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 Oct 2016 C M Johnson
She was there, he was there.
They were almost there.
Not until the night crumbled.
Blurred with the pouring rain.

She is still there, but he wasn't.
He was gone, left her breathless.
But she is still there.
In the cloudy night, waiting the wind swallow her souls.
She hope it can make her feel better.
But in the end, she will always be there.

Waiting, all she can do is waiting.
It doesn't matter how hurt it is.
Doesn't matter if she can't feel her legs anymore.
Doesn't matter how far it is.

Under these stars, she waits.
She waits for him to comeback.
To feel his warmth again.
To hear his jokes.
To hear his heartbeat.
To make sure he is still alive.
Even though she knows, he is no longer there for her.

But she will always be there.
To the person I loved, love, and will always love.
I sign my name to each tragedy that streams incessantly
I pour the lines with traces of blood
Crimson hues staining my paper
I sign my name to the work reflecting my shame
My guilt
My unproductiveness
And try to gaze more deeply into the abyss that is my mind
I try to dispense the trash that heaps and swells to great heights
Framing the walls I do not dare to climb
For the fear of falling
I sign my name with red velvet petals that wither too quickily
In such short time
Displaying my pain as if it held beauty
As if it were a crime
I need you
So stay strong
I love you
So don't cry
Just let yourself
Be forever mine.
He calls me beauty
Himself the beast
But why do I feel so monsterous
For my betrayal was only
Yet knowing
He'd never forgive give me
No such motive to stop
And I feel I've gone too
Despite how meaningless
The encounters
Still these
Horrible things
Must not be revealed
For even though he loves me
This is unforgivable
And in an instant
To soul mates can be torn apart forever
A future can come crashing down
And the truth may even end two lives
So I bare the agony of the truth
I cannot destroy this
I will not let him know
This unto my grave I shall take
For the good of myself
For and my future spouse
and even for the child we hope to create
No matter how beautiful he claims I am
I know I am a monster
Who hasn't experienced much attention
and seems to have some
But has no ability to turn it away
Even if I have everything I will ever need.
May God forgive my sins ..
I am letting the telephone ring
unsure if its you
and if it was what I'd say or do
I silence the tone
A part of me does not want to know
but then again I need to
I wish you'd just leave me alone
I've remained haunted by this ghost
The worst part
Of knowing you
Is not knowing this you
But the old one
You used to be with me
For some reason
That I cannot explain
You've morphed
And I wish so much
To go back
To the person
Who'd save me with his eyes
Rescue me from collapse with his smile
And Somehow always knew
When to look back my way
Things seem to change so fast
In a small matter of time
Someone you love
Can become someone you hate
And the person you thought you knew
A person soft and caring
Suddenly becomes this
Completely different person
Cold and too ******* anothers insecurities
Maybe one day you'll change back
And if you do
I'll be here.
 Nov 2012 C M Johnson
I paint my face with clay
Of the river bed,
Let my tears wash into the bay
As the ocean spreads,
What a magical potion
In every emotion,

*Drink Me up.
Each time you tell me
You love me
Its like a symphony
Went off in my chest
When you kiss me
A flame rages through
My body
All I feel is the collision
Our bodies close
But guarded by clothes
Desperate to be close
Trying to merge
Our souls
Mated at birth
And destined
To again join together
One day.
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