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Would you cry at a funeral for someone you didn’t know
Is it enough for you to feel the weight of the room on your shoulders
Could you bear to stand the sight of deaths ugly hand reaching from the casket
Does it scare you less knowing the face is unfamiliar to you
Everyone has something to say tonight
But most of them won’t be able to pass the roadblocks that have been constructed in their throats
Funeral homes have always made me uneasy
I don’t understand why they try to make them feel welcoming
It’s nothing but a waste of time
Everyone who walks in is just wondering when they’ll return again and where they’ll be sitting
I know I’m selfish but I can’t help but think that when my time comes
Who would I expect to stand up and speak in my memory
Would I even be worth the time or will I simply be planted and forgotten
Maybe this feels more familiar than I thought
I won’t hold my breath thinking I’m getting close to home
They say you wouldn’t recognize yourself outside of a mirror
But I’m still confused as to why I keep hearing my name
It's not that I don't love you. It's the time I read my mom's old journals and every other paragraph included my fathers name. It's that he cheated on every girlfriend he had with my mom. It's that my mom didn't care she was a second choice or a one night stand. It's that my mother never talked to anyone about him after he got married to one of the many girlfriends. It's that she took twenty sleeping pills on the night of what would've been their anniversary. It's that he doesn't even know she's dead.

It's not that I don't love you. It's the couple I overheard in the bread aisle arguing over wheat or white. It's that I heard the woman say a lot of "she" and "****" and I saw her crumble to the ground. It's that he just shook his head and said he was sorry over and over again.

It's not that I don't love you. It's that my best friend is in love with a boy on the other side of the country. It's the morning she took a shower and cried over him. It's that he wasn't even awake to do anything about it. It's that he's always three hours behind and thousands too many miles away. It's that I mean both physically and mentally sometimes.

It's not that I don't love you. It's my geometry teacher, who brought up her husband when she taught me tangents. It's that she also brought up her husband when she taught me the circle unit
too. It's that she gets quiet and smiles after she talks about him. It's that he's been passed away for seven years now and she still has so much to say. It's that she still wears her wedding ring. It's that when she taught me special right triangles, I wondered what her laugh might sound like if he were still here.

What I'm trying to say is; It's not that I don't love you. It's that I do.
My spinoff on a popular tumblr poem all are true
 Apr 2014 Mette Kirkegaard
Dag J
intention never went far
down the road at the
end but then again it
never did in its youth either
through the years its only
idea of excitement was the
thought of maybe being
young again in the future
© MMXIV by Day J
 Mar 2014 Mette Kirkegaard
Girls are the emotionally hurt ones
They need a tough boy to come in a rescue them
Well let me tell you, boys aren't superheroes
They go home just like girls and cry too
They have emotional problems, and
Underneath the shell of testosterone and cologne
There is a soft underside, easily bruised
But girls think the need superman to save them
They want him to lift them off their feet as they
Fly away into the refuge of love
But the moment he reveals his emotional underside
Girls turn away, and scrutinize him
How dare HE say he has problems!
I AM the one needing saving! I'm the hurt one!
They turn him away like a side dish,
As they are the main course, with all the problems
Well stop being so vain and thinking you need saving
Because guys sometimes need superheroes too...
I like words with meanings
Flowers with fragrances
Nights with stars
Gems with imperfections
And you with smiles :)

I like colors with life
Teas with sweetness
Spring with rain
Long hugs and late mornings with you :)

I like the rhythm in your laugh
And the deep blue of your eyes
The lean of your body
And the veins in your hands

Buy mostly I like the way that you look at me
Those eyes when they shine so bright and twinkle
In your arms is my place to be
You make life so peacefully simple
:) something I wrote a while back
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