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Chuck Feb 2013
My children are in your hands!

Drill today, **** tomorrow?
My children are in your hand!

Elect your foil, who is owned by oil?
My children are in your hands!

Pollute the oceans, contaminate the soil?
My children our in your hands!

Can't you hear, don't give the Indian a tear.
My children are in your hands!

Clean the lands, sweep our sands!
My children are in your hands!

Plant a tree or cut your mother's knees?
My children are in your hands!

Spread the hate, not tolerate?
My children are in your hands!

Destroy for power, your only here an hour?
My children are in your hands!

Hit your women and keep on sinin'?
My children are in your hands!

Anything for a dime, only here a short time!
My children are in your hands!

My children are in your hands!
My children are in your hands.
My children are in yo.........
Chuck Dec 2012
Irony is being sick on Christmas Vacation, healthy at work.
Chuck Mar 2013
I spoke with Jesus today.
He asked me where I'm goin'.
For the life of me, I didn't know what to say.
I spoke with Jesus today.
I asked Him to show me the way.
Christ just stared at me smilin'!
I spoke with Jesus today.
He asked me where I'm goin'.
Some help he was.
Chuck Jul 2013
Twist the neutral white wires together
Integrate the hot black wires into the power slot
Try not to get zapped
Ground the electricity by tangling the green and bare wires
Flip the switch to see if the magic happens
Chuck Jan 2014
My job is to bake cakes
I once magically created cakes of every hue
Cakes that tasted like fruit or cream
And others that were super sweet
Still, others that were filling and heathy
I was only limited to my creativity

Then the cake bosses
Ordered me to bake only vanilla cakes
They said that all cakes are the same
And my cakes must meet their standards
Yet their criteria was vanilla and plain
I was forced to throw off the fruit and cream
And mute the rainbow of colors
Even to add vanilla and sugar to my heathy cakes

If that wasn't bad enough
The cake bosses pressured me to fill unrealistic quotas
And to treat all of the cakes the same
Even though they are, naturally, flavored differently
Then my budget was cut and bakers were downsized
Next, I had more cakes to bake and less time to prepare
I was even told to do without eggs and milk
But the cakes must meet even higher standards

How does this taste?
Does it leave a bad taste in your mouth too?
It's not a piece a cake
But I choose to bake on
Believing that I can still bake special cakes
The batter just gets thicker everyday
Obviously, this is metaphorical. I think it applies to way too many jobs today.
Chuck Jun 2014
She despises the world
People irritate and disgust her
Proud to be known as the rebel
Rises above the emotional clowns
Desensitized and  disenfranchised

Yet she conformed to the circus
For reasons mere mortals cannot comprehend
Hidden behind the eye of adjudication
Yet don't dare evaluate her soul
She beguiles my response with pseudo aloofness  

Jaded and defended
But she entertains me with angst
Inspired by a poet.
Chuck Jun 2013
My brain spins
For reality
My body doesn't
Know what
Time it is
My dreams fester
While awake
They call it
Jet lag
I call it
The first kiss
Cheesy but I wanted to write something about how I feel from jet lag. The kiss thing was just for the ladies. Haha
Chuck Dec 2013
I see a fat man in a red suit
I'll try to eat better
And dress better
After the holidays
Chuck Aug 2014
I ventured on a journey all alone
Self powered also self empowered
Lonely I was but I did not bemoan
Miles washed down the drain as I showered

Met interesting folks on my bike trip
Stayed with a couple, helped me feel at home
Crashed with earthy folks, who were ultra hip
Greeted with support wherever I roamed

Climbed mountains ascending fifteen degrees
Some stretched up for miles into the blue sky
And descents that caused wobbles in my knees
As valleys and streams vanished from my eyes

Sure, I missed my wife and my kids' cute smiles
Yet, this was an adventure for legs and soul
They both grew stronger with each pedaled mile
My head was spinning as my tires rolled

Crossed my sylvan state, an empowered state
Something I just knew I wanted to do
When I made it, I had to celebrate
New Jersey was my state of soul anew
Chuck Jan 2013
it is easier to judge
than to serve the time
Chuck Jul 2013
This use to be a day of great pride
This use to be a day of celebration
This use to be a day of strength
Now it is a day of reflection
Now it is a day of great guilt
Now it is a day of regrets
Regrets for our arrogance
Regrets for our weakness
Regrets for letting down our fathers
Chuck Dec 2012
Tightened chest heaving, gasping for air
Quicker puffs puffs puffs
Try to take a deep brea...
Tighter tighter panic
Chuck Aug 2013
Brilliance in mode and tone
Elegance without loquaciousness
For language is her gift to all

