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Dec 2014 · 499
Sweet Nihilism
I stroke my cat three times
and I take the 39th
we know we are going down
boy,are we going down

Like me like I care for me
see how a lonely **** dies
read his tears of tragedy fall from his face
see the nihilistic poor *******

Sometimes I wonder
does this *** know his *** from his elbow
does he have merit to claim
can he truly walk the walk

He better be proper
he better be on his toes
for if he does not pull his weight
then only gods knows

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 405
I strap my blades on my legs
three guns I love, my 22, 33 and 45
are snug against my chest
next to my kevlar armour and carbon mask

I am kitted for this fight
death is on my murderous mind
my blades are lined to my refined stats
like I was trained to do, a long long time ago

They wanted me to be a killing machine
but they never gave me a off switch
did they think I could just turn it off
did they think, that I can't turn it off

I would be so angry
if I was not controlled
yet,if I go blitz I go blitz
for I am armed and kitted

They made me
they trained me
they programmed me
they destroyed me

I am just a kitted war machine
a ****** kitted cold killing machine

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 413
To Port She Does Come
I wait for her as to port she does come
with flowers in my hands and tears of joy in my eyes
I hope she will greet me well
we lost one, but hope and glory is back in town

Oh my captain, I want to kiss you
I want to hug you
my sweet sister of battle
to port you do come

I have dressed in my regalior
with my rank noted on my sleeves
the loss of the Pegasus burns
but you are safely home

Come my sweet sister with your warriors brave
come to my temple in Champion
for you my wonder child
your merit has deemed promotion

I now take one of my own pips off
and hand it to you
intransigent to the unknowing some
but back to port, you have come

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 304
Saints Or Sinners
It matters not what you are
be a saint or be a sinner
I am not one that would judge you
my creed could be what you believe

Saints or sinners
have you ever seen a real angel
seen the glorious light in their eyes
only through their eyes, can you talk to god

They are the most mighty
the lords of forever
fearless, loving and battle hard
protectors for you, you saints and sinners

The flag of peace and love flies strong
with the eradication of mistrust and evil at hand
I dream to die, by the banners of angels
you can join me if you dare, saints and sinners

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
It's 11 o'clock on christmas eve
so I decide to sleep under the christmas tree
I want to catch a glimpse of this red suited chap
to see what presents he will pull out of his sack
before laying my sleeping bag under the pines
I put out a tray of cookies and some mulled wine

The fairy lights do slowly flicker
and from down here the tinsel looks much thicker
I can't see the angel on top
but she told me if she see's the feller she'll cough
it's a all night vigil you see
sleeping under the christmas tree

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 402
Please Just Kill Me
It was his last experiment of the year
he was transporting himself to another pod
sitting in the transport container
he asked his colleague to flick the switch
with a flash, fizz, pop and bang
he disappeared for one and reappeared in the other one again

But oh tragic miscalculations
from the pod he did slid to the floor
for he was just flesh and skin
with not one bones within
then with a gargle he did spit and plead
someone please just **** me

No no they said, this is against protocol
we must know where we went wrong
it's our benefactors we must call
we are sure they will be here before too long
then they left him there behind the secure door
with him still begging and slobbering,  please just.......

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 361
Dogs Of Courage
A baby is pulled from a burning building
by a puppy on a leather leash
another jumps in a freezing lake
to give a drowning man relief

This brave boy just stopped a armed robber
with nothing but his teeth
and this chap here, this diminutive thing here
did bark so loud, the police could find the thief

Such dogs of courage
such bravely to know
so if you find a dog stray
do not hesitate to take it home

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 331
Monsters Of Mayhem
They roam the streets when all is dark
mischief and mayhem is their lark
they have the most grotesque of features
with heads the size of watermelons
and clinging clawing talons for hands
at night best you stay in and not roam this land

Spinning with fury they bring destruction
tearing up trees in parks under construction
the noise of them wailing and screaming
makes for a nightmare, yet you're not dreaming
they shake your windows and rattle on doors
poor pets like cats and dogs do cover their ears with their paws

These horrid monsters of mayhem
swear and curse pleading for you to let them in
but never unbolt your doors
and never leave a window open, it's a sin
for if you do, it would be a foolish thing
as monsters of mayhem only chaos do they bring

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
In the shadow of the serpent
where only the Jalla trees do grow
a lonely old man was sitting
just there, under the most ancient Jalla tree

He beckoned for me to come over
waving his frail and brittle hands
so with a wave I confirmed our meeting
then crossed the desert sands

He whispered that he wanted to talk to me
I shook my head in panic
I did plead with him, beseeched him
not in the shadow of the serpent

