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Ciel Noir Sep 2023
what happens when your
"good enough"
is just a rainbow you can walk toward
just a star that you can reach for
not a mountain you can climb

and though you reach out in longing
though you walk for miles and miles
the way still leads forever on
the same place in a different time

no matter how much you achieve
it never will be "good enough"
and so you walk away from love
far too afraid to even try

but if you could
forgive yourself
the same way you forgive another
I bet you could climb that mountain
all the way into the sky
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
how can we worship time
when it hunts us down like animals?

how can we curse its name
when it brought our world to life?

the way that I perceive it
time is neither good nor evil

it is just as much a part of us
as love and dance and night
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
they told us you were lost forever
never to come back
I prayed to all the gods to bring you back
I never knew which one to thank

or maybe no one answered
as you crossed over the night
and inch by inch
built your own bridge to life

I am just glad you are alive
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
sometimes I am afraid
to put my thoughts down onto paper
how do I make something normal?
how do I make something good?

afraid what I create
will turn out just as flawed as I am
just as morally ambiguous
as dimly understood

the need to be oblique
about how I'm unique
a freak

tangles the thread of thought so thoroughly
I am afraid to speak

I find
repressing my own mind
and second-guessing every confession

self censorship that slices
like a scythe
into my writing's spine
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
once the Moon filled our horizon
even greater than the Sun

do you think we remember fire
and dragons falling one by one?

a message following along
primordial and wordless song
of Eden where we once belonged

how deep
how long
our river runs
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
I know where you came from
and I'm not here to judge
I know sometimes the road was hard
sometimes there was no road at all

when you kept walking through that storm
I know how much that took
just take a breath
lay down your head
I see how far you've come
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
when I see you
take a step

maybe it's a baby step

but I think it's important that
you took the time
to take that step

I'm here

I see you
taking steps

maybe one forward
and one back

but I forgive you
don't look back


and take another step
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