Poetess your evanescence
Shines eternally in your verbiage
And the imagery that lingers

Sincerity, essential themes,
A labyrinth of life altering morals spun with
An unadulterated touch oh humor

Poetess, you are admired
Humbly honored in this plebeian's
Pedestrian attempt at articulation
This is a respectful tribute to you, poetess. You know who you are. Fun with language!
Chuck Jan 2015
All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
"Why do you always want to be a clown?"
I thought laughter made the world go around

Laughter is my energy, my power
It may be my only contribution
If only so, even for an hour
Why does it claim such harsh retribution?
They jeer, it destroys my constitution

My weakness is trying to build esteem
Esteem needs laughs to nurture its weak soul
The sad clown hides the makeup disguised dream
Laugh, like, even love me one and, PLEASE, all?
Laughter cries in the dark depths of my soul

All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
Why must I always try to be a clown?
Laughter is what makes my world go around
This is a TBT that I wrote a few years ago.
Chuck Dec 2012
All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
"Why do you always want to be a clown?"
I thought laughter made the world go around

Laughter is my energy, my power
It may be my only contribution
If only so, even for an hour
Why does it claim such harsh retribution?
They jeer, it destroys my constitution

My weakness is trying to build esteem
Esteem needs laughs to nurture its weak soul
The sad clown hides the makeup disguised dream
Laugh, like, even love me one and, PLEASE, all?
Laughter cries in the dark depths of my soul

All I want to do is make people laugh
A quip, a bit of wit, a self put down
But it always seems to be a huge gaff
Why must I always try to be a clown?
Laughter is what makes my world go around
Chuck Aug 2013
Life is sweet
I lap it up

Do I look
Fat in this
Chuck Apr 2013















Interrupt on any level you wish. I like cycling.
Chuck Aug 2014
The more two bulls **** heads
The closer they become
Chuck Aug 2013
Love envelops my languid soul
I lounge in its warm embrace
A content poet is a dry inkwell
Yet the ink is congealed with satisfaction
I refuse to allow joy to slow my quill
Too many poets quest for love through language
Many drown in the bliss of El Dorado
Lost forever, bathing in golden love
I will drink golden cups of passion
Play in priceless fieds of frienship
But I will pause to respect it's fragility
And to be a beacon for those lost in windless seas
For I once wore the albatross around my neck
My thirst is now quenched in golden oceans
I wish to be a gentle wind in the sails of the castaways
For love envelops my languid soul
And so it can and must for all
I just want to say that the love I receive from you, my friends on HP is a large part of my El Dorado.
Chuck Mar 2013
You are a slam dunk
A fingertip catch
And all that exciting junk

You are a bone crushing tackle
A pulled groin muscle
So painful, I'm a blushing rascal

You are the Stanley Cup
A Superbowl ring
That's what's up

This hurts for a poet to admit, but sometimes the sentiment is more important than the eloquence.
Chuck Jun 2013
It use to be me

She speaks with passion and desire

It use to be to me

She writes songs of love and lust

It use to be for me

She found her perfect match

It was only me

Her heart was broken

It was by me

He words are now for another

I wish they were for me
Chuck Jan 2013
if you must have the
last word the
word should be "sorry"

simple poems are fun
yet they can
say more than one thinks

enjoying nature
time to pray
like a Romantic

bicycling is part
of my life
need I search for more

there is a time in
people's lives
that they would erase

the tree is  now down
but Christmas
lives in memory
This is my first foray with the Lune. It is the English Haiku, 5-3-5. I enjoy the format.
Chuck Apr 2013
With a flick of your wand
A slide of the hand
A Presto Change-O
I can be the person
You want me to be
Like magic
I'll say what you want to hear
Act like you're pulling my strings
Work miracles around the house
Only long for you
It will be like magic
Until the magic fades
Because it always does
Shape is a magic hat upright then tipped over. Not about me specifically. Just a comment on relationships.
Chuck Jan 2013
Magic is the nature
Magic is the water flowing
Magic is the air
Magic is the food
Magic is the peace
Magic is the love
Magic is my life
And most of all
Magic is my family.
My almost ten year old wrote this because he is tired of people telling him magic is not real. He is sure he will be going to Hogwarts when he turns eleven.
Chuck Oct 2013
Magic in the moment
Thrills in the street
Colors abound
Dancing boots on feet
Chuck Jan 2013
The moon said to the stars, "May I please dance with you?
Your twinkle steps look so fun to do.
"Moon, who do you think you are?
You're near the Earth, and we traveled so far."