He would not comply
he wanted to tell why he was here
he said he knew me well
but his pleas fell on deaf ears

None must say my true name
in the shadow of the serpent

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Oh my don't you have one ugly baby
you're brave to be feeding that beast
if it was mine my dear
it would be more then deceased

Really, should it have teeth at it's age
then at the same time
I have never seen a kid with six fingers

What dog faced boy did you entwine
to have a child with the face of a swine
do yourself a favour, and you just throw it away
I'm sure some other ******* will ******* one day

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 300
Living In Nutsville
The doors keep opening and closing, yet no one comes in
so I throw another few poems in the recycle bin
I hate this ****** town, it's full of conformist
whilst I am a jet black gothic fascist

You would never want to live in nutsville
it makes me want to puke green bile
I'm leaving this shoddy ****** land
with it's government filled with pedophiles

There has to be something better
any ****** place would be better
then living in this **** hole
it's a crap life living in nutsville

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
What's that creaking I can hear
I jump up in a start and spill my beer
oh god call security
someones in my garden

I don't know if they are friend or foe
I can see nothing from my window
for tonight most unfortunately
there's no moonlight full glow

Yet there is something clattering around on my lawn
is that something shiny, I could for sure of sworn
someone must have it in for me
call security, there's someone in my garden

I press my panic button
and all the lights come on
someones in my garden
and they want to do me wrong

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 370
Gothic Lords
By the stream of death and despair
where even ravens bow their heads
a meeting does take place
it's a communion of darkness
it's a meeting of minds
the last of the gothic lords

They sit by the rippling moans and groans
making vile suggestions to each other
one mutters, the more ****** the better
another want's a dominion of chaos
but then one among them speaks out
saying, this is not what dark lords are all about

and as he continues with his ardent speech
conformity to our way, he did beseech  
the other lords cheered and cried
then looked to see a sword by his side
he grabbed his arms and hacked and diced
till he was the last of the gothic lords

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 158
Who Does God Answer To
All around me are man made things
so I wonder who did create me
what is their plan for me
who does god answer to

She has seen me spinning out of control
nearly dying every other day
she's even seen me brought to my knees
who does god answer to

Yet here I still stand so ****** defiant
I will not yield or ask for mercy
because I ask that question
who does god answer to  

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 277
Mirror In The Snow
Someone left a mirror in the snow
to the wonderland I think it goes
it has a silver and black frame
and inscribed on it is my name

I stand a gaze at it as it starts to glow
should I step into the mirror and see where I go
looking around I kneel on the snow laden ground
and touch the mirror with my fingertips as it shimmers

Should I walk into the realms of fantastic lands
should I take that step into fancy fantasies
walk in the land of the undead
and dwell in the kingdom of my dreams

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 552
The Yum Yum Girl
She stands outside the convenience store
always with a big smile on her sweet face
she offers sweets to the passers bys
with a twinkle in her piercing green eyes

I always stop to have a chat with her
and inevitably you end up with a sweet
that girls out here in all weathers
giving her yum yums away on the street

I call her my sweet yum yum girl
and now that name sticky sticks
five minutes of chat is enough with her
as too many sweets shoved in your mouth
boy oh boy, can that make you sick

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
A big one is coming our way
it's a class1 goliath  
by the law of averages
it's going to be a close call

The risk is too great
so we have decided
to send two of our greatest warships
to alleviate another disaster

They will fly together
our sweet starship Pegasus
and starship Light And Glory
they are ordered to intercept and destroy

We pray for the brave crews
may they fulfill their task
my brother and sister of coverage courageous
will have success by the law of averages

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka SS NeonSolaris
I wish you would desist
you flirt far too much with me
if you truly want it
come and get it

Stop those eyes from fluttering
stop you're juicy lips from smacking
if you carry on with this malarkey
I will do you and I am so willing

You are such a cheeky girl, we are on a train
yet there you go opening your legs again
goodness you are trying to tempt me in
with that **** crooked little grin

Let's pull down the shades
this pact is made
as I turn the carriage lights down low
you whisper, my love make it slow

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 238
In The Land Of The Lost
The strain on time hurts
the continual tick tock tick tock
in this, the land of the lost

I try to collate the mathicalmatal equation
try to work out the ultimate cost
in this place, the land of the lost

I am lowering my shields
going to these people
not of the mighty
a land of the lost

Let the mortal in me be nice
I must in pities sake hide my banners
be a kind human at any cost
in the land of the lost

