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Apr 2016 · 406
Born too...
Chase martinez Apr 2016
We were born too sin, we were also born too lose or win.
We were also born to make right or wrongs, we were also born too remember every word too our favorite song
We were born too die and we were born too ask a lot of whys
Last but not least we were born to create memories that we will forever store inside our not so beautiful minds
Born too not be like others but too be one of a kind

We came into this world ready too look at the sad and the bad things and once we saw them we wished that we would of have been born blind. There are many things that make us who were are; things  like a color, a song, a movie, or a someone. Sometimes that someone can make who you are, you.

So as you and I grow up we will face days where we have to be strong because we know life isn't that long
Where we laugh and cry because we know one day without choice we will have too say goodbye
Where we look at someone and fall in love because we know they look good in anything they wear
So as life goes on all of these things,and others will happen and in a blink of an eye we will be buried without saying goodbye
you are born too be whoever and whatever you are meant to be

— The End —