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Fry Oct 2020
Is a simple sorry
Supposed to fix
The month of no words
From someone who was meant to be
Fry Aug 2020
The clock is ticking
Seven hundred and twenty seven
I could start a countdown
To the last second
Or I could skip all of that
Hope that you won't be to mad
Hope that I'll have the courage
Hope that you'll understand
Fry Aug 2020
My moment of solitude
You still
Find some way to send me your notes
No more than a picture
You still make me feel guilt
You still make me feel like I’m at wrong
Even though I am so far from you
Fry Sep 2020
Almost a week since I’ve picked them up
I could be on the path
Of being clean
Yet everyday it eats at me
I don’t remember how
I’ve ignored it
Maybe today is the day
I take the steps backwards
Fry Jul 2020
The stereotypical
Crimson flowing down a page
But that’s all I want to write about
I want to feel the relief it would bring
I know the addiction would begin again
But at least then
I’d have those thoughts filling my mind
Instead of whatever these muted thoughts
Fry Jul 2020
She keeps reminding me
Only till the end of summer
Why don’t I believe her?
The calendar feels like it
Should have already been flipped
Will I really get to see them at the end of
Will the freedom have been
Worth it?
Fry Aug 2020
I keep climbing up the cliff
Even when I see the stones
You throw down
They may make me slip
But I just climb again
I’m starting to feel tired though
My muscles are becoming sore
What is at the top
What do you not want me to see
Fry Aug 2020
The safe place where people go in there
My mind is full of cobwebs
there is no safe corner
Black Widows have taken over
I leave to the abyss
Filled with twinkling lights
Where no man can breathe
Where I feel truly at peace
Fry Aug 2020
This is the end of
The story
It could be a happily ever after
But this is the wrong genre
I don’t live in a Disney film
There birds don’t sing
To keep me happy

The end
Fry Aug 2020
High up in the skies
The demons bellow
Seem so small
They seem weak
You could defeat them all
In one fatal swoop
But your fuel runs out
You always go back to how you felt
You always go back to what you did
Fry Oct 2020
Everyday I see her or think of her I think of all the horrible things she’s done in our lives
But the one that sticks out always is my mom
Screaming ****** ****** at him and throwing a fork into the door
As he closed it trying to run away
Every morning waking up and seeing the fork still there
And my brother still gone
For a while not knowing where he was
Till I found out he was safe at my Grammys
One day the fork was gone and my brother eventually came back
He always came back to make sure I was okay
But the dent in the door even on good days I’d still look at it and not be able to move on from that day
I had seen my mom hit him
I seen her call him a *******
Yell at him
But never feel so angry
At the child she chose to have
That she willing to hurt him
In a way that would affect more than a few days
Her bruises are easy to hide
“I easily bruise”
“I get random bruises from running into things”
We could make up so many excuses
Stay there as her shinny trophies
On the stage next to her
Ready to preform in all her shows
Everyone remembers us as the best kids but he was always the one brushed off
He reached his age limit
I was still young enough to be the trophy to walk around with
The perfect kid
Who listened and stayed at attention always
Ready for your every command
Even at that age it felt wrong but I couldn’t  understand why
As I got older people grew up around few got glimpses at who she was trying to hide
The demon that she’s let take control
Most ignored some slowly distance
Now there people I can’t remember the names of
My mom would be proud of me for that
Some stuck around picked up on details and painted a picture showing exactly what that demon is
They were left behind
Never aloud to contact us again
Now her veil is gone the few staying close
Are the ones I fear
She thinks she can bring back the old friends but she forgets she now has someone pulling puppet strings
Or maybe this is truly who she’s always been
I just like to think I had it better before the day the fork hit that door
Fry Sep 2020
This is what I wanted right?
To have it be gone
I don’t know why I even tried to make
Myself feel better
When as soon as I was happy
I tried to ruin it
Maybe this is all my fault
I keep putting the blame on her
But maybe I’m the reason I feel this way
I don’t want to make myself better
Because I want this to be
The end
Fry Sep 2020
A show I assumed
I would have breaks in between each one
But no this is one long movie
Never ending
No time to rest or reflect
I could pause it
Take a break
But somehow it’s entertaining
The chaos that I can’t even understand
Maybe the meaning is just that
We all get old
We all die
Time keeps moving without us
But that doesn’t explain it all
Maybe it’s not meant to be understood
Maybe we just sit through
To each moment
Presented to us
Not aloud to fast forward or rewind
No matter how much we want to skip
This moment
Fry Aug 2020
Tic Tacs
Shaking in a bottle
How I used to tell which one to grab
Now I can't tell the difference
I don't think I care if there's a difference
They both are supposed
To cure the same wounds
Fry Sep 2020
I’m tired