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 272
Finding Clarity
I knew she would order me to her temple
goodness what have I done wrong this time
she wants me as perfection
and god does she insist on it

I am not pure machine
I am a biological entity
why does she want perfection
from a creature that is not pure

Yet here again I come to temple
as the loyal warrior I am, I kneel to her
her request was one command
she ask her war child, to find clarity

I just obey and bow my head
whatever she wants, by her command
for I am her silver sword
her glorious right hand

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 513
Robot's Don't Need Oxygen
My robot does not drink water
he'd blow a fuse if you gave him some
I built him from bits and bobs
gave him black boots made by god

My robot is shining bright
he looks so smart, I'll never take him apart
my own creation to enhance me
my computerized friend with me

I want him to be all that I am not
his prime directive, to never disclose my origins
thats why I made him inhuman
for robot's don't need oxygen

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 345
For you my sweet wonder
all that I do is for you
I love you so much
I dedicate all my endeavours to you

For you my heart, I will never stop
my drive is your drive
and one day my love
you will see all my sides

This is the start of my greatest crusade
with words gentle, for you serenade
willing to show you my love
all that is possible I can do

I want to make worlds for you
that willingly you would live in
give you streams of giggling joys
falling from the mountains of truth

I will show you that there are kind worlds
places for you to happily reside
as you are my everything
yes you my love, you are my pride

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 438
Sequences In Silents
You say you don't want me
yet in your eyes that you need me
yet know my love
I carry the sequences of silents

Like a doll floating on the oceans wide
here with you I do reside
a floating icon
of times gone by

Hush my children
my bond is word
let them know
the sequence in silents

I am here to claim another land
to claim another array of arts
for I am worlds apart
in the sequence of silents

I was an engineer
building before your kingdom
and died for you
in the time I did place

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 2.2k
Sleeping Under The Stars
I layed on the beach that summers night
in the glow of the firelight
and there I dreamed of you
opened eyed gazing at the stars

I wanted to reach out my arms to you
tell you how much I do love you
but yet I just gaze at you
so wanting you

The tide calls in whispers
telling me you truly do love me
so here I do lay
sleeping under the stars

Don't worry about my tears falling
I have tried to hold them in
so I sleep under the stars
feeling the warmth of you within

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 255
Let The Dark Dance
If only to bless this place
this is why on earth I stay
it matters not my inner death again
as I am already dead anyway

Calling on my numbers
singing songs to my heaven
breaking ground profound
hunting for the killer trees

The ports are full of visitors from distant lands
some are from even fleet command
do I give them a rendition
of my sweet transitions

Should I show all my banners
say mental metal, medal
should I say I have been a good boy
and hope they go away

Let the glorious few dance
in their dark romance
let them hide me fast
and hold sweet their resolve

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 316
Under The Weather
It's so cold my joints are creaking
the rain falling is bitterly freezing
I'm at the end of my tether
under this horrid weather

It's been so blimmin gloomy
hating this weather, so sue me
no matter what I do dare to don
it dose not keep the cold out for long

It's just dark clouds day after day
weather warnings always on the way
hibernation I cry in dismay
under the weather, under the sheets I might stay

I may just go back to bed
and there lay my sleepy head
snug as a bug in a rug where no one can see
waiting for summer to breathe her warmth on me

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 193
I Return Here To Write
This is the island of the desolate
the inhabitants battle hardened
my sweet kingdom of the night
and to here I return to write

Oil drips like tears over my brothers and sisters
I know they never want this war to end
but yet I have come home to write this letter
seamly the only one here that wants peace

I will apologize for their mistermeaners
will clarify even doctrine for you
should anymore suffer now
when you have the ultimate power and won the war

I'm here to help in their plight
lost souls that have lost the fight
grace me that you will see sense
as I have returned here to write again

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
My Loyalty To You
I decided to change the rest of my life for you
as I care about you more liken a pure religion
let them show their displeasure
for I am in love with you

You called to me in the winter storm
with justice and glory on my shield
yet you called me to here
my tasks are many, yet you called me

Where is the battle you want me to fight
why call on me and my fleet
is this a ploy to a fool
you test my loyalty to you

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 721
The Loyal Walk With Me
Let me strip myself of armor
let me just show you a man
I come open armed
my servants behind me

Is it time to play
would you like to start
bring it on my sister
for I do die for my art

Know sister light, the loyal walk with me
I claim nothing for me
just justice for those fallen
they once had court with you

I plead as I dip my wings
forgive their foolish ways
I give my banner to sweet Earth
for the Angel I could be

I tear off my wings
please god don't forgive me
I need no love
as the loyal walk with me

