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Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Not long ago did someone see
A golden serpent in a tree
A raven took the snake away
But evermore its shadow stays
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
this is a pit                                                              ­          and into it
we throw our garbage                                           and our ****
       our grease                                                           ­      and grit    
   our slime                                                            ­and swill
  and all the people                                     that we ****
flotsam and jetsam                           film and oil
compacted into                              fertile soil
beneath the steep         and jagged *****
     there grows         a single flower

Ciel Noir Sep 2018
I'd flow right through the table but for
the electrons
in my hand
it's all so
I can't explain
I wish that I could understand
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
Lily bright
Sparkle with exotic spice
Sweeten the twilight
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
shades and shadows all around
watching when the Sun goes down
all the darkness of the night
  leads us to  an inner light
                       understanding     who we are                              
            written out      between the stars  
       in the lines     upon our hands
reading patterns in the sand          
  in the crystal            in the yarrow
in the tea leaves             in the Tarot        
   answers in the            form of riddles
      something missing            in the middle              
                         priestesses            and necromancers          
     asking oracles            for answers        
        we believe            we see a spark
  but we are shining in the dark
Ciel Noir Sep 2018
we see a face
a solid                          shape
handful                     ­                 of stars
no time         and empty space         no place
              no words             to erase doubt               no way              
without a
Ciel Noir Aug 2018
I dreamed that I was
high up in an oak tree
white flowers like roses
on my left hand side
woven up like a vine
among the branches
I was
so still
peaceful inside
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