Of waking up everyday
At six am to no alarm

Of pretending I am not adding up
Each bite

Of keeping a smile on my face for you

Of trying to have the energy to
Leave you be
Fry Jul 2020
Some **** about being depressed
Finding no point anymore
I keep searching for a reason
Nothing comes to mind
Fry Jul 2020
Some days
Nothing helps
And you feel weak
And you give in
Fry Aug 2020
Will come quicker
If I close my eyes
Tomorrow will be filled
With more false smiles
As I clench my jaw
Enduring the pain
In my head
Because I have to work so hard
To not make your day bad
Fry Jul 2020
One more drive
Till we’re officially there
Everyone is treating it as joyous
To be off the road but for me
It means I’ll officially be trapped
In a state I’ve never been
In a house that will trap me
With you for months on end
Fry Aug 2020
Twelve hours between each dose
I count out
Twelve and hold them in my hand
Small pills I call tic tacs
Twelve of them I could take all at once
Maybe then this nightmare would end
Maybe then I'd be held by you at
Twelve pm
Fry Aug 2020
My favorite pass time
Silver toothpicks are all I use now
But it's never done
Liquid crimson spills out always
Fry Aug 2020
Two years
Till I officially
Can leave
Two years
Till you say you will
Move across the country
Two years
Seems very far away
Two years
Many things can change
Fry Oct 2020
I just want to cry
While you hold me
Fry Oct 2020
Why did I let those words
Pour out of my mouth
You didn’t want to hear them
You didn’t want to know that story
Yet I couldn’t stop telling you
I never got to tell anyone that
Sorry I forced you to listen
But thank you
It may seem small
But I had to tell someone
Fry Jul 2020
The only thing that stops me
How do I name the pain I’m feeling
Just one?
Please stop?
They never truly explain how I feel
The pain is deeper then
The pale skin
I’m trying to draw
Red lines on
Fry Oct 2020
Hi grandma
I do miss you
And I’m sorry
I should have
Picked up the
Fry Jul 2020
Twenty minute shower
Sorry I wasted your water
I just wanted to be somewhere
My tears seemed nonexistent
Fry Aug 2020
The future
It weighs on my chest
Knowing that
I will feel the same
For three more months
Maybe it won’t end there
Maybe this is the new normal
Fry Aug 2020
White clouds filling the room
I blame you for what you did
Filling yourself with ecstasy
The same way
With substances
Why is it different when I do it?
Fry Aug 2020
I was the special one to you
It didn't matter who you were
I was just happy to be your rose
Received by random chance
But now I'm wilted
No longer Being watered
Fry Aug 2020
I refuse to be a pawn
In your game
Telling me which way to go
Making me break the rules
And always step backwards
I refuse to let you
I will do everything in my
Power to make sure I
Come back
And to make sure
I can leave for the last time
Fry Aug 2020
I remind everyone
Every day
How they deserve
Every good thing
And so much more
Yet I can’t justify
Me deserving anything
I do deserve
The life I’m stuck with
Why keep fighting to change it
Fry May 2020
Because of you
I get watched three times a day
Because of you
All I can wonder
is what number is assigned
to this slice of bread
Because of you
I am put on
new medication
that will
"Make everything better"
Because of you
I have to pretend
I am not dizzy
with every step
Because of you
I feel hopeless and weak
no matter how closely I follow you

— The End —