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 418
Sleep Assassination
I woke up in a pool of blood
I tried to **** myself again
oh tragic dark lord
you know you never die

Yet I dream.. one day
one day I will finish myself
I must make it
so ****** tragic

My want of the night
my last of the dark
tragic poet
tragic life

Assassin you
with ****** to you intent
master of nothing
lord apart of worldless wonders

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 237
In Cheer
All of our enemies are defeated
we have no prisoners of war
for we have destroyed them all
so we drink our drinks in cheer

Look at what we have gone through to get to this point
the blood the terror and utmost horrors of battle
yet some of us did live through all that hell on earth
and with many tears spent, we raise our glasses in cheer

Going back to the real world soon
man, I am going to have to try to blend in
my god I am going to miss my friends
so we drink to drink for the last time.... in cheer

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 335
The Puddle Fairies
When all turns grey and clouds hang heavy
in those times, you hear the giggling of the puddle fairies
and as the clouds pour their  deluge across the lands
they dance to it's delight in their own private puddles

With dresses of silver and white
arms raised to the storm ensuring
they wave madly joyous and ecstatic
thanking the skies for their brief freedom

Some are bold enough to dance on my window seal
I watch their dance with wonder and joy
they love the rains as much as me
I wonder if one day, will I become a puddle fairy  

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Dec 2014 · 407
By The Seven Hills
I hid behind the grove of olive trees
watching you embraced in the hands of another
what can I say, what could I do
for I have been at war for too many years

I have killed better them him
that lover of you'r contemp
so I turn my back on you
for I do not want to greet him with my sword

I will not wipe more blood from my sword
I by honour deny ever knowing you
you know not of my captives
what warrant to angels pride

So I place my sword on the pinnacle of loss
in the shadow of the seven hills
then kneel and cry
and with blade in hand, take my life

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
How many times have I told you child
stop playing with the dead things
your room is strewn with dead birds in jars
what's your fascination in watching them rotting

Child of dark you have something coming
first class post just for you
it's a pair of dead dogs eyes
in a rotten shoe

Do I need to tell you again
stop playing with dead things
don't give them more diseases
then they already have within

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 292
Where You Are
I sit by the flames
flames that spit into the night sky
how long my love for me
trying to get to where you are

My heart beats for you and no other
you are my might and my sword
all my gains I have devoted to you
non do compere to you

I go through another change for you
mold myself into the shapes you demand
my life is in your hands
my star, I follow you to where you are

I hope you like my new form
do I please you
loving you eternally
my heart, where you are

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 370
The Masks I Wear
To know me is to love me
empires vast in times gone by
never to be lost
it's just another chapter when I die

I wear the masks to hide myself
cloak myself in a veil of darkness
my voice muffled
in this vacuum in space

Time makes a good bedfellow
it cradles me
it bathes me
it renews me

The masks I wear are many
some will smile on you
some will frown
some I wear are just to clown around

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 179
Hands That Do Heal
Moving through the crowds seeking out the lame
critics of his actions whisper, he's on the gravy train
yet his actions are pure, his wanting is to cure
he shouts his appeals, holding up hands that heal

Like many a shepherd before him, he tends his flock
healing till exhausted around the clock
with a selfless attitude true to all like him
his followers gaining momentum

Walking down the streets a lord
one of the elite of old
angel of her glory
with hands that do heal

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 240
Just To Hold You
The folding of arms can be oppressive
so why do you treat me this way
in all journeys, I have delivered  
treasures in elegant bronze, silver and gold

My only wish, for I have but one
is to hold you again in my arms
I just need to know you care about me
as much as I care about you

Just one hug will do
as I always love you
so please forgive my scares
for I have been at battle for so many years

The tears you see running down my face
they are tears of sorrow and woe
for I love you
but what you feel........ I don't know

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 206
End Of The Line
The metro leaves in five minutes
crowds like fog mist my eyes
where is my love in this turmoil
she goes before snow fall

My hands have a cold chilling bitter bite
I must find her with all my might
just to hold her again
so I struggle and fight

I know I will never see her again
for where she goes I so do know
my heart and undying love
to them just another undesirable
just another Jew

How wicked to be oppressed
how do they judge wrong from right
she has committed no crime
but she is going to the end of the line

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Timid Tantalizing Tina
Oh I have known that woman from old
if this story must be told
she was a charming little creature
her beautiful brown oval eyes, her best feature

She was as quiet as a mouse, so timid
yet as the years past in broken hearts made
she did became tantalizing did that Tina
our love flurries with each other
as we played in the city of singleton

