you if you speak louder,
why do you refuse to make a sound?
They've worked their way up some ladder,
but you took the elevator down.
Darling, where are you now?

Can I ask you if you see a light?
Listen to me dear, everything is alright.
I need to know you're gonna be okay.
Do you know the year, the month, or the day?
Darling, please, say something out loud.
I'm starting to get worried and your mom is freaking out.

We just want to see you get help.
But what you feel now,
we've never felt.
We're not quite sure what you need.
But we try, baby doll.
That, you've got to see.

Will you please just give us your hand?
Help us see, we want to understand.
Maybe we should just leave you alone,
but we can't, baby girl.
Please answer your phone.

I think it's time for us to give up.
We've tried everything and we've had enough.
You're just not the daughter we want,
Your sisters so sweet, why are you such a ****?
You are so ****** up in the head,
Why did we have to have the girl that was born dead?
 Sep 2013 Claire E
Mike Hauser
Where does the night go to cry in New York City
Whose finger print is that upon the moon*
Who kisses the stars and shows them pity
To the forever distant tune

Whose selling souls in the land of plenty
Backing out on promises they've made
Buying the beggar off with no more than pennies
While spitting on the unmarked graves

Who gives a voice to the silence
Where does memory turn when it forgets
When the strong ones fall who picks up the pieces
Where do the dying place their bets

If the fool reaches for the hand of wisdom
At that moment does he cease to be a fool
If the night could hear, would it even listen
*And would it stop crying if it knew
 Sep 2013 Claire E
What's that you've got there?
Here, let me assess.
Trust me, I'm a therapist.

Let's peel back the bandage on your pain,
and compartmentalise your vulnerability
into units we can measure.

Just don't ask me how I am.
I'll change the subject.
Gracefully, mind you.

Besides, I'm fine anyways-

(it only hurts when I breathe)
 Sep 2013 Claire E
Sir B
Hold it high
Let everyone see it
The illuminating torch
Who is making everyone smile

Let them see the source
Who is bringing wondrous joy
and a means of working in the night
Shine it bright
Crank it to the highest output
Shine it towards everyone
Search for the lost ring
Search for gold
Search what you want
But remember
to keep the torch light
and illuminate
those people
with the
that you possess
A poem requested by PositivePoetry. Just something I was asked to write.. hope you guys had a nice day, I had a wonderful day with homework.. Pax, and sweet dreams! =)
You make me feel like
     If I just disappeared tomorrow,
     Somebody would come looking.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt

A lovely word, a lovely sound.


When I was resurrected as two bodies,
A pair of cuffed links coupled,
In My Salad Days.

With the fresh taste of freedom,
A first-born infant survivor,
At a ripe old age,
I, rebirthed, and to the fore,

In My Salad Days,
When words fell from smiling lips,
Rain and tears flew upwards,
Each and every breath was an


All Per Chance.


“To die, to sleep -
To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub,
For in this sleep of death what dreams may come...”

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

"To fall, but rise -
To rise, perchance to be reborn, ay, rub one's eyes in disbelief,
For in this reincarnation, who knows what dreams may come..."
~~ Nat Lipstadt, Perchance
Part of a  longer poem called In My Salad Days.  

Modern use, especially in the United States, refers to a person's heyday when somebody was at the peak of his/her abilities, not necessarily in that person's youth.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
 Aug 2013 Claire E
take a chance
on .... the unlikely
and wake unto
deliverable posts
to magique

cyber dream to life
green grid illumines
when portal's engaged
in tele-heartbeats
well beyond sky-wishes

go forward
think openly
touch the improbable

no holds barred
as con-tac-tix
pure contact //
tactile pleasure
lively ... tactics*

S T, 14 August 2013
imagine a time ...when little is impossible.
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