"I know who I am. You should see.
I light the Earth at night. They need me.
But you give off this magic light too.
That's why I really want to dance with you!"

"Yes! We understand what you mean.
All of our dancing create a magical scene.
We discussed it, and you're a friend indeed.
That's why you should always take the lead!"
Took a shot at a children's poem. My dancing daughter was my muse.
Chuck May 2013
Payed a visit to God's house today
Thirty feet high stained glass windows
Rows of hand carved mahogany pews
Vaulted arches reaching into the Heavens
Golden candlesticks and high alter

Who is He trying to impress?

Even the Joneses can't keep up with him.
Just social commentary, not meant to be sacrilegious. After all, God didn't build His house that I was in today.
Chuck May 2013
Right. Left.
Right, left, right!
March on
For those you fought for
March on
For those you'll never know
March on
Because you feel it's your duty
March on
Into history
March on
Into our hearts
March on
Right, left, right!
Chuck Jun 2013
I don't like me with her
She is amazing
I am jealous
She inspires
I conspire
She evolves
I dissipate
I like her
She likes me
I don't like me with her
Chuck May 2013
Alone on the road today
Miles to wander to ponder
Hours to fuel the engine
With thoughts, conundrums
Pedal, perspire, perspective
Miles to wander to ponder
Visions of nature flash
Before my glazed eyes
Buds, bugs, and a streaming current
River rushing, birds flittering
Engine hammering pedals
Miles of beauteous nature
Miles of freedom and euphoria
Mile after mile of thoughts
And all I dreamed about
Was you
Mile after mile after mile
Of you
This can be changed to kilometers for my non American friends. Haha Mile sounds more poetic to me.
Chuck Aug 2014
Floats down and hovers
Drenches the mood in white clouds
Foreshadows Autumn
Chuck Sep 2013
Guilty pleasure
But time I treasure
Just you and I
No kids' screaming cry
No wife to bark orders
As we seek new borders
I stroke your limbs
My ego brims
You ride me away
From stresses in my day
Your frame is so light
I ride you just right
You transport my life
In a different way than my wife
I love the both of you
To you both I'll be true
But with you I'm physical
My wife is mystical
You create such sweat
The drips make you soaking wet
As I crank you on ascents
And coast down long descents
I get light headed
Nothing you do is dreaded
You carry me away
So I just needed to say
You are my mistress, my queen
I don't want to be obscene
But if loving you is wrong
Why does my wife sometimes ride along
If you haven't guessed, and I hope you have, my mistress is my bicycle. Actually I have six of them. It's okay; they know about each other. Haha
Chuck Nov 2013
Germany is known for fine craftsmanship
Proven by BMW and Natascha's poetry

Germany is known for dark rich beer
Proven with every smooth swallow

Germany is known to me as the home of a friend
Proven by the address on Natascha's homepage

Drive fast, toast a friend, and write brilliant poetry
                  That is Germany to me
Chuck Jan 2013
As I eased on the Brakes at the
I noticed her glance

I tried to ignore her, but she was gorgeous
A ten

In that brief, flickering moment
I fell in love
My heart danced with a tangled web of
Butterflies bubbled from my

I cursed the light when it
Flashed GREEN

For that fleeting moment I knew what
It felt to be in
I just felt like writing Ephemeral Perfection over again with a common word. It is no exactly identical minus word choice, just a similar moment! Let me know if you prefer one over the other. Thanks!
Chuck Feb 2013
Some moments are regretful
Others are embarrassing
Some moments are life changing
Others are forgetful

But every decade or so
A moment rambles by
That is the first sip of wine
The first love caught an eye
The last kiss before you die
Chuck Jan 2013
Woke up this mornin'
Barely knew where I was.
Woke up this mornin'
Still feelin' a buzz.
Woke up this mornin'
Mouth tasted like fuzz.

What day's it today?
Don't nobody know.
What day's it today?
Do I got some place ta go?
What day's it today?
Jumped up and stubbed my toe.

It's Monday mornin'!
I got an achin' head.
It's Monday mornin'!
I want ta stay in bed.
It's Monday mornin'!
I'm wishin' I was dead.

I got the Monday mornin' blues
Not the day I'd choose!
Got the Monday mornin' blues
Wishin' I had me some *****
In da game a life, I AWAYS, always lose!