Then one day out of the blue
I was lost in what to do
so many years had past
yet I went to her house
with two bottles of wine
and some black magic chocolates of mine

She knew what I wanted
and so refused to put out
told me we would have to date
I did try to no avail to negotiate

But twenty two years later
with three beautiful daughters
I have never regretted that choice
and love her still in some ways
my ex, my timid tantalizing Tina

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 345
Children Of The Machine
Here come the spitter machines
see the toxic goo that surrounds them
stand back, don't get too close
they have a tendency to spit at you

See those goliaths over there
they are The Great Manta Backs
watch the speed of their claws
they have won us many a war

I think we might need to plug up
download our next duty data receiver
I think I need a oil change
my machine is slowing down

I will recall it back to base
pull another one out of the hunger
I will download my data
then off into the big blue again

My eye implant is playing up
I can't bring my drone home
she's going down
god she's going down

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 902
Stealing The Limelight
With microphone in hand she takes centre stage
you would never think she was seventy, she's never aged
my guess is she will start with a Mozart aria
maybe one of my favorites like Voi che sapete

The surrounding lights do start to dim
this angelic beauty is about to sing
her voice is crisp as a summer's morn
she is shining bright, stealing the limelight

Well it's a Mozart aria, half right
but she starts with Queen of the night
I wonder where she will go from there
singing to perfection, stealing the limelight

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 328
Satin Lace And Silk
She is my love of exceptional beauty
a grade A student of many arts
she gives me a run for my money
my sweetheart my goddess my honey

She always adorns her delicate body in satin lace and silk
her smile does radiate warmth into my soul
tiptoeing to me she kisses me
we are rarely apart, as she goes where I go

I tell her everyday that I love her as she does to me
there is no other place I would like to be
so by eachothers side we stand with pride
she is my everything till the day that I die

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 561
Wow You Really Suck
Wow you really ****
that's four words you never want to hear
those words can make you go static
may make you pull your hair out going frantic

They might come up to you in the street
might say, you know how to bastardize the written word
then the last words they say is
wow you really ****

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Death will be your last act
as misery pulls your life apart
the loss you feel as loved ones die
oh yes, sorrow has many names

Broken friendships lost companions
tears on blooded roses
dreams dashed by tragedy
the lonesome path you walk

Winter dwells in your heart
cold bitter winds burn
never to know happiness
knowing you will die alone

The fear of being rejected
keeping to the outside rail
broken hearted and lost
wanting to die at any cost

The razor you have in your hand
you cut sorrow into your veins
your last bitter sweet goodbye
as sorrow has many names

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 621
On Going Mission
I have very little time left
it's such a frustrating thing
still so much to learn
it's a on going mission

If I don't know it I go mad
if I don't acquire it, it makes me sad
I try never to miss a trick
never to slow down on this on going mission

I try to keep my wit's up to 110 percent
push myself to the edge and ask for more
to me it's a mission it's a war of nutrition
as I swot up on my on going mission

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 384
Going Gigity
I woke up in a haze today
at 5am I should be bright eyed and bushy tailed
it's going to be a long day
and I'm already going gigity

It's a short step to the realms of sanity
yet I don't take that step
I'm going into the maddening winds
just where I am sitting

Mary had a little gigerty
it's fleece was black as night
and where her gigity sheep went
it would always insure a gigity fight

Gigity gigity goo

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 587
Vehemently Vermont
Her name was Vehemently Vermont
she did get whatever she did want
her name was everywhere
in Curious Towns square

That woman could sing the dead out of their beds
take birds **** and turn it into unleavened bread
she was one of a kind, that bird of mine
my cheerio girl sweet Vehemently Vermont

She was a star within a star
and lord and lady of Mars
and I loved her till her end
as Vehemently Vermont I did send

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 457
Midnights Children
Let's play happy families with broken dolls
you take their arms and I'll take their heads
let's pull them apart on my jet black bed

Why don't we plat happy happy families
into their human hair
let's fix them good and proper

Hush, my love my fleet do come
put the dolls under cover
for fleet must never know

We share blood sister
one's from her cauldron
for we are midnights children

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Nov 2014 · 231
Resistance Complete
We suffered for years for freedom
imprisoned for no ****** reason
oh but now we are back
with much vengence

Don't waste your pleas on me
not now I don my black armor
we are the last high guard
and our resistance is complete

Oh I have broken the walls of understanding
taken the stars and did plea with them
oh and our brothers and sisters
now do come to our banners sweet

Did you think I would not return
not to claim another star system
come on you foolish sheep
for I am resistance complete

By Christos Andreas kourtis aka Neonsolaris
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