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Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Charlotte Cole Oct 2014
Love is a difficult thing to explain.
But then again, love can be difficult.
Love is choosing sushi over chow-mein.
Just because you know its their favorite.

It's the I'm sorry's when your not,
and the thank you's even when your mad.
It's the little presents you buy without forethought.
And the little love notes you discover.

It is the passionate love making,
and the fierce make up ***.
It's the "I think your beautiful"'s when your clearly aging.
It's also the connection and the reminiscing of stories you share.
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
I'm still waiting.
Charlotte Cole Sep 2012
I'm still waiting to become the woman I want to be.
I'm still waiting for true love.
I'm still waiting to find myself.
I'm still waiting for that instant where everything falls into place.

Where I am who I want to be,
Where I Love who I want to love,
Where I can think what I want to think, 
And that instant where I know my place in this world, and I find out what I was waiting for.
Sep 2012 · 785
Things Unseen
Charlotte Cole Sep 2012
How can this be?
A little girl only three?
Hated and abused,
But no one ever knew.
Sep 2012 · 937
Charlotte Cole Sep 2012
I laugh as I recall the innocence of youth. 
Where there was only fun and games,
And no such thing as race or abuse.
Where there was candy instead of *******.
And where we loved instead of hated.
Sep 2012 · 2.0k
Charlotte Cole Sep 2012
I thought I loved once,
But in reality it was lust.
It was that way for many months,
Until one day i saw him with her.

She had hair of gold,
And lips ruby red.
But her heart was oh so cold.
So I left him with her.

They deserved each other.
Both only after one thing.
I know I will recover,
but It will take some time.
Sep 2012 · 609
What is love
Charlotte Cole Sep 2012
What is love?
Is it the touch of your hand? 
The beating of two hearts as one?
I guess I just don't understand..
Is it something that just happens?
Or is it  more planned?

— The End —