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Oh His Eyes!
His eyes are like the journey through
Grace and wonder through are journeys together.
When he looks right at me His Eyes take me some where
That know would take me.
Oh His Eyes!
His beautiful brown eyes he has.
We will take journeys together we will dance through through rich green grass.
He will pick me up and give me a kiss on the fore head and whisper inside my ear and say "I love you."
We will kiss through rain,snow,hot and falling leaves.
Oh just where he takes me with His Eyes!
Oh His Eyes!
My pen is my knife,
My words are my rage,
My blood is the ink,
Filling the page.

And you are the one I write of,
The one that makes me mad,
But instead of screaming and yelling,
I put it down in my notebook.

This world that we live in,
It fills us with hate.
Why can't we all get along?
Wouldn't that be great?

Let's forget about the wars,
Let's just make peace.
Why can't we do that?
I want all of this hatred to cease...
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
Bless the Lord, O my soul.
O Lord my God, thou art
very great; thou art clothed with
honour and majesty.
2 Who coverest thyself with
light as with a garment: who
stretchest out the heavens like a
3 Who layeth the beams of his
chambers in the waters: who
maketh the clouds his chariot:
who walketh upon the wings of
the wind:
4 Who maketh his angels
spirits; his ministers a flaming fire.
5 Who laid the foundations of
the earth, that it should not be
removed for ever.
6 Thou coveredst it with the
deep as with a garment: the
waters stood above the
7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the
voice of thy thunder they hasted
8 They go up by the mountains;
they go down by the valleys unto
the place which thou hast
founded for them.
9 Thou hast set a bound that
they may not pass over; that they
turn not again to cover the earth.
10 He sendeth the springs unto
the valleys, which run among  the
11 They give drink to every
beast of the field: the wild *****
quench their thirst.
12 By them shall the fowls of
the heaven have their habitation,
which sing among the branches.
13 He watereth the hills from his
chambers: the earth is satisfied
with the fruit of thy works.
14 He causeth the grass to grow
for the cattle, and herb for the
service of man: that he may bring
forth food out of the earth;
15 And wine that maketh glad
the heart of man, and oil to make
his face to shine, and bread which
strengtheneth man's heart.
16 The trees of the Lord are full
of sap; the cedars of Leb'-a-non,
which he hath planted;
17 Where the birds make their
nests: as for the stork, the fir trees
are her house.
18 The high hills are a refuge for
the wild goats; and the rocks for
the conies.
19 He appointed the moon for
seasons: the sun knoweth his
going down.
20 Thou makest darkness, and
it is night: wherein all the beasts
of the forest do creep forth.
21 The young lions roar after
their prey, and seek their meat
from God.
22 The sun ariseth, they gather
themselves together, and lay them
down in their dens.
23 Man goeth forth unto his
work and to his labour until the
24 O Lord, how manifold are
thy works! in wisdom hast thou
made them all: the earth is full of
thy riches.
25 So is this great and wide sea,
wherein are things creeping
innumerable, both small and great
26 There go the ships: there is
that leviathan, whom thou hast
made to play therein.
27 These wait all upon thee;
that thou mayest give them their
meat in due season.
28 That thou givest them they
gather: thou openest thine hand,
they are filled with good.
29 Thou hidest thy face, they are
troubled: thou takest away their
breath, they die, and return to
their dust.
30 Thou sendest forth thy
spirit, they are created: and thou
renewest the face of the earth.
31 The glory of the Lord shall
endure for ever: the Lord shall
rejoice in his works.
32 He looketh on the earth, and
it trembleth: he toucheth the
hills, and they smoke.
33 I will sing unto the Lord as
long as I live: I will sing praise
to my God while I have my
34 My meditation of him shall
be sweet: I will be glad in the
35 Let the sinners be consumed
out of the earth, and let the
wicked be no more. Bless thou the
Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the
What a love this was.
He pulled me out,
Out of that deep dark place.
Of demons and darkness.
Of nightmares of horrors.
My greatest fear was to lose him.

I loved him,
I still sometimes do.

Why must you go?
Receding into your mind.
Where no one can reach.
With hands outstretched,
Waving like the wind.
What a love is this?

To push me back
Into the dark place.
As we go back and fourth
Fighting and bickering.
Forever lost in the down pour.
What a love is this?

And then
With a single note.
It all slipped from our fingers.
Like ash in the wind.
For what a love is this?
When no one is happy
But one. But us.
Because, what a love is this?
Answer me that.
it's not you
it's not you
i'm not sorry.
cotton candy kisses
valentine candies
forgive me not
poison chocolates
forget me not
this bloodlust is driving me crazy
maybe I'll be a ****** baby
velvet and blood
and creamy lace and pink guts
bitter coffee and venom laced lips
and hesitant sips
nightshade tea and pills of three
flirting with death
and stealing my breath
this murderlust is driving me mad
I'm intoxicated and I'm high
I'm in love and I'm bad
belladonna coffee in threes
mentholated cigarettes and
forgive me not
'cause I'm not
oh honey, it's all regrets
it's not me
it's not me
I'm not sorry.



can’t remember

which substance?



fill up my cup

fill up my pipe

fill up my syringe

fill up my veins

fill up my heart til it’s beating hard enough for me to feel alive

feed the mermaid in my kneecaps with glitter liquid

any kind

to make me forget

just want to use

to make me forget the pain
when he lays hands on me
lays his own
on me

someone once told me, substance abusers are weak
face your problems head on
why do you need to see stars before you wake up
why is coke your coffee
why is whiskey your orange juice
why is **** your pancakes

and I say
if I am weak
then how come I can cling onto the clouds

perhaps, if I could live to be 1000 years old
I will have clinged to the clouds long enough for them to get sick of me

but for now, those clouds are my demons
and I’ve never loved the color red
so much
Another day
Another night
Another poem
I must write
Like an addict
It's my fix
Never writing
My greatest pleasure
When I write
This is my Privelage
This is my plight
This is  my air
I need to breath
This is my ground
That stands beneath
This is my love
My passion found
This is my sight
My taste
My sound
This is everything
I can be
No chains
That bind
Completely  Free.............
This says it all
Something about you is different.
not like "oh you have changed so much",
that some how you've gotten shorter than you once were.
that in some way gravity is also beating you.
you have not physically changed that is not what I mean;
I do not talk about your emotional state.
because that is forever changing;
No one controls that.
Something about you is different.
I mean you are unique. I mean that you are special.
maybe the other things are true, but something is different.
Maybe it's just in my head, it has to be.
but I care about you differently than i care about everyone else.
Everyone else goes into a little box where they don't really have names.
I just know they exist and they know I exist.
Other than that I may talk to them or not.
and I may care about them a lot.
but only because I care about everyone, in a utopian kind of way.
This is how you are different, you have a name.
You get your own room, hotel, life, breathe, everything.
and I think you get all of these things for a few reasons, but i"ll say one.
You seem so familiar.
You seem to be a bit like me,
but luckily so much different
I care about you, because of who you are.
and that is special: you to me.
There is a person that I talk to some times and I don't know what it is, but they are so Idk interesting.
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