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Ciel Noir Feb 2022
I know we want
to get revenge
but wouldn't we
be just like them

get back at them
talk smack at them
and turn our backs on them

this is how everybody thinks
this is how everybody sinks

there is no balancing
the scales

this is how everybody fails
Ciel Noir Feb 2022
I dreamed that I
was on the Moon

I looked into the sky

where the Sun shined
through ink black night
by the Capricorn sign

and near the Sun
in perfect haunting blue
so still and bright

I saw our world
up in the sky
with all the other lights

I felt it all
to see our planet
so far and so small

I felt that I
was in the sky
I felt that I could fall

with a jolt to the solar plexus
I thought to myself

"That is the Earth
where I belong

and I am somewhere else"
Ciel Noir Jan 2022
my mind is empty
my heart is full

I love my family and my friends
I sense a new journey about to begin

I am at the balance point
Ciel Noir Jan 2022
if I ever chose to die
I would never explain why

instead of let my friends
my mother
blame themselves
the world
each other

I would leave no trace
no note
an accident
that's all she wrote

I feel that I can tell you this
because I have chosen
to live
Ciel Noir Jan 2022
a veil of ice
across my soul
so I control
how much you know

a smooth façade
a cool veneer
that isolates me
from my fear

I am afraid
when you get close
can you see into me?

if you are warm
the ice will break
and take you
to the strangest place
Ciel Noir Jan 2022
I miss my family
and my friends
I am so far away from them

I hope I'll see them all again
next year

I am so lonely here
Ciel Noir Jan 2022
each day I try to play a role
in our society

to mimic an image
of what I think they want to see

but deep down
I am savage
I am wild
my soul has teeth

and time and time again
I try to hide that side of me

how could I ever find someone
to love me as a whole

the monsters in my mind
and the maelstrom of my soul?

through all my doubt
I dare to hope
to meet the one someday

who sees the demons in my eyes
and does not look away
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