The Monday mornin' blues
Got da blues!
Da Monday mornin' blues
Blues blues blues
The Monday mornin' bluuuuessss. . .
I hear this as a blues song in my head. Also, I'm not a raging alcoholic. I was just channeling my inner blues singer. The phonetic spelling is how I'd sing it, if I could sing.
Chuck Jul 2013
You are lovely in you own way
Special as the month of October
I know you don't eat hay
And you are not bothering me today
Let's have lunch. I'll let you pay.
Amanda Nicole's Poetry Challege 2: writ a 5 line poem to the last person you texted. It was my mother-in-law.
I was just being silly. I love my m-in-law.
Chuck Feb 2015
The climb
First exhilarating
Then regimented
Finally exhausting
Chuck Apr 2013
Into the future

Into my dreams

Into your own

From life unfitting

Into my arms
Chuck Jan 2013
Thank you President Obama
For putting on a show
You do the best you can, I know
That's why I'm a big fan
For this country, you own the plan
I will answer the phone
You will protect me and my loan
It's time I make a stand
You are the ruler of this land
I'll pray to God above
That everyone gives you love
This is the first time I tried this form. It is challenging and fun.
Chuck Nov 2013
Mumma may be seasoned
Mumma may be reasoned
Mumma may be sharing
Mumma may be caring
Mumma Mae
Chuck Feb 2013
Strident ~ I can be harsh
Uxorious ~ I am compliant with my wife
Corpulent ~ A  bit too much for cycling well.
Kudos ~ I receive accolades occasionally
Sagacious ~ wise enough to know
                      I have nothing to complain
                       Because my life S.U.C.K.S.
Chuck Jan 2015
It was innate
My ability to resonate
Thoughts upon my birth

When I was a child
My mind ran wild
Over Heaven and Earth

As a teen
You best mind, I was mean
Not much, my thoughts were worth

As a married man
My mind did span
Until my first child's birth

Then it started to slip
My mind did rip
And began to spill upon the Earth

Now that I'm old
Thoughts I can't hold
What are memories worth

Where are my car keys?
I accepted the poetry challenge from ThePoet. It is something that's easy to lose but hard to gain.
Chuck Aug 2014
My poems are not brilliant
They have no meter nor rhyme
My poems are not published
They are hardly worth a dime

My poems are read little
They are enjoyed even less
My poems are not witty
Slightly amusing at best

My poems are fun to write
They bring me simple pleasure
My poems are nothing, true
Yet writing is sure treasured
Chuck Dec 2012
The grandest smile, braces shining
The most powerfully loving hugs
The funniest comment at the most unexpected time
Mature when he needs to be
Crying when he wants to be loved like a baby
"Stop acting like a baby."
Wishing he always remains my baby.
My "number one cuddle buddy"
Harry potter in his heart and on his face
Lover of books
Sports fanatic
Loner, as long as his family is close  
My Son My Stars
Not really a poem, just random thoughts about my middle child. He's almost ten. He is special as are my other two in different ways. He does look like Harry Potter, first movie. He read all the books too. I'm proud to be his dad.
Chuck Nov 2013
An angel with the luck of a demon
A writer with a tormented soul
Gentle as the new fallen snow
Dealt the hand no one should play
For her, I will learn to pray
Chuck Feb 2013
We share our intimate verbiage
Tearful, tortured souls are bared
Ripples of poetry reverberate  
Through myths and muse and fears

Who are these mysterious poets
With whom we write and laugh
Some could be different than they claim
A dark catfish in a poet’s guise
Worse, others playing nefarious games

Shall mysterious friends be trusted
We don’t even know genuine names
Yet, I declare, my mysterious friends
Names, ages, and past do not hinder me
We can hide our facts and our faces
Yet poet friends we will truly be

We’ve known people for many years
Spent hours on trivial small talk
We don’t know who they really are
We’ve shared poems in anonymity
Yet we’ve bled more deeply by far

To all mysterious friends, poets one and all
No need to inspect you face to face
To trust you with my naked soul!
Chuck Aug 2013
Everything I needed to know, I learned from a bathroom stall.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have a phone call to make.
I want to have a good time.
This Gena must live in Disneyland or a carnival.
Chuck Feb 2013
I beleaguer myself as I brood
my inconsequential
narcissistic fantasies
Chuck Mar 2013
Nature smiled today
The sun peaked through the clouds
And witnessed nature's flirtation
For the first time in a year
Soon today's consummation
Will result in blooming flowers
And budding trees
Nature smiled today
Geese honked their way north
Streams rushed with superfluous
Melting of the last stitches of winter's blanket
Nature smiled today
Plants, animals, and people awoke
To birth and life renew
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