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Dec 2015 · 225
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Try and outsmart me
which will be never
you don't seem to know
you're not nearly as clever
Dec 2015 · 178
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Don't call me anxious
Don't call me mean
I'm just sick and tired of
The same old routine.
Dec 2015 · 212
Being me again
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Although I still have hurt that needs to mend, I'm beginning to feel like myself again.
Dec 2015 · 183
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
The darkness has turned to clear blue skies
The sun soothly taps my skin removing
The toxins from my body
I am free once again
Dec 2015 · 222
You make me nervous
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I never know what to say
There's something that goes on inside
when you look at me in such a way
Dec 2015 · 709
I need me
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
It took me years to learn how to love myself
Out of all honesty I do not need your help
Dec 2015 · 272
Miss Independent
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I don't rely on anyone
Therefore I won't chase after you
when you decide to run
Dec 2015 · 208
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
The jealous partners
Are the most guilty
aware of your innocence
When they are the most filthy
I've been through this before if they're jealous of something little
They're cheating!
Dec 2015 · 180
Unwritten lyrics
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
My future is
the unwritten lyrics to a song
Planned to be sung
But something can go wrong
Dec 2015 · 640
Don't grow up too fast
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
There's more to life than being
Gorgeous and rich
Finding someone and getting hitched
As well  as reproducing a child
There's a time in your life where you need to
Be young and wild!
Dec 2015 · 287
Something short and sweet
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Whoever has the nerve to tell you how to feel
These people seriously need to get real.
Dec 2015 · 299
Of all I've done
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
After all I've done
This is how you repay?
By doing the one thing to make
Me go away?
It sinks in, hurting more and more
Each day
Dec 2015 · 246
Live the moment
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Life never goes the way you plan
So shut up and enjoy it
While you can
Dec 2015 · 317
My Motto
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
One who dares to criticize the way you live your life
doesn't have one of their own!
the world would be a better place if people minded their own business
Dec 2015 · 180
Growing up
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Growing up is like jumping off a dock
You'll either sink or swim
Dec 2015 · 876
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Don't misjudge me
Don't be scared
I just have a broken heart
Yet to be repaired
Dec 2015 · 283
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
People control you
Like a horse to it's bridle
Feeling a need to claim
A pointless title
Dec 2015 · 250
Keep writing
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You write every chapter of your life
Don't be afraid to erase some things
And start over.
Dec 2015 · 233
Self esteem
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
If you bring down the self esteem of someone else, you are a total loser yourself.
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Who I'd rather be
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I'd rather be a villian by standing up for myself than the victim Who silently cries for help.
Dec 2015 · 322
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You claim you never wanted me to leave
Those actions make me find that hard to believe
be happy I'm gone
Although I'll never know what I did wrong
You promised me everything down to a ring
How is that special? She was promised the same thing
I don't understand why you want me to stay
The more you do and say pushes me further away
You just enjoy hurting me, maybe you're angry?
There's nothing I can do
Besides move on from you
Dec 2015 · 275
Crayon box
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
As much as you try to convince me
I was the most special crayon to your paper
I will never go back in your crowded box
Dec 2015 · 224
Web of lies
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Once your web of lies becomes broken
You're the spider falling out of it
And eventually spiders get crushed
I've put up with a lot of compulsive liars
They only hurt themselves in the end
Dec 2015 · 339
That one song
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Every time that song plays
Your face enters my mind
Reminding me of the summer days
Before I realized I was blind
Dec 2015 · 397
Million dollar me
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I'm like a million dollar lottery ticket
I'm plain hard to get
If you lose me you'll be
full of regret
Dec 2015 · 329
Board game
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Running to someone from your past
Is like playing a board game
and moving back
To the starting point
Dec 2015 · 217
My typical night
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I listen to the rain fall upon the roof
As I lay in bed
With a tiny little dog attempting to
Sleep on my head
Most people's dogs like to sleep on laps
However mine has a different idea
Dec 2015 · 437
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
The more needy you act
Manipulators know you'll be there
When they come back
They prefer the self respect you lack
Do yourself a favor cut off all contact
From personal experience
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
If it was meant to be
Then you two would be together
There's a reason why you are not
Move on
Dec 2015 · 209
Be free!
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Do what you want
As long as it doesn't harm anyone else
Dec 2015 · 250
What makes me
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I'm grumpy
A mess
I'm not perfect
What do you expect?
Dec 2015 · 193
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
If you think that a person can't be trusted
They can't be
Don't keep relationships like this even if it's just friends your intuitive is always correct
Dec 2015 · 233
Back in time
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I turned on a song I used to sing for you
My mind went back in time
I want to cry
But my tears for you aren't worth a dime
Dec 2015 · 254
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I'm not stubborn
I just know where I stand
Dec 2015 · 901
Blame game
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
McDonalds didn't make you fat
You did that! Guns didn't magically fly in mid air and pop you in the ***! You did not accidentally cheat on your significant other
You don't trip and fall into the arms of another! Your race is not accountable for your big mistakes, Obama is not responsible for your electric bill nor is the Muslim population for the many killed. Pets don't have the natural instinct to behave it's lousy owners who don't know how to keep an animal trained.
Please stop with these pathetic blames and grow a brain.
PS: the top sentence refers to people who sue McDonald's for making them fat when they had the choice not to eat there!
Dec 2015 · 447
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
People are like kites
they just blow away in the wind
You know it won't return
Don't bother chasing after it
It's not worth your time  
move along
If someone's not talking  to you don't give them any of your time begging  for them back
Dec 2015 · 205
Love me or hate me
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Love me or hate me
It will not affect me greatly
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Being a woman
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
The worst part about being a woman
Is that a man can hurt me emotionally
And I will always get the blame
It comes off a bit feminist but I'm tired of being told "I just choose the wrong guys"
Dec 2015 · 174
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
If you see the beauty in everything
Then you wouldn't view the world so
Dark gray
Dec 2015 · 270
Crying on the inside
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I gave my soul  to you
To later return
She weeps and screams inside of me  
From the lessons she had learned
I try to comforting her calmy
It hardly works
She's discouraged by love
Comparing this to a flower that never made it
Out of the dirt
Dec 2015 · 249
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Honestly will have you think
As insults will have you hurt
There's a difference between honesty and being a ****
Dec 2015 · 533
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Don't purposely step on the cobra
and cry when it bites
Half the things people cry about our things they did to themselves
Dec 2015 · 235
Something silly
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Choose food
Not dudes
I just came up with this
Dec 2015 · 182
For some girl
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You and I are like Manny and Sid
I want to be alone, you won't go away
And you're annoying as it is
In case you haven't seen ice age that's who Manny and Sid are.
Dec 2015 · 256
Stop worrying
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
We make a such a big deal out of a small cloud when a tornado is near by
We through fits the littlest things when there are other issues
Dec 2015 · 217
Hating the thought of love
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Love songs make me sick
Just as loving couples in the halls make me
Twitch .
Dec 2015 · 219
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
A person is not the main purpose for your breathing, you can live without them.
Do not **** yourself over someone or consider doing so.
Dec 2015 · 421
Brutal honesty
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Even if he walks through fire for you
And speaks with words like Shakespeare's Romeo, a man who cheats does not
Love you
I know there's open relationships I don't care! The snakes who manipulate women get to me
Dec 2015 · 282
Inked inside me
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Your memories are the tattoos inked inside of me, no matter how much I want them removed, burning them off will hurt even more than the pain of having them .
Dec 2015 · 687
They don't matter
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
The people who don't like you don't matter
Live your life
**** all the racist and homophobics and these people who hate you for no reason.
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