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748 · Nov 2013
Chelsea Nov 2013
It's nothing I've felt before
not being able to do something
just the thought of it makes a shiver run down my spine
but how could i be scared even,
terrified to do such a simply task
471 · Feb 2014
following me
Chelsea Feb 2014
I feel bad that I can't do certain things because of my anxiety
It's gotten to the point that I sometimes I can't even make eye contact with my friends or go to a concert I really want to go to but I know I just can't
It's like a coffee stain on your grey shirt, it lingers with you the whole day.
It may not be too visible, but it's there.
Following me.
435 · Jul 2014
Crossing the street
Chelsea Jul 2014
i'm not sure why
but when i'm waiting for the light to change so i can cross the street
i get this weird feeling.
not so much an urge to end my life but if i took one more step i could possibly end my life     right then and there.    
the opportunity right in front of me              i find it really thought provoking
419 · Jul 2014
Chelsea Jul 2014
i think a lot
too much in fact
i think about what my future entails
i think about what i may have for breakfast
but i especially think a lot when i am in public, waiting to cross the street
because one more step and i could possibly be gone
so much power in that one little step
397 · Feb 2014
not sure
Chelsea Feb 2014
how do you express yourself,
how does words flow out your mouth, like the petals down the stream
there is no flow to when i speak
it is like the chips and chops of wood
396 · Aug 2014
Waking Up
Chelsea Aug 2014
i wake up and realize that just because it's a new day
doesn't mean your problems are all gone
sometimes i expect sleep to magically fix it all like in the books and fairy tales
but life ins't a fairy tale, it's a non fiction book that if you pick carefully it could be a great or terrible book.
and sometimes you don't get a say in what that book will be like
because every book is different for every individual
351 · Aug 2014
August 19
Chelsea Aug 2014
when people ask me "what's wrong?"
their guess is just as good as mine because
it seems like what i'm thinking and
what i'm feeling isn't matched up quite right
and i feel crazy for thinking that
but there is no other explanation
     for the constant
350 · Nov 2013
They'll know
Chelsea Nov 2013
Sometimes i'll try to write and no words will form on the paper
It't not because of writers block
I just don't like to think about what i'm actually thinking
Because then i'll know it's true.
They'll know i'm crazy.
341 · Jul 2014
Chelsea Jul 2014
hate how
you words send
shivers down my spine
327 · Dec 2013
"I'm Done"
Chelsea Dec 2013
I guess people don't take it seriously when i say " I'm done"
But I literally am
School's too much and I've barely started , it terrifies me
home is no better either
but i have this guilt inside of me
like i shouldn't be feeling like this and i can't help it,
it's eating away at me.
like the sun melting the snow as the days get  warmer
and I really don't know what to do
and part of me doesn't really care because
"I'm done"
323 · Aug 2014
Then and now
Chelsea Aug 2014
i used to think there was nothing wrong with myself.
i used to listen to people complain about their thighs and stomachs.
while i was perfectly content with my body

i used to read about mental health illnesses
and wonder what it would be like to feel such sadness and to be so anxious

Now that is me. Reality has sunken in too quickly for me to realize what was going on.

I now look at my stomach in disgust and wonder how i got to be so "fat" and now i do have a mental illness.
317 · Nov 2013
i want to leave
Chelsea Nov 2013
i want to escape
to leave this place and never come back
it's like i'm trapped in an unwanted place
but most of all i want to escape from myself.
and the voices i can't seem to shake
313 · Nov 2013
I hate it
Chelsea Nov 2013
I can't talk to anyone about my feelings because i feel like they think i want attention

and i hate it, i hate having to be so scared about things i have no control over
it's not my fault but i can't take my own advice
297 · Aug 2014
Chelsea Aug 2014
My thoughts are foggy and I feel disoriented
But that doesn't stop me from thinking about you
After a while thoughts aren't just thoughts
They do things, they make me feel like this
This mess
Someone who can't stop themselves from being sad because of these thoughts
They control me
I don't just think about you anymore...
I think about the bad between us
The possible heart breaks and I doubt myself
Soon I'll be doubting you too
          Because of
                            my thoughts
294 · Nov 2013
What do i say?
Chelsea Nov 2013
It's getting worst
but i don't say anything
because i don't know
what to say
272 · Aug 2014
Chelsea Aug 2014
i hate myself for not being able to speak about my problems and open up about them. i look at myself and think that if i do people will think im lying or wont understand. i dont have the courage to say half of the things that i need to say in person and some things just aren't meant to be said via text

I just need someone to listen.
254 · Jul 2014
Chelsea Jul 2014
a lot of the time i feel sad for no reason. which i personally think is the worst because you can't fix it. so sometimes i watch a sad movie to give myself a reason to be sad.
it's actually pretty,,, *sad

— The End —