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Fry Oct 2020
I knew I shouldn’t have gotten attached to you
But I did
You left me behind so fast
Like I was nothing more than a coping mechanism
I should have known better
But I’ll still sit waiting patiently for the day you need me again
Fry Sep 2020
I have always said this
Since as long as I remember
“I’m a **** up”
I make mistakes all the time
As you accuse me of
Doing them on purpose
I question whether there mistakes
Or just me
Maybe this is how I will always be
Fry Jul 2020
Am I wrong to think that’s
You hit her
Are you using her instead of
All she did was try and give
Fry Aug 2020
I know your aware
I'm leaving
And I can't apologize anymore
So please stop making
Plans for the future
Because none of the will involve you
Fry Jul 2020
A word I use often
It may loose its meaning
But it hasn’t yet
I’m still sorry
Fry Aug 2020
I remember that ride
Like it wasn’t years ago
Driving away from
My safe house
He tried to take me
Yet you still
Asked where I wanted to be
You said no matter what
You just wanted me to be happy
But now even when
I write out what I need
With the tears streaming down my face
You still tell me
Fry Aug 2020
I didn’t forget about you
Not for a single day
Your timer was still going
You recorded every second
I scrolled back in the calendar
I used to have you time me
Every day
For 24 hours straight
Give an hour
Between timers
And begin again
Each time
Was another to beat
Now I need to begin again
The fun games you play with my mind
I can make it longer every day
The game that made time seem
Fry Aug 2020
I borrowed
Your gold
Pearl lined
You told me to snip each line
With them
I tried to cut your rope
Yet my tears
Seemed to have rusted them
They no longer shine
Reflecting a false image
Of you
Fry Jul 2020
Concern is all I felt for him
I knew I was doing the same
But he scared me
Taking glass from
His shattered phone
To go deeper
He questioned if I use the
Same coping mechanism
Because I would never show him
But why did I have to show him
To make him believe me?
Now every time
I think it’s not enough
I think it’s not truly bad enough
Because he can never see it
Fry Aug 2020
Staring at the screen
Trying to tell if it's
I've seen this film before
Did I play role in it?
Fry Jan 2021
Why does it still hurt
To hear your name
I see your now active online again
Yet you spent the extra time to make sure
I know we aren’t family anymore
Why does it hurt
To see you hanging up lights
Outside your apartment
Why do I want to apologize
When there’s nothing to apologize for
I want you to message me
Saying you never meant it
Telling me I’m still your son
That you still want to hold me
Maybe it’s the end
I just wish it didn’t have to be
Fry Aug 2020
The pain has faded
Yet I still
Question if it was my fault
Maybe I said the wrong words
Maybe I pushed you to far
Maybe I made you do it
I have to remember
You chose to raise your hand
You chose to make a fist
You chose to strike me

It isn’t my fault
Fry Aug 2020
Maybe it doesn’t matter
There was more to that thought
But I don’t think it matters
The stars will keep shining
So any words
I write don’t matter
Any thing I do doesn’t matter
Fry Jul 2020
I wish I could draw
While looking over your shoulder
To remind you in person
How talented you are
Fry Aug 2020
That question you asked me
Now ponders in my mind
Is it my fault
Or is it something in my head
I try not to question it
But it feels like your pulling away
If you are
I understand
Fry Jul 2020
All I need is one
Just one long drag
Off the poison that will slowly **** me from the inside out
I don’t need to buy it
I just need one
Haven’t felt like this in months
I haven’t been poisoned in a year
Today my dream influenced me to want
Fry Aug 2020
The call I have feared
For a year now
Afraid someday
I will see
Your name on the caller ID
Saying goodbye
Not from your own words
But a note left behind
Fry May 2020
For you I wrote a letter
I thought out every word
It was only a few sentences
Though you ignored all observed
Fry Jul 2020
The most alone I’ve felt
When I know they are just a
Message away
I still have never felt so alone
Because I know that nothing can be done
With this emptiness
Fry Jul 2020
I don’t know how to tell you this
So I know you’ll read this
I broke my promise
Not badly
Does that make it better?
I didn’t know how to tell you in text
Every time I write you
I don’t know what words to use
I love you
Your my big sister
Not biological but close enough
And I am truly
But I know that means nothing
Cause I did it on purpose
I could have not
But I just needed to feel
Something different
Fry Aug 2020
The same words over and over again
Normally I would hate it
But somehow
it reminds me of good times
Times when I didn't have to hurt myself
Cause you were there
To hurt me
Fry Jul 2020
Your the one person who is supposed to always give me it
From the beginning all the way to the end
Why am I looking in other places?
I create ways to cope
Your love is absent
So that means my food has to be
Your love is like a knife in my chest
So that means i have to bring a blade to my arm
Your love is so painful
Because it is never there
You only play theater when others are around
Fry Aug 2020
The ocean throwing me around
Pulling me out
And keeping me under
I guess it’s a metaphor for
The life that I’m living
Everything has been keeping me under
Not allowing my lungs
To fill with oxygen
Fry Sep 2020
That’s how insignificant you are
You left
And no one noticed
Fry Jul 2020
They say home is where the heart is
I lost my heart ten years ago
The missing posters still plastered up
Everyone stopped looking
Fry Aug 2020
Where’d the sidewalk go
I used to wonder this
As I flipped through the pages
Hoping one of them would
Answer the riddle I created
Now all I ponder
Is why my next step
Seems to sink me
Lower and lower
Fry May 2020
One word misspoken
Leads to bruises that never heal
Yes it's no longer purple
But my mind still flashbacks to that day
You promised to never touch me
But now make me forgive you
For it being harder than you meant
That never takes away from the
Bruise you still created
Fry Jul 2020
I miss you
That’s all I can think of
I miss all of you
My mind was left behind
Now I am just a shell
Of a person
Walking around
Trying to convince others
I’m so much more
Fry Aug 2020
I don’t know how much I would pay
But I would give more than money
To have a pack
And be at your house
Giving you a hug
Getting to sleep in a room
That was meant for me
That has been set aside for me
I would still take one and enjoy
Each drag while sitting on your steps
Fry Jul 2020
You see every square inch of my body
Causing dysphoria to be my only thought
You name my body parts
Question why I hide
My body
From you
But I guess the best place to
Hide is in plain sight
Cause they are all across my arm
Fry Sep 2020
Every night
Words I can’t even understand
At max volume
The lights left on
As I roll over
You shake me awake
Now I have nothing
To use to decide
If I’m making the right decision
Fry May 2020
The bitter sweet smell of poppies
Engulfing the dark basement
The bay window of my dreams
Is my only escape
Light flooding the padded shelf
As you lie on the king
You fill with ecstacy
The barren cupboards
Pay no mind
Our stomachs are filled with lies
Fry Jul 2020
Cold shower to cool me off from the
Burning heat
Staring at the shower head I blink
Spiders replace the water
Spraying onto me
All kinds of spiders
None I could name
I jump back knowing there’s nothing I could do
I close my eyes hoping it will go away
As the darkness from my eyes closing
Covers my eyesight the water turns brown
Once I open my eyes again everything is normal

Nothing had happened
Fry Aug 2020
She will not notice
She never did before
You were like a serial killer
Who had to give themselves up
But I was your only victim
As long as I don’t make the same
I will get to have
The next 5 months
Seem nonexistent
Fry Aug 2020
A moment to breathe
Fresh air filling my lungs
A moment where I feel more
That’s all I need
Fry Mar 2021
It takes 1,000 words
To keep a secret
The world was supposed to be
When I was with you
My life shattered around me
While I held your image together
I was your final step
The last tool you needed to complete yourself I blamed myself for never
Being assertive enough
But what if I wasnt man enough
I didnt want to be hospitilized
Like the others
or worse be left alive
Continued to be tomrmented everyday by those I trusted
While you sat on that bus
lying to me
Fry Jul 2020
I thought this would last weeks
You pretend to prepare gifts
You pretend to do so much
Yet today
You started old habits again
Fry Sep 2020
I messed up again
I made the same mistake
It didn’t feel as wrong in the moment
But now that I can see what I did
I know I messed up
I should have never told her about you
She can’t help in any way
And I missed you
Why would I make you leave again
Fry Jul 2020
Stop telling me it’ll be alright
It won’t
I found a metal flashlight
It had sharp points at the end
I dug it into my hand as hard as I could
Rotating with every breath
All my anger was put into my
The pain disappeared
I dug it deeper
I looked at the markings
They meant nothing to me
I just wished they had been worse
Fry Jul 2020
I understand now
Why people poison themselves
I used to think it was
Now I do it every night
Fry Jul 2020
Why did I say that
I knew in the back of my mind
It was a lie

You told me to try other ways
I looked through the list
None of these would work

I’m sorry
But I lied
To myself and to you

I haven’t failed my promise yet
But at the first chance I get
I know I will
And that is a promise I can keep
Fry Aug 2020
One search away
I used to research for hours
Reading each label
Hoping one will have the answer
But now I have it
Clear skies
Everyone sound asleep
The blue swing I lay my head on
Staring at the stars
Taking them
One by one
Taking my last breath
Fry Sep 2020
My string has been getting pulled
For years
Slowly but surely
I’m become a red ball of yarn
Maybe I was poorly knitted
In the first place
No matter how well the craftsmanship
You found the loose end
To wrap around your hook
And crochet into
Any item you decided
You needed that day
Fry Aug 2020
Somehow I knew
Your words meant nothing
Your apologies
Were rehearsed
You made excuses but
I still was willing to accept it
Until you did it again
Several times
Why couldn’t you at least
Wait a few months
Then I could be tricked
That it was my fault
Fry Sep 2020
I can’t take it seriously enough
I’m so bad at this
Why can’t I just time it right
My mind loses
Track of numbers so fast
Yet I still can remember to smile
So you can feel better
Fry Jul 2020
Across the country
There is a safe haven there
No one can hurt us there
You said
I should have never believed you
There may be a war happening
At home
But you are killing me in silence
Fry Aug 2020
Losing my voice
As I keep letting it out
Each second another
String I’m snipping


I can’t do that
You sit next to me
They share walls with me
Everyone would hear it
Fry Aug 2020
Discarded like it was hers to give
Something that could never die
Even if we never spoke again
I don't want to leave it
That would mean
I could never have you with me again
I know I ended it
And you weren't healthy
But I just miss you
Maybe it's cause I deserve the toxic waste
You will bring
But I just feel like I need to make sure your
Fry Jul 2020
Today I drove
Three states past
The road seemed to never end
Flat green lands
Like a kindergartners landscape
For miles on end
I was stuck in the car no where to go
A historical prison passed
“Tours available”
But I wondered why I’d leave
You and the car
To find another prison
On the same road
Fry Jul 2020
Sea shells
Collecting them on the beach
Trying to make jewelry out of sea ****
Who knew that one sea shell
On that coast
Would be the most beautiful one
Inside and out
Listening to the soothing sounds of
The wave’s crashes echoing forever
That shell sticks with me
Like true family
Even though I found it on that coast
Only a year ago
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