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Malignant cancer
That you are
Metastasizing within my body and soul
Displacing the tissues of me
With your dark and threatening disease
From my blood you feed
Shiny, sharpened scalpel
To remove you from within
Pressing the blade against my tender skin
Trying to gain the strength
But I continue to let you take
I look up to happy songs in hope that they will block the pathway of my thoughts to finding you.

I hate people who have an already determined style,
those people that believe they are hip because they wear exactly what everybody else is wearing, or they do exactly what everybody else is doing.

I aspire to be a mega nerd using large scientific vocabulary in my every day sentences, it makes me feel like a have a purpose on the earth and mean more to people than those stupid teenagers who only wish for themselves to be catergorized in the file of *** smokers and drug do-ers and drink drinkers.
 Nov 2012 C M Johnson
You did well like a black hole should,
devouring my kindness with empty words
even as you promised me worlds.
oh you are so quick to shoot me down,
as I feel like a wounded star in a meteor shower.
this heat burns my true heart, that you will never hold.
I digress.

Shining like the morning
  just another distant rock.
These feelings can't help but speak
 Nov 2012 C M Johnson
I find the courage to speak, with words I do not know, will they cure, will they fail, will I be consumed with the urge.
To mind,
what we should never forget.
that you should respect, my woman feelings.
is obvious.
That I should be open and platonic, doesn't make science.
ha, you bottle up my sighs and ship them,
as fire to a gun.
Lava to a volcano, "all ready to explode!"

Regret often in tag.
Theres a theory
I hold onto.
One that says
every seven years,
each skin cell in your
body is renewed.

I cannot wait that long
to have skin that
hasn’t felt your
fingertips running
down my back,
or your tongue
dancing to the
rhythm of our

I cannot wait that long
to have skin that
hasn’t felt your
sweet kisses,
that sent a sugar rush.

But at least
in seven years,
my skin
can forget.
I miss you
Usually when its
the darkest out,
and the quietest,
that ache
creeps into my
But you
wouldn’t know
the feeling.
Another one set eyes on,
another one to hold,
another one to sleep with,
to replace the fleeting old.

He's just another one,
in her glittering eyes,
one of the many, numbers
greater then the stars in the sky.
I'm trying to tear free
and I just might.
But 'til then I'm a shadow in darkness,
searching for light.
 Sep 2012 C M Johnson
D OKane
how foolish
lust and love
once drove my pen
to rhyme and time
record my
pain and loss
all candyfloss
until I found you

no foolish
lust or love
now drives my pen
i rhyme and time
my childrens' breaths
